New RANKED mode for more serious players


might be offtopic at first, but i will explain it slighlty better down the line.

how big is your " group " of friends that you keep talking about?

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Frequent players: about 25 - 30.
Total group size: 64 as of current.

Before you say it, YES we play customs.

However, it would be a lot more entertaining overall to have other players on a massive scale.

and… you’re telling us that a total of 64 players couldn’t put together make some sort of mods with all the wanted choices and settings to actually even provide or show something as a gamemode to then gather large attraction and back up even more numbers to hopefully introduce it?

because if the answer is no, and … i’m afraid we both know the answer.

does feel like a:


We are ALL on CONSOLE. We don’t have that option.

We do have “rules” within the custom games, and have to go by an honor system. There is no support for console players to “customize” a custom game beyond choosing the map and what armies are allowed.

EDIT: Please note that console players aren’t even given any kind of access to TEST SERVERS either!!
So when you hear us complaining about new balance changes, its because they didn’t even bother to test how it would effect us!


Well looks like you beat me to it and I was gonna say something like that



that would explains a few things.

which… sounds like, the suggestion it self should be regarding customs.

don’t you think?

like, actually getting improvements for customs.

like, getting the equipment selector that was promised.
more support options for consoles etc, and then push for other suggestions?

sounds like a priority to me ( one that i share too )

yet… no friends of yours visit or interact on the forum?

could help for starter to that improvements for customs.

as much i would like to help. can’t do much beside the one i did a while ago.

but people don’t care. ( at least on pc )

however, an updated version that includes consoles issues with more than 64 likes surely would improve things and get noticed.

which would then additionally open new solutions and a base to work with ideas like the one in this thread.

make customs actual customs instead of… idk what we have can even be called.

( as one would call it, and i find it funny as real, that is Hopium speaking )

A couple of them do here and there, but always get accused of being alternate accounts just because they share the same opinion as me.
They HATE the toxicity that they are shown by other members, so they only really come in when I greatly urge them too.

IF the forums were better monitored and the toxic members actually weeded out, I could see them jumping in more.

I really think that to get the game to actually grow in popularity, especially among console players (I can’t speak for PC), there needs to be more main mode OPTIONS, not just customs.

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Plot twist!

In such ranked mode with FF,

AP mines can be triggered by friendlies.

Afterall, those in Enlisted that you can merely drop WHILE RUNNING or scummy place on rallies, aren’t sweaty or try hard at all…


so… what?

people call me thousants names, one shouldn’t get offended by a bunch of test?

that wouldn’t be a forum, wouldn’t it.

well, that is not certain.

the reason why customs and mods should be improved it’s because it would allow you to do precisely what you want to then gather enough numbers and people to prove a point and eventually turn what you made into a matchmaker of it’s own.

not the other way around.

or come with statements like " many people would like it " to then being literally 50 players enjoying one thing and being mostly deserted like old lone fighter as a matchmaker. devs only make stuff that is played and has potential,. not of niche.
either way,
usually, skipping ahead never works nor makes anything happens.

which, i personally do not know the issues from consoles.
but i do know the issues on pc and how customs aren’t actually customs.

therefore, you can make a big thread about customs, and… i guess send your horde ( :joy: )
but it would certainly improve the situation for everyone and lay a foundation to do what you want.

Yet they have their mech mode that they have made unique assets for and appears for a short time each year…

I’m not asking for unique maps, or even unique items. Just certain elements to be to toggled on or off, and a ranking system, that let’s face it, they just overhauled everything to change it up to the new BR system, AND have frequent events.

It shouldn’t be too hard to set up, and therefore not a huge waste IF it were to fail.

I can try, but I still think a RANKED mode like I am suggesting is ultimately something that NEEDS to happen, to keep the game interesting overall.

Honestly, it could be an interesting addition!
The only stipulation being that friendlies have an indicator on their map as well as above the mine itself to show that there are friendly mines in the area.

That would be too easy.

What I wanted to propose (I’ll have to make a suggestion about it)

Is the addition of a new perk choice:

  • mine detection.

A low cost perk that puts a marker over mines when getting close. Could have incremental radius if you can put many points in it.

Also, ap mines (and unused at mines) really require some animation to set, between 3-5 seconds. And not drop while running, that is just absurd (it’s a bomb, Jeez. Be careful Hans!)

I can agree with the perks but no arming time the game is too fast pace for that type of stuff

I’ve made posts about it in the past. They were shot down, because run-and-gun players don’t want to “have to spend valuable perk points on something that doesn’t make them more effective”.

Then the same needs to be said for grenades!

Why is it that grenades can be quick thrown, AT A DISTANCE, don’t trigger each other to detonate, and up to 3 be carried… YET mines are limited to one per person, have to manually go to the location you want them to be placed (are not ranged), already take time to arm, AND can trigger one another to go off?

No objection here. I find impact annoying.

I see it done with all the grenades, not just impacts.

Ultimately, I’d like to see grenades and mines be given more even balance. Since grenades excel in usage for offense, and mines excel in defense.

Especially in the suggested mode (and some points be in standard as well):

  • BOTH should take a couple of seconds to arm before being thrown or placed

  • BOTH should be able to have additional taken per character

  • BOTH should be able to hurt teammates (in this mode)

  • BOTH should be able to detonate/ chain reaction one another (no more popcorn effect with grenades)

Regular grenades already have a delay before throwing thought.

It’s called “cooking”.

If you don’t, the enormous drawback is risking having it thrown back at you, which is really a big penalty when you think about it.

Also. Enemy grenades are ALWAYS visible. There’s always a marker over it.

Regular grenades are already in a good place. Impact and ap mines not so much, and should have some drawback to using them.

This is simple to overcome even without cooking though.
Land your grenade (frags) where it is out of range from them being able to throw it back, but still in range that it will kill them.

Not only that, but if you chuck it into an entrenched position, through a small window space or something, they are unlikely to throw it back in time.

Also, molotovs.

Maybe make binoculars do this job instead of perk let them when zoomed highlight AP and AT mines since binoculars are useless now

That… would really look silly.

Imagine taking out your binocs, when going inside a building…

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