New mission in the “Battle for Moscow” dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Thanks for the active discussion! The main feature of the Manor mission is the battle inside a large multi-storey building made according to historical drawings. The next missions in Moscow will be more open and spacious.


okay after playing the first match on Manor, I came to the realization that the PPK-41 needs to be either nerfed or taken out of the game. Its such a whore to go up against a soviet player only to be deleted in 2 seconds when he uses a PPK. It doesn’t really help either since the inside is a narrow hallway, which can be a dice roll of either you are ready to fire or they’re ready to fire. Which reminds me of an enspaced multiplayer map in a COD game where 9 times outta 10, its the “whoever shoots first is the winner” type scenario. Visually it looks great but man.

Why you replied me? I see no reason do do it.

oh no i was responding about the new map. my bad

but yeah this my current first impressions about Manor

It is not only PPK but it is true that very close quarters type of combat is where SMGs (especially high RoF soviet SMGs) shines. While PPK alone is not to blame, the rest of that premium squad consists of PPDs and shotguns (that creates perfect squad composition for this map) which makes that squad stronger than anything axis can throw at them.

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Manor is a garbage map,

easily the worst map in Enlisted

Instead of fixing the SMG problem, devs just made it even worse

I hope you will keep your promise.

again, I have high hopes for this game and I don’t want it being ruined in early stage
Im looking forward to future development


Please consider making the B capture zone on the courtyard side of the Manor, so that fighting for control of the courtyard would be more rewarded. As it stands now, the map promotes the use of only automatic weapons because of how tight all corridors are inside the manor and with how tiny the B point is, it is really hard both to attack or defend it, turning the entire area into a clunky meatgrinder

Except for the German premium squad, imo it still outclassed everything

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Better accuracy is hardly worth that much in such a close quarters which is the reason why soviet premium squad is simply better suited for this map. So in this case, MP 41 is getting more credit than its worth.

Just another reason to rebalance the map

Imo the castle area should only be one of all 3 capture zones, just like chateau le Bosq

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Legit the reason why i like the Le Bre city ruins map in the Normandy campaign is because its a middle of the road map, it utilizes close quarters, but it also has a feeling of being spacious map, not large but not small either. This map, if you don’t have an smg or shotgun or any explosive items on you, forget about it.

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Really dislike the “puzzle paths” around B capture point - the various staircases and attic access ladders make it a position where “local knowledge” (ie experience moving around those pathways) plays far too much of a role in the battle.

sure experience should count for something, but this isn’t a 4-Ex game, and IMO knowing nooks and crannies of the map shouldn’t be a major factor.


After a few games, I personally like the map. I love close quarters action as I find it more intense. As many other people have said, the A and C point should be moved because half the map just ends up unused. Tanks and planes are basically useless as everyone is inside. Still, it’s a fun map with a couple kinks that I trust the developers will fix eventually

I will found some photos of Manor. Good job!

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See Чернышёвы — Википедия

and Ярополец — Википедия

And you can see the remnants on Google Earth if you search for “Чернышёвых Ярополец”


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I’ve finally played this map a few times to be able to get a decent impression of it, and I have to say that I enjoy playing on it. It’s a great looking environment and imo it plays pretty decently, though I would have to agree that perhaps the B point should be moved to the courtyard, so some longer ranges can come into play as well.

Overall, I think it is a fairly positive addition to the map lineup, and I think it would be excellent if the devs could find a way to incorporate the manor in an invasion mode, since I think invasion is the best mode that Enlisted has to offer currently.


Totally agree. This map does my head in :exploding_head: Get rid of it or refine trenches part. Just a mad scramble and meat grinder. :raising_hand_man:

Would it be possible to create a way to load the maps into offline mode and/or having a free-move spectator camera? That way, I could make very detailed reviews on all the maps :slight_smile:


I personally like it, but all of my teammates are in lemming-mode all the time on it and I can’t understand why.

There are multiple ways to approach the objectives but they all funnel themselves down the same hallways.

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