New game mode 'Lone Fighters' - leave your FEEDBACK here plz

In Lone Fighters mode you can now select members of your group as a spawn point. The group can be composed of your friends or random players. Each group member will have their own number displayed on the map and spawn selection window.

Also the Invasion mode in Moscow campaign has been rebalanced: time lowered to capture strategic point and increased reinforcements points for the attacking team.

We will appreciate your feedback!

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honestly, wasn’t a fan of it, feels like ever other WW2 game now

I still like playing squads more

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The game mode needs to have a much higher player count, as well as having increased XP gain for your player. Currently I believe the XP gain has not been touched at all from base. Also, if you’re going to add bots, which I think you shouldn’t, at least indicate that they are bots don’t try to lie about them and give them real player names, it comes off as underhanded. As for the new changes, good that we can now see squadmates as that should have been there day 1. As for spawning on squadmates, this is a little controversial and bleeds into my main criticism for Enlisted which I will detail somewhere else.
TLDR you guys have to decide whether this is going to be a casual battlefield style shooter or something slightly more realistic. By adding spawn on squadmates, you have essentially made the engineers spawnpoints useless. This is not a good addition and feels like a bandaid for an amputated limb.

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Needs real people and NO bots why even have this mode when it’s sti full of bots it takes away the challenge of playing vs real players and after a while bores me enough to go play somthing else. Needs real players only and more player count

Where do you get these real players from?

If people don’t wanna play the mode, they ain’t gonna play the mode.

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Bots are automaticaly used to fill spots if there is not enough players. Sadly, very low amount of people actually plays lone player mode which automaticaly leads to large amount of bots that have to take their place.

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gotta love his devotion in pushing for something that it’s far from being a miracle.

not understanding current limits.

will he understand that the spam perhaps will not lead anywhere?.

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I don’t care for lone fighters and don’t enjoy the emphasis on fighting players that openly exploit weaknesses in the game design to gain an advantage. I enjoy SQUADS much better.

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“Lone fighters” was made to shut the mouths of players who didn’t want fighting with bots

But as it turns out, squads is much more played and Lone fighters is only an obstacle to future development because devs can’t introduce larger maps for squads when having to care about lone fighters too

Please do not revive all of these old threads so much. Feedback on outdated threads is not really relevant anymore as the devs have moved on to work on other stuff instead.

Lone fighters is my prefered mode,what’s wrong with having both anyway?

I presonally prefer all players being real players not ai,but for those who prefer bots there is squads.

I started playing on the 17th of April right from the games like RS2:Vietnam, Insurgency, or Battlefield 4 and I will provide some of the valid feedback.
Lone Fighters:

  • this should be main gamemode - bots in Squads are unpolished and it is common to lose them despite best efforts

  • respawn limit is plain dumb - it doesn’t work well when spawns are camped and this is also common to die from rocket attack just on beginning, tickets should be bound to deaths in game

  • spawn limit encourages to plain exploiting the forward spawns to get easy kills - this should not be case especially against new players

  • the player limit should be increased to 32x32 players instead of 25x25 - planes and land vehicles should have separate spawn limits

  • there should be “commander” - a role-specific to coordinate in this game mode for land and air forces - pings are not enough (those are really static and inaccurate), the commander should issue orders, mark targets to attack, and can deploy forces faster

  • there should be put more emphasis on communication between players - it is common for player next to you to simply ignore his/her surroundings where positioning and coordination is a key

  • forward spawns should be market on map and should be able to be capped for points (with no impact to the main objectives, just extra points for players)
    Weapons and Equipment:

  • remove medic kit use after lethal damage - it is a dumb idea overall - in a close fight is frustrating to be downed and finished that way, one shoot one kill should be a reward not a chore to do

  • recoil of semi-automatic weapons is bigger than submachine guns - m1a1 is uncontrollable while Thomson is a laser pointer to some degree

  • grenades should have a chance to damage tracks and wheels of vehicles - this is in Warthunder I don’t know why such explosives aren’t doing anything to light vehicles

  • equipment should be able to be picked from downed enemies and allies - from both squads and lone fighter

  • tools should be able to damage enemy soldiers and vehicles - in case of vehicles some movable parts should be manageable to be wrecked by it

  • there is now no point for planes to land - takeoff and landing setting should be removed or these should have a chance to be utilized

  • planes are like balls while ramming each other - there is almost no consequence doing it - I don’t know how it is possible while in Warthunder it is just not the case

  • bolt action rifles should not have that big advantage over semi-automatic weapons or submachine guns - there should be a suppression mechanic - this is simply not the case here and a person who is grinding can still lose to basic weapons with no real way of being it possible

  • reload animation of lee Enfield is glitched - it will reload two clips to the magazine when it still has 4 rounds in it

  • there should be the same mechanic like in Warthunder to help stuck vehicles - it should be in a first-place here because of harder control in the first person it is easy to get stuck for a player playing such genre for the first time and of course, accidents happen

  • there should be an option to heal other players (medic role) and engineers should be able to help with repairs of all vehicles (I don’t know why tanker has to risk all his crew to do this as well)

  • we should be able to mark routes and points of interest on the map directly

  • radio operators hold too much power - this is unacceptable that they can call strikes just after the first spawn on enemy spawn points

  • maps should be bigger by extending movable space on them

  • main spawn should not be infringed by any means and should be on protection - forward spawns should have limited protection to limit spawn camping

  • explosives have a too-small area of effect - their primary function is to combat infantry and destroy structures suppression mechanic should be applied to them as well

  • stamina should impact gun and equipment use

  • fps drops are a issue - even on lowest details

No. Squads are the main draw of this game.

25x25 has proven to be hard to fill up with human players from time to time.

Fucked up damage models.

They only got advantage on the first shot. You play a squad based game. Lone soldiers Was only added as afterthought and the game has not been balanced with only 1v1s in mind. In squad mode, bolt actions lose out because their DPS/TTK is lacking severely compared to (semi)automatic weapons as you need to chew through 6-9 soldiers instead of 1.

It’s not fun to just randomly lose the ability to fight because some SMG fired in your general direction. No thanks.

This is not some fantasy game where your level 100 warlock is invincible to a level 1 newbie. These are guns. They shoot bullets. These bullets kill people. Including you.

Is a thing

Is also a thing

Artillery cannot drop outside of the battle area. As such, you can simply walk around the drop area as they will aim at the point closest to your spawn if you draw a direct line from one of the capture points. Take a detour and you will survive.

No. Forward spawns in practice never get camped for long as they are easily destroyed if found. A player will not respawn there if instantly killed either, unless they lack a brain. If anything, rally point spawn, deaths should be punished for using an unsafe, overextended spawn point.

Nope. These are about realistic values for ww2 grenades.

Again, no thanks.

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TCatPlaysGamezYT Your response is so untrue that I don’t know how to even start.

They shouldn’t - squads are total mistake - no matter what you are going to say bots are completely incapable - it is infuriating to try to keep them alive.

Ask yourself why - personally due to the bad map design and spawn camping I am leaving 30% of matches earlier. Go play D-Day on American side no matter witch game mode to see why this game requires not only bigger player base but also tickets for the defenders.

This is not excuse - they are doing it for years and they are using assets from WarThunder. They should refer their sources because it is really no excuse for company sitting years with research of weaponry to make such mistakes.

Just no - semi automatic weapons are in huge recoil disadvantage due to weird balance decisions. This is not even good example - bots are incapable for providing good fire and lack of suppresion mechanic invalidates this argument. You can kill entire squad (1 guy + bots) without a problem with bolt action rifle when semi auto here lags behind.

It is not fun to lose to a guy sitting in corner or in building with blot action rifle. What is the point of having weapons other than bolts then? I cannot suppress enemies - If I try I will lose due to recoil without no repercussions to the enemy. Bs in its finest. And you are afraid that you lose a capacity to fight - good - this is what suppresion does.

I have to sacrifice med kit to do this - it is plain dumb to defend it like this, medic should be mandatory - I cannot even take another bandage from supply box (despite being capable of picking ammo for small as for heavy arms as well endlessly). Enginner cannot repair vehicle despite being capable of building entire fortifications without repair kit - are we even talking about the same thing here?

Total bs - I am dropping artillery and saw artillery dropped on spawn points. Planes also can bomb spawn points. Sometimes I am just spawning to immediately die - what do you recommend in such situation - because I am leaving such match in this case.

Another total bs - I can recall several cases when a guy was just camping on top or in forward of forward spawn point. This is total bs to even say that I have to be punished because engineer is trying to help his team just to be exploited by some incapable retard to get some easy kills. Combined with spawn limit this is total bs and you know it.

Whare are bleed out effects after getting hit by shrapnel? And why you won get knocked out by blast - HE shells have less explosion radius than HEAT shell (despite having more explosive filler). Total bs.
In conclusion you are defending a bad design choices due to getting used to it not because it is good like it is. Some of your arguments are totally wrong - I even saw people exploiting bugs and glitches, planes bouncing like balls, immortal enemies (shoot entire clip from grand in point blank just to watch in confusion shy is this case after dying), turtled control points, AA guns next in front of my spawn etc.
If you are going to tell me that these things aren’t in play - you won’t fool me.

That’s your personal opinion. I for example consider Lone fighters a mistake. Both our opinions are equally valid in that matter. If you don’t like Squads - play Lone fighters.
Squad mode is the original concept of the game. Lone fighters mode was added later, after some part of community demanded it (and was almost dead throigh the CBT period).

Or because the whole game was not designed to have that mode? So it just feels boring?

Then tell me why the whole game meta circles around fully automatic weapons like SMGs and LMGs if BA are so powerful and destroy everything. They are strong, but not like you describe them. In small mps located mostly around buildings like we have in Enlisted SMGs rule over BA. That changes only on few maps that have more open spaces.

Not possible with radioman artillery. Maybe you ancountered bombs and mortars. They can attack spawn points.

Another guy who plays this game from closed beta and comes with invalid points so let’s debunk them:

It doesn’t matter if it was dead in closed beta - what matters - this is a better idea to base the entire game - primary focus should go there - Squads are an infuriating mess with completely no tactics and with ordering to bots it just doesn’t work - every time YOU WILL land with the last man in the squad - why the hell do I need to focus on the entire squad when you can create player squads and put emphasis on communication between players. It works in other games.

What is your point here - leave Lone fighters mode and fight for survival for at least one bot in your squad? Or just sit in the bushes with them the entire match. As long as there would be any proper communication - there wouldn’t be improvement overall and SQUADS at this point is a total failure to me - bots are unresponsive and maps are too small to use them to full potential (assuming that they become somewhat usable).

Where and when automatic weapons become meta - the meta is spawncamping and bombing to hell enemy spawns. Ross MK3 is the best assault weapon (not kidding) and this is not only my opinion that every other weapon is too underpowered in comparison to them.

It is quite possible - just use artillery that way that the middle of the “circle” is still in combat zone. I managed to do this so I know it is possible. Maybe it’s a bug maybe not - ask devs about it not me.

Because this is not “other game”. Devs wanted to have bot squads - they have them. If you came to Enlisted and don’t like the main selling point then maybe the game is not for you. Squads are mess for you. Not for everyone. And it does matter that Lone fighters was almost dead - bigger part of the community prefered squads.

Again - to you. I don’t have problem with my bots. They are not perfect, but not terrible either. My trained troops can give other squads a fight, and even sometimes wiped the whole squads on their own (especially LMG troopers). Sometimes I leave them in some safe space, sometimes they attack with me and provide firepower. Many maps are too small, but that is another discussion.

They are since the beggining. In close combat (like it is for the majority of time in Enlisted) SMG or especially LMG is way better choice than bolt action rifle. Spawncamping and bombing (especially the second one) will not give you victory in an objective based game if you can’t control the points (which are mainly put inside buldings). And then fully automatic weapons and grenades come to the party.You can be gratefull that you didn’t have to see premium squads with 7 SMGs or LMGs back in the CBT.


Hello. Sry for my english. I play Enlisted for some time and I think for lone fighter will be the best idea to turn off all NPC, just give us some more time to fill match with real players and start match with 12+ real players, give us 5x more points for spawn and for win and send all new players to this match. Every round now feels to much quick, i think lone fighters need 20+ or 30+ minutes game. Just leave NPC in squad mode for better XP and faster build skill tree, but lone fighter need real player only. NPC just destroy immersion. But after all thx for good game.


The main and most played gamemode is squads

Lone fighters was introduced as a side-mode for people who don’t like bots

Squads is what makes Enlisted unique. The number of players who prefer squads is much bigger than the number who prefers lone wolf

I agree.
Lone fighter is an obstacle because devs won’t be able to make the maps bigger without messing the lone wolf mode

Lone fighter doesn’t have enough playerbase size to fill the battle

Without NPC’s, waiting times will be very long and battles will be 3 VS 3

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