New RANKED mode for more serious players

I think they could do very well by making more coordinated battles (perhaps with friendly fire from explosions turned ON) a mode as RANKED battles.

This way, players that intend to play in a more intelligent manner than just SPAM, are rewarded more for their efforts and also play alongside more intelligent players, making the game a lot more interesting overall!


players would all start out at the lowest tier, and through victories and through various Battle Hero Awards gain prestige to go up in the rankings.

Now keep in mind, friendly fire damage from explosions would be turned ON, so some of the same tactics that are spammed on casual mode would not fly in the ranked mode. Players would be encouraged to use teamwork and communication.

If you did end up teamkilling often enough, it would remove you from the game, and possibly suspend you from ranked play for a period of time.

Rankings and Rewards:

Similar to the “ranking” system we have now, but with better rewards and harder to obtain ranks.

  • Keep in mind, quitting out of games, or being booted for teamkilling would be the largest knockbacks to rank.

  • Playing games of ranked all the way through regardless of win or loss would only get you out of like the first tier of rank. Enough to separate those that wish to play more seriously and without teamkilling from the rest.

  • Successfully obtaining a Battle Hero Award will allow players to get extra rank points for wins, or at least break even on a loss. Still encouraging players to try hard.

  • Rewards are awarded in sets of milestones for immediate rewards, and end of season reward if on a partial milestone.
    Basically each “Milestone” has 5- 10 tiers/ rewards in between. Once a milestone has been reached, you cannot go down in tier UNLESS you Desert games or are booted for teamkill.
    If the end of the season hits, you still get the rewards up to the inbetween tier that you reached.

  • Rewards would need to be much higher than the current system is.

How it works with BR

Each week, a new BR would be selected. Players can go in as ANY NATION at this BR, and it will take them to the appropriate maps and against the appropriate opponents.

By changing the BR each week, it ensures that all players will have an opportunity to play at least a bit for that season.

PLUS it solves the issue of “not enough players” in that tier.

Please note: this was a topic brought up in the group that I play with, it hasn’t been discussed as much as other topics that I normally bring, so details can definitely still use some polish.
Friendly fire from explosions to prevent spam tactics, big penalties for teamkilling and desertion, and rotation of BR are all absolute musts though.


What teamwork and communication? There isn’t any in this game

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Pings, Map markers, radial wheel communication (all of which could use some work, and this is a good reason to do so).

In addition, it encourages players to reach out to each other and form player groups.
Not everyone wants to be just an antisocial solo player.

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I’m not really fond of ranked things myself. Regular gold ranks never should have been implemented in the first place, they end up hurting the game more than helping it.

As for more intense ranked battles… ugh, I remember the ranked events (with utter disgust).

Might be appealing to some, but I’d just hate this try hard only mode. I’m casual and surprisingly come here to relax, vent. Tryharding is merely unpleasant.

HOWEVER. I’d like a REALISTIC mode instead without superfluous ranks. A bit like in war thunder. Historical battles and loadouts. Friendly fire maybe.

That’s just my opinion.


Ah yes, can’t wait to hear Overlord_Solt spam “BUILD A RALLY POINT!” The. Entire. Match.

Think about the other benefit though:
The try-hard players would flock to this mode, opening up standard for more casual play. Which means you wouldn’t encounter it as much in standard play. Win-Win.

We both know it’s not true.

Most try hards really just love stomping on other players. Bit like bullies.

They wouldn’t leave casual matches to risk meeting others of their own toxic kind…


This, no need for a ranked thing/mode, just need like above.


The only benefit Ranked MM would have is more even matches that last longer than 12 minutes

I would greatly disagree.

My buddies and I all enjoy a competitive match. I’ve met plenty of other players that do to.
In a lot of cases, “try-hards” are looking for some competition, and when they see that they aren’t going to get it in the game they are in, they just blitz that game and end it quick, getting their rewards and moving on.

I don’t disagree that there are toxic players that use spam tactics to stomp other players. However, implementing this suggestion is NOT going increase your chances of running into them in standard play, so why be against it?

Quite hard to imagine them making some sort of separate mode in a game that has so few players that there aint even adequate BR limits.

Just implement better ranking system what we currently have and try to match appropriate players against each other.

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Technically speaking we don’t need such mechanic - instead we could simple do custom games and organise some “serious” matches over the forums here, bet there are some rather “sweaty players” among this community.


Yes but that’s the problem you don’t get full XP in there unless you have a full lobby or you’re trying to do an event


Well I doubt most active Forum sweatlords need XP or Silver anymore to begin with.


Well the new players certainly would like it unfortunately not many know about the game mode until someone tells them about it or they experiment


Then why don’t we make this information more readily accessible? It IS possible

Because the devs don’t make it any easier for new players to find this stuff unless they experiment


something like that is only feasible in custom games.
your proposal has countless holes in the system:

  • it proposes professional game play in a completely anti-professional environment. friendly fire AND being able to get kicked for friendly fire AND deranks for being kicked? the games has tons of ways to accidently friendly fire a whole squad, that wouldnt work out

  • penalties for leaving matches while not being able to chose game mode/map → nonsense

  • this would split up matchmaking queues with detriment to the whole player base without any significant advantage

  • the main advantage this could have is concentrating sweatlords within specific ranked games so new players dont have to deal with them, but 99% of all sweatlords are weak and specifically want to play against weaker → new players, therefore this wouldnt even work

  • ranked games require balanced & fair matchmaking. the most unfair thing in enlisted are player stacks vs. teams with less players in stacks, your system has no protection against this, making it completely unsuited for professional game play

  • there actually are ways to set up a competitive system in enlisted without much organizational/cording work. its too much to explain, ill do so when i see DF being willing to do the work.



Who says this is for the benefit of newbs? I want a challenge and a team with the balls to meet that challenge