New radio operator command: Supply crate drop

Most of the people who think they’re heroes who miraculously storm a point and blast the occupants to smitherines never see the sniper shoot the Kraut to their side cooking a grenade or the sniper pin down reinforcements from a flank and have them stop their charge to spin and take cover or the sniper spot a tank through his scope to let everyone know where it’s at.

They just chew up reinforcements with nothing to show for it.

There’s nothing quite like sniping an entire squad at full sprint from very far away and being called a cheater lol

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You’re not seeing big enough.

Think regular arty, with air strike
PLUS the new rocket barrage (and add in the smoke barrage for good measure)


Ah… I just miss smoke barrage. Was the only reason I really brought stereo guys :pensive:


I kind of disagree with this. Yes I understand it can be a little annoying when you want to call in artillery but are forced to wait. But on the other I think its fine because that’s just what happens when you’re apart of a team, in every moment each player does what they think is best for the battle. Some guy thinks we should use smoke artillery, another wants to call in planes.

I also think its fine because it adds more “weight” or pros/cons for different radio call-ins. I like that sort of logic. Artillery has a smallish range but good for bombarding a point, Bombing Runs theoretically can do a lot more damage but they have a huge radius and can destroy rallies, buildings, enemies waiting in the flanks or running towards the objective but has a longer cooldown and is vulnerable to be shot down.

This is also why I had a different idea for how rocket artillery should be. I don’t think it should be a straight up better than Regular Artillery. I think it should have a larger radius and a shorter cooldown time but its projectile strikes are random, working similar to how they functioned in real life. Pros and cons.

I think radio call-ins should be divided by type, offensive and support and each share their own cooldown. So basically you could have an offensive and support radio call-in at the same time. Offensive would be artillery, rocket artillery, and bombing runs. Support are smoke artillery and supply drop


that’s really great.

and even better that radioman can also use it outside the radio squad.
just like smoke artillery should be.

have been waiting for this one in a long time :slight_smile:

although, will this crate replenish engineer points, or like also grenades with cooldowns?

or only bullets for main weapons.


i’d wished for this crate to replish medic syringes too

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I am glad to see another idea I had, supply drops, implemented into the game. Here are some more suggestions I’ve had for Radio Operators

First, I think rocket artillery should be for ALL radio operators. I don’t think a gameplay mechanic should be locked to just a single Premium and Event squad. When HMGs were first introduced they were unlocked by default for the Premium Early MG42 Squad (which were released together) and for all Premium MG squads…BUT HMGs can be unlocked in the research tree for regular MG squads. It would’ve been ludicrous if when HMGs were added they were locked to just one single squad like Rocket artillery. That feature would’ve immediately went down the drain if it was limited and would barely ever be used in game. So make Rocket artillery available for ALL radio operators.

Theoretically it can be unlocked by default for the Premium and Event radio squads but Regular radios can unlock it as an upgrade like bombing runs

Second, I don’t think rocket artillery should be a straight up better than regular artillery in every way. I prefer dynamic balance where there are pros and cons to utilizing something in battle and having different reasons for using it. My idea for rocket artillery is based on how they worked in real life. In real life rocket artillery was lighter and more mobile than gun artillery but it was much less accurate and used as shock weapon to demoralize the enemy. So my idea is that Rocket artillery would have a larger radius and shorter cooldown time than regular artillery but its projectile strikes would be random.

Regular artillery is good for bombarding a single area and destroying everything in it but it has a moderate cooldown and the radius is small enough that the enemy can wait it out on the flanks. Rocket artillery has a larger range and can potentially hit targets outside the objective area and a shorter cooldown time meaning your team will be able to call it in and the enemy will have to deal with it often. So a given enemy may have a higher percent chance of surviving a strike but it covers a wider area so it’s not easy to just wait it out a few feet away. So the enemy may still hold on the objective but then it is left up to fate where the rockets will land. And the shorter cooldown time means the enemy has to deal with this threat more often.

Third, some other new radio call-ins I’ve thought of. Recon Planes would not have a big announcement like bombing runs because its not much of recon if it tells the enemy its coming. That means the enemy will have to pay attention if a recon plane is coming if they want to shoot it down. Recon planes can help spot enemy tanks, rally points, Engineer constructs, AT and AA guns.

Recon planes can also spot enemy infantry. To clarify I don’t mean that it will spot and highlight enemies like Battlefield. When an enemy recon plane spots an enemy it merely places a spot on the exact point it saw the soldiers like a snapshot. This helps give your team a little inference of enemy movements. This feature would especially be useful for mortars and planes. How many times have you experienced teammates spamming need enemy coordinates. Well recon planes can help you

Incendiary bombing runs would have a longer cooldown than regular bombing runs.

Next, I think bombing runs should be overhauled/ replaced with Heavy Bomber planes. Currently all bombing runs are just a squadron of Medium bombers. I also think that the Medium bombers of each faction’s current bombing run should be reimplemented as playable vehicles as we already have some medium bombers as attack aircraft.


Is funny, no one will play Engineer
But you all scream for rally’s
so they give a spawn APC
Is funny, No one will play Engineer
But you scream for ammo
now they give you ammo, in a drop

What the next thing for making Engineers redundant?
oh wait, there still AA which you haven’t given to another squad, Yet


Because most of the time, there is a valid tactical need in battle to have a freedom to use an artillery strike, and no reason for it to be blocked for a few minutes by the bombers slowly flying from the end of the map. Let’s not forget the fact that bombers have little chance of killing anyone because of the early warning on the map, easiness of shooting down the planes before they reach the target (machine guns are enough to take all 5 down, no 20mm’s needed), and weak bombs that only destroy vehicles on direct impact.
The fact that bombers block arty for 4 minutes is outrageous. Total paralysis of the most effective support (artillery) for full 4 minutes in exchange for some hope that some of the bombers will reach their target in (not necessarily) precisely the moment when the enemies are in the reach of the bomb explosions.

You should have also mentioned the limited angle of the AA cannons which allows the assault planes to attack safely on low altitudes, and the machinegun nests that cannot aim high enough to shoot at the windows on a second floor, or low enough to defend against the infantry running up to the defended building

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I disagree and don’t think Engineers are being made redundant whatsoever

The Engineer still has the capability to build an ammo box and rally in a strategic location in any nook and cranny

Also there are many times where Engineers aren’t building ammo boxes when needed so now radio operators have a chance to support the team.

Also APCs can be destroyed as they’re driving. I’m sure many of us have destroyed APCs when we’ve noticed them driving straight towards the objective

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Bad idea :unamused:

Rocket spam should be limited.

Air drop stationary gun


for premium only tho we dont want everyone to do that now do we (sarcasm)

This feeds into my idea of overhauling/ replacing the current bombing runs with Heavy Bomber planes instead. They would be stronger and harder to shootdown and may have a more powerful payload. Therefore it makes them valuable for your team as well as making it more of a challenge and incentive for the enemy team to shoot down making it not too easy as well as justifying their cooldown. It’s a win win

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The major benefit of calling in an air strike is to send the enemy fighter planes to the extreme end of the map to stop them from attacking ground troops

The concept of throwing 5 bombers only as an expendable, harmless bait to drag the attention of a single fighter for a couple of minutes is preposterous when you think of it… but in Enlisted, it’s true, that’s the role in which the bombers are most effective (which is pathetic).

Why not…

Air drop rally? :stuck_out_tongue:


yes plz i would buy it in an instant

Here we go - air APC’s…


and people seem to forget about glider tank i would want those tbh