New mechanics for repairing armored vehicles

I like the idea of having airstrips to land and rearm and repair, but the d-day landing maps are the place where it makes the least sense to have allied aircraft landing to rearm.

Are land based fighters and bombers expected to land on the aircraft carriers that were non-existent in the channel? Maybe they should fly all the way back to England to land? Or an imaginary channel island airstrip a few miles from shore that the Germans didn’t notice?

There aren’t any good answers for that one so it’s either magical midair rearming or nothing. Everywhere else should have a place to land though I’m all for that.

But they dont always just die… they do break at times…
Not all tank shells always oneshot and not all bombs/detpacks explode the ontarget, but still shread their tracks.

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To all of you that says tanks will have to be more careful and play smarter; they wont. They will however be way more reluctant to push objectives together with infantry. This change will mostly punish more aggressive tankers since they are usually the ones taking the first shot from opposing camping tanks and AT weapons.

Without and equal nerf to infantry AT I predict this will lead to way more grey zone camping and HE spamming, which is boring for everyone.

So to compensate for this nerf to tanks I would suggest reducing the amount of shots for anti tank rifles/ launchers. A single infantryman shouldn’t be able to carry more than 2 or 3 panzerfausts. It should take some skill to takes out a tank, not just spam at them with rocket launchers. Learn to aim! I would also suggest reducing the effectiveness of explosive packs. A single dude with an explosive pack shouldn’t be able to kill a heavy tank by throwing it at its tracks. It should destroy the track but not detonate the ammo like its does right now.


finally those gray campers will need to get to cover o expose to infantry/snipers to repair his camping tank xD

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Who know what battle rating will send ppl to Normandy dday?

Or there could simply be what we have now: carrier based aircrafts like in Pacific, and better planes, that cannot use them.

Could be a mix.

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this is a good opportunity to increase the volume of smoke of infantry smoke grenades. then your tank crew can pop smokes to protect against sniper fire while repairing. right now the effect is too limited.

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i did

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You play M4A2 Sherman and get 0 kills?
I don’t want to be a jerk but that sounds like a serious skill issue. Its HE is super OP, stronger than Königstiger HE, I can clear entire bunkers and buildings with it.

Learn how to aim your gun and shoot hard objects because boxes, soft ground, trees are unreliable, often recudcing the kill zone around the impact or go through the object.

For maximum effect hit Infantry directly, instant squad wipe, often for all nearby squads.


towing the tanks should have been implemented form start really, of all they just copied from WT, and then miss this critical feature

yes absolutely! 1 panzerfaust is really all you should get. and while at it remove completely the upgrade unlock of having 2 weapon no one was running around like that.
back to AT Rifles, the larger rifles should also not be able to run around with and shot standing nor on a knee, they should only be able to be used laying down and bipods in ground, it’s way too ridiculous and a very skewed unrealistic representation of these guns, most of the AT Rifles were large, heavy and long, carried by several soldiers, and used in fixed position, not a free weapon you could run arround with shooting from the hip, it’s ridiculous.
Also the explosives should maybe not be able to throw like handgrenade, set on fire and toss it infront of you like half a meter at most, being able to throw explosive like currently like rugbyballs is way to op and doesn’t sit right either


This is a really good improvement on the boring, stale and unrealistic current repairs affair. and like pointed out takes away that ridiculous hiding behind the tanks being able to repair the gun, unrealistic at it’s most dumb.
Now just need tow feature so can help pulling friends out of fires away and be able to repair safely.
will be much more interesting tank gameplay

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I’m just waiting for hellcat and whatever the new napalm plane is (hopefully corsair)

bots mostly doesnt know direction of enemy, grenades sometimes doesnt scratch at 1 m distance, some players could move like speedy gonzales after energy drink and every bullet from their semiauto rifles hits, soldier after use of medkit ALWAYS stand up (natural under heavy fire, right?), and your biggest issue is at which side of tank is crew killed during repair. I think that this is a hobby project where author does what he just enjoy


The new fomo plane :upside_down_face:

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plz fix jagdpanther gunner sight zoom out

I’m just waiting for that update to work on it, because I DO NOT WANT TO MISS IT.

Then try killing 5 AI bomber in Normandy, let see if you back up your “skill issue”

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I’m not an idiot who relies solely on AA to take out bombers, that’s what fighters are for you dingus.

Bruh, I was talking about AA, since you brag about how many planes you kill with that shite

Of course a fighter can kill planes, I didn’t asked that did I?

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