New radio operator command: Supply crate drop

when you will repair game basics like totally retarded bots (no last repair doesnt work) or tanks killing through whole huge buildings or hills

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Most the time it wouldn’t kill people in phantom pain at least from my experience with its use, but here? There’s no such thing as non-lethal. And it’s a big box from the sky. I’ve watched a squad get crushed by a paratrooper crate in Stalingrad. I’d expect this to be no different. Guess we’ll just have to find out when the update drops.

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It adds strategy. This is war, not a skydiving retreat. If you want paratrooper support and supply drops, go allocate your forces to killing enemy flak guns and fighter planes.

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:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: you already know it babybone

Does the supply crate resupply engineer materials? Or just ammunition?

The video doesn’t show materials, but the context of this post does make it hinted at.


Snipers provide overwatch for the assault team and use their optics to gauge where pressure is coming from and respond. Thinning out a rush with multiple, precise shots can be the difference between success and failure.


In my opinion, premiunexclusivity for a season, then event squad the next season is the way to go. Nothing should be added to the tree until after premiums and event squads are added to the mix to find how they will really impact the game.

Since those guns dont physically exist that sounds a little odd?

Might be cool if they did exist and were destroyable (temporarily disabled). BF 2 did this, and sort of like a PVE objective in warthunder.



i wish they did that, I absolutely loved to do side missions in bf2 where I would flank the enemy base with a commando, place C4 and blow everything up. I loved how my actions affected enemy team directly. That kind of stuff really makes the game meaningful.

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I like the recon idea - if it flies over, marks enemy vehicles/rallies and a few infantry markers for larger groups - but only the same kind of marks players would make.

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Any news regarding the crashes due to mods that previously worked?

Just update your mod to most recent version of the game and everything should be fine now.

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Modders need to know what might be causing the issue.
Everything worked fine before and now we have crashes.

Sound engine update. As far i know if you update the mod, everything will be okay afterwards.

folks who won’t use engineers to build won’t use these either.

So now all I need is my sniper and a radio operator to drop more ammo.

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it would be nice if darkflow implemented some kind of fail safe for outdated sound banks, like, perhaps loading all of the default sounds first then loading mods over top of them, or something like that

as a modder it would be a nice qol because i published like 4 or 5 mods or so and i really do not want to have to go through them all and make sure they are up to date with every patch

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Will pilots be able to shoot down the incoming planes providing the supply drops?

You can shoot down transport planes flying in with paratroopers, the supply drop is probably identical in mechanics.