New game mode 'Lone Fighters' - leave your FEEDBACK here plz

remove this mode not a big fan

Awesome! Can’t wait to test it!

For me is great but it’s better make small maps for that type of game, and increase the exp for That soldier you use because u get less XP per Battle, and why squad bots i mean if we can play whit 1 soldier then don’t add bots

It should be a mode just for sniper. A snipers Bot squad gives away his position negating what a sniper does. That is: eliminate enemies by stealth. Hard to be stealthy with bots jumping around your position.

I don’t paticulary care about how many there are as I can sweep the floor with them. It is simply not fun to have them always come from the same direction.

In thinking about it being only a mode for a sniper, you could get a game where every player chooses the single sniper mode, leading to a very strange game, perhaps very long, and not much fun. Or the case where most of the players, but not all, choose the single player sniper mode. This would also lead to a very strange, and perhaps unbalanced game. If a single player sniper mode is used, it would have to be limited in order to keep the game balanced. Perhaps as an occasional “drop” of some sort. It would be good for a certain number of games and would expire in 24 hours or so.

I don’t like this mode,it’s boring, everyone shoot at long range.

This is just funny I was the only actual player

This mode could be used for balancing & figuring out intended stuff from not, it would be by spawning as many players as the require map would do with the AI squad soldiers controlled being converted into players, let’s say 10v10 with 4 soldiers a squad this would amount it to 80 players (the number is big although we didn’t take full squad just the minimum). This would allow to set what is an unacceptable gameplay experience & what is not (for the developers, us testers & specially alpha testers known such stuff long ago).

Aside from that I see the mode suffer from an issue that other game modes are suffering from, that is one team is spawned with bot while the other one is nearly full players, this basically define the outcome of a match before it even begins & allows skillful players to abuse such situation to progress faster through means like MG nests (any methods that achieved what the old mortar achieved), not that I’m not against the players using it but advocating for them to use it to it’s full extent as long as the developers doesn’t want to change it.

This is also harmful when it comes to balance maps & so on, whenever there is a sample with even singular bot involved that sample losses it’s meaning as seen & known that the AI is very exploitable & doesn’t remotely actuate either human player skill or even behavior.

What the mode need is high number of players more than what is actually set (the least I would go with is doubling it), I don’t see this mode being continued but would like to see it develop further as it suits the event mode style than anything else to me, note that spliting an already small player base into 2 mode isn’t helpful for getting good samples (specially for balance) as it going to add more bots to uneven/full teams which leads to gameplay experience issues as explained previously.

I have to agree with most here, the single mode just feels like every other FPS game. I prefer the squad mode. The AI so far needs a lot of help too.

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Experience reward increased!

I think it’s ok for now, because it’s almost your solo match, you can test somethings and try something new without many other disturbs. Also extremely recommend this mode to other new players.
BUT this mode need to be improved a lot.

Tbh, my group really enjoys this mode, especially in between bad matches.
Sometimes AI squadmates are really… well… frustrating, so it’s a lot of fun to get into a round without em (yes, even tho right now it feels as if right now almost nobody is playing Lone Fighter, sadly, and such my point is kind of invalidated. The first matches after the release were a blast).
Experience rewards are still far, far too low tho - around thousand exp for 15 minutes really hurts your progression, if you’d get 2-3 supply crates even with mediocre rounds otherwise with just a little bit more of a time investment.

It certainly was helpful as a beginner, to learn the maps and the actual game/gunplay.
As I told in another thread, beginners can have a very, very rough start, so it certainly serves a purpose.

This should be the default gamemode for as long as the AI stays as dumb as it is now.

Hi. As this is my first post, congratulations for the game. Seems like it will be a long live success.

When we talk about Lone Fighters, we are talking about 2 different things.
The game mode by itself.
The experience to play this mode with boots.

The game mode, for me, it is great. Even better than the scuads mode, in witch I use to hide my scuad in a corner and use it as a closer spawn. So many players and boots make the game a non tactical shooter.
The lone mode seems a little bit slower to me, and I prefare it. Is a little more tactical than shooter and I use to choose carefully my role before spawn.

The experience to play with boots is really bad actually. This seems to be shooting to moving dummies and it ruins the game. I hope this game will have enought playerbase to show all its potential, because with boots it will be useless… running from a capzone to another all time.

Keep up the good job. It is good to have another gameplay mode, but start thinking about how to reach a good enough player base.

The reason why we don’t play lone fighters is simply because it lacks life. I only played 3 times this mode and every time I would die against PPK and mp41 users. The amount of flanking is abysmal. The reason why russia lacks playerbase is because devs gave them worse tanks, SMG’s and an AT rifle that doesn’t work. Soviets do have better bolt action rifles but who brings bolt action rifles to lone fighters mode

AI mode is more exciting though

Debatable, No and Yes.

But AT rifle is not enough reason to not play as Soviets.

I do.

Tbh, that’s true for almost every game I’m playing. Guess who clears caps? Prem squads.

Is better than squad mode, but need more real players and big maps.