New radio operator command: Supply crate drop

cant fight aerial threat if the aerial threat keep suiciding themself

also sure let have a tank drop it will be chaotic fun

and that’s why I suggested revert a bit the nerf they have :>

hello will :slight_smile:

that sounds badass

I agree a bit, look, i believe you when you say your a good shot. If you are, i would gladly have you fighting on my side. However, bad players storming the point can at least stand around to take the point. They might be useless but they stil do something. A bad player that tries to pay sniper does absolutly nothing for the team. Thats the difference i think. I personaly get kinda tired having 5 sniper on my team while losing badly and beeing the only one that acctualy goes to the point. It trully makes some games unwinable. Butttttttt i do agree sniper get to much hate, people are to quick to judge, there are a lot of good sniper players

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you forget that current bombers were a lot more powerful when they came out and they were heavily nerfed after community complaints.

to force paratroopers to jump out of a falling plane early and miss their landing point? to deny enemies an ammo resup? there’s more to enlisted than just how many points you get

yeah add helicopters, i was literally the clan uber driver back when i played Rust, i love flying those things

No. Only ammo.


It’s completely identical to a normal engineer ammo box
So 10 standard uses, and special stuff like rocket launchers/mortars instantly use the supply box.


better yet, just one nuke

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Exclusiveness was the deal, and I paid for it. Change the deal after payment? Hell no. HMG was never said to be Exclusive, so it’s invalid comparison. Change the deal aftereards means broken credit. No more payment ever!


It would be nice if there was some way introduced to replenish the grenades - including the rifle-launched ones. As of now, only the RMN-50 offers that functionality


The first person who understands what snipers do instead of labeling them as gamer scum. Your reply made my day.

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That would be nice. I’m all for it, and a couple extra grenades wouldn’t hurt either. And for sure mortar ammo should also be available

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I know they were stronger but its still a great opportunity to add a little representation of a class of vehicle that would otherwise never be implemented in game. I don’t ever see them giving us a B29 as an Attack Plane that’s for sure

So make the bombing runs stronger so their price is justified and make them Heavy Bombers to thematically fit along side it

In my opinion with any Premium squad the real selling point is their unique primary weapon. I intend on buying the squads as well but I don’t think a mechanic like rocket artillery should be restricted. Back when HMGs or even Bombing Runs was released I would’ve felt the same way if they tried to make them exclusive. Heck theoretically when we get Flak Cannons as a likely unique AT squad building I’d be annoyed if they tried to make it exclusive to a single Premium squad

I think because ultimately in my view I don’t think any mechanics should be restricted. Unique weapons and vehicles are fine, but not mechanics because I feel mechanics add more spice and dynamics to the game and make it fun. Making rocket artillery just available for 2 squads severely limits its use in game and that whole mechanic would just be left on the shelf collecting dust


I think the formation size could be bigger. Right now its super easy to intercept solo. i dont really see many of these call ins, and when you do they dont make it to target. (some poor sod blew a long cool down so you could pad your score)

Just for discussions sake : Bomber formation Twice the size, Each plane worth half their current score.

some planes might make it through


Wow, You did something amazing for the game bravo👏

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Cool. One more benefit for camp snipers and camp fighters.