New mechanics for repairing armored vehicles

Isn’t this what smoke shells are for

Havent had much of issues with AA guns lately, sure it requires more than 1 hit but you can actually down a plane with it unlike in past.

Well, combined arms game.
And id say planes has had theyr nukes nerfed quite alot more than tanks in past.
Il grant that, I havent ever heard anyone to ask this new fixing feature and can it can be somewhat inconvenient to tankers.
The planes dont have such luxury of fixing at all.

How can you use them if your main gun is damaged, lol?


Good point… lol sorry it’s early for me…


Doesnt some of them have separate launchers for smoke ?
I might be wrong.


Why toxic?

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Yeah, but theirs smoke is underperforming in comparison to smoke shells.

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Maybe not toxic, but again, when everything encourages fast turnover, if keeping a crippled tank working requires too much time and effort, it becomes pointless because you could just respawn.

(Instead of staring at a series of progress bars, while keeping a team slot occupied with a disabled tank.)


Shush, you!

It ain’t because I would definitely and completely voluntarily tow my friends with me to become wise panzers of the lake, that this shouldn’t be implemented!

Mmh. It’s a wonder that I still finish top of the score lists while playing so erratically…


yea that happen to me too when im not even focusing on the game kinda weird ngl

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yea but the old aa have 4 barrel which you can down like half of the formation before it arrive now i admit this new aa require precise aiming which can either be good or bad base on anyone opinion. But i do want old aa back for the sake of shooting down at least 1 or all the bomber instead of wasting 60 round and down only 1 bomber. Anyway idk if you understand my intention all i wanna say is the old aa( after they make aa unable to kill infantry) was better than 1 gun that shoot 20 round. Now i know the jap have a triple barrel aa gun and russian quad mg so why cant we have that? idk i think it a good middle ground for all of us.

This is a really cool change.


Tanks being weak to infantry is a cornerstone of keeping the game balanced around infantry

This isn’t a tank game.

A tank that is too tough just roflstomps

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Tank is weak to infantry.
Tank is weak to planes.
Tank is weak to tanks.

I thought tanks were supposed to be… more tanky.


Man, I usually carry a repair kit on some of my soldiers to repair allied vehicles, it already kinda feels like wasting time I could be pushing the objective but now I will be even risking my ass to do so?

Fuck it, extra med kit it will be


I mean this sounds cool, but at the same time kinda makes all my Engineers having Large Backpacks with 2 tool kits each kinda useless, like I might as well go ahead and switch them out for just 4 med kits or just get rid of the Large Backpacks.

Am I really going to see that one of my teammates tanks is damaged mid battle, and take the time to run around to the various parts of the tank and repair each, while being fired at from various angles by the enemy? Probably not. Currently its fine, since you can just duck behind one part of the tank that isn’t exposed to enemy fire and just ya know…repair the tank.


Real life is not a good gameplay experience. Also, IRL, tanks are vulnerable to close in infantry. if they have good anti-tank weapons. So. It’s not THAT far off. The only thing in the game that is too effective is the demo charges. But that’s a solid gameplay decision and they have balanced them over time to be less effective against infantry. So, all in all, I think it’s at a good spot

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mixed feelings.

on one hand, i’m all about sort of realism.

but on the other… i can already imagine this system promoting gray area campers even more.


same here,I see the blue tool on a tank and my engie RAN like a mad boy to save you

Yeah no one is going to push their tank up if they know they will have to run around and repair multiple parts when its damaged. They will stay back where its safer to leave and run around.