New radio operator command: Supply crate drop

Sir, this is a thread about boxes falling from the sky.


Also we took into account your feedback about GI(Global Illumination) and soon we will show some more improvements on this field.


im gonna guess it will be para plane for ammo box which is not bad tbh

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Would we get models for British/italian planes like the heavy bombers?

my beloved James, do they plan make something for let them refill medic crates or flasks?


interesting idea tbh, i can forward it as a suggestion, but i think only ammo is already enough.

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Does refilling ammo include grenades as well?

Oh god no, no more nade spam pls.


Are the visual improvements to dark lighting conditions any…foreshadowing (I’ll wait right here a moment)…for a near future night battle being added to the game?

I can think of a premium version of this feature being able to drop in a weapon crate for the lower level players in the round to be able to jump in, grab a “one time use” powerful weapon, and throw in. One crate per round. It just needs to get called in by someone with the ability.

To balance, the drop location could be uncontrollable by the player and dropped in a random spot.

then it would be reasonable for every arty man (without arty squad) to have access to smoke arty also.


Where is dev? I waited a long time.

Then why is your arty “busy” if you called in the planes instead? If you want to justify it by arty is currently busy then bomber sharing a cooldown does not make sense at all.


@James_Grove have any reasons/fixes for the recent crashes (possibly caused my mods that previously worked) been found?

How much ammo does each drop have? Is the amount of ammo limited?
And will all the weapons that currently deplete an entire crate (like explosives) deplete this one aswell or will they still have some ammo left?

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What do you have against snipers? They can carry the game as well as any other class. I hate when I have teammates that die on the first contact with the enemy and/or leave the zone unguarded when killing no enemies on their way to capture our zones. I saved multiple games as a sniper just eliminating the enemy squads before they reached the point (which was empty even though our infantry could march right in)

this has to be addressed, paratroopers’ box should have at least a different icon, but different design would also be helpful

This needs to be changed. My artillery shouldn’t have to wait because my airplane dropped a crate somewhere on the battlefield.
People already ignore smoke screen barrage option and airstrike because it resets the cooldown of the standard arty. Players will refrain from using various radio features 'cause they will not want to block themselves from using arty strikes.


How does the soldier end up with 75 ammo in his reserve after the resupply when the gun takes 20 round clips?
Do you now get partial mags from boxes with just 3 quarter of a mag? or is this just an oversight in the video?

Darkflow, and all the developers, you have made a great decision!
It is welcomed and no one should ever say anything bad about this

And for me, its time to learn how these radio operator called planes work and put into my mod lol

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