New currency

Yeah I been Searching through all the old posts and comments to find it. But haven’t come up with it yet.

My memory rarely fails me but I’m not ruling it out that I’ve got wires crossed…I just cant find it

Shill harder

yea but here my question tho how are we gonna upgrade those soldier? im pretty pessimistic about that so there is no way it gonna be “free upgrade” there gotta be some sort of catch i assume it got to do with unlocking soldier rank i guess

DF makes hand over fist in premiums and gold coins, theres no reason to trust them not messing up a good thing and theyve done it plenty so far. realistic gore? gone. Historical accuracy? gone. A user interface that actually feels like ww2 and not like it was lifted from ARMA? gone. the ability to use AA guns against infantry? gone. That aside the game still has numerous bugs some still around from day one and youre all incredibly desperate for them to tamper with something as important as the leveling and game economy? All for what? to grind slightly less? frankly I started to lose interest when they unveiled the new leveling system, and now youre telling me instead of grinding and being rewarded with for example a ha-go in the early japan campaign, now its just going to be cheap squads with automatic weapons all maxed out thanks to the new economy (be real, its the first thing people are going to do) but unlocking a vehicle will be MORE grindy? if you let this fan base choose what it wants to unlock I can guarantee this is going to become the spammiest, most unbalanced game fresh out of the gates. at least with the stat system and the two currencies it kept spammy and high level players in-check for a while and gave you a sense of accomplishment when you finally put together a functioning and winning squad.


ok so i already ask this question but im gonna ask again since it a reply to someone anyway so what the catch with the “free upgrade” for soldier surely it cant be that easy to just press upgrade and BOOM you upgrade is there gonna be like “you cant upgrade cause havent unlock rank” like in current game? or is there something else im pretty pessimistic about this other than that idk too much calculation for me rn also can we bump the bronze order conversion rate by a little bit? like +100 to all bronze i mean it wouldnt hurt anyone right?


Bruh, so what’s the point of all this racket about the “saving” merge and that is going to help the game (and us) by gathering more people per match instead of bot matches?

I guess so too.

Still better than having to unlock rank AND pay for individual promotions, though.

Hey guys…

I’ve been thinking about this a lot and…

Turns out new soldiers prices, are really, REALLY bad, especially the higher rank you go because of ONE very important detail…

  • soldiers stats will still be randomized.

For now, what happens if you pool a rank 4 soldiers with a single silver, that has the worst possible stats?

You sell it back right away until you get one with decent stats, right?

Now let’s try obtaining a rank 4 soldier with almost perfect stats using 11.5 silver equivalent each times.

Yeah I’m against those new values. They are so much worse because of this.


Just lol. They finished all the changes this month.
IT’s a piece of cake now

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I think, there has to be an increase because we are going from essentially 12 factions to 4. But that rate is beyond that and so I agree with you in principle.

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Slightly unrelated; but a 1.4 gb update, must be a Making Enlisted a Better Place coming later?

As for this; I’m not sure how I feel. I like the idea of just one currency, but why not just do standard conversions? Why change all the costs around etc etc. If that needs to be done in the future, then it can be done; I just don’t know why we’d bung it on top of the change, complicating it and risking it’s success.

Simply merging the currencies for now would be safer and better, adjusting costs etc later down the line if it’s necessary.

I guess we’ll see from the test server how well it works anyway. Might turn out okay.

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I’m mostly thinking of new players. His riflemen will also cost 3x the price… even if there’s no more multiple campaigns, it might be a bit discouraging for him.

Idk. I don’t see those new costs as improvements at all, if only because there’s still GACHA involved…

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Yeah, nobody likes that. It was already something for veterens with tons of orders to work for, so I don’t see it as “useless” but the costs to do that are already quite a lot. Making it worse seems a bit pernicious.

Also there are gold order soldiers to consider. They automatically come with the best stats, right? This is another reason for the gacha.

Not sure It’s worth it though. I think gold order soldiers could still be cool if they showed up at the end of matches with their medal showing if they perform well, and they come 5 star so it could be made to still be valuable.

Hopefully this rambling made some sort of sense.

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we had such interface?

there was HA in this game? when?

idk if by leveling system you mean unified tech tree, in which case it will bring down grind significantly and not just slightly, or leveling soldiers or actually not needing to level/upgrade them in new system, in which case i say that you are crazy cause getting fully leveled soldiers is much better when you unlock new squad and new class instead of getting lvl 2 or lvl 3 soldiers that are crippled before you grind that squad with 100 battles to have them actually not be crippled.
also like i said before current price conversion seems like it will be more expensive cause of RNG we currently have when buying weapon/soldiers.

they didnt mention anything about removing grind for weapon upgrades, only for soldiers.

i agree with this. i guess they are trying to compensate loss of the multiple grind for same weapon.

like it already isnt… we only dont have full auto spam now cause more than half of the players dont have access to them. all veterans spam their automatics and their end game tanks with end game planes, while newbies bring their bolties and tanks that cant penetrate veteran end game tanks. game is already unbalanced.

smart veteran players use fully upgraded class I soldiers instead of new crippled class II/III/IV with whom you cant use backpacks and most perks before grinding that squad in hundreds of battles. it is simply stupid an unbalanced for fps to have such stupid rpg elements.

i am happy with unification of currency. orders were stupid cause i always had oversupply of one type, but shortage of another. at least with silver coins i can choose what i want to buy…

he has heavy bias against WT and anything with remote likeness to WT will be automatically criticized by him no matter if it has merit or not.


i have feeling you are not reading this topic :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh god. Not this again. Dude, this game was never that accurate. And historical accuracy is inversely proportional to a game’s success. Nobody wants a realistic game. Because realism sucks. You know why? Because real war sucks. Sucks more than you can possibly imagine.


Japan is 1 single side before and after the merge…

Exactly. If they want a truly realistic game, the game would play like this:

You start the game.
You are given a uniform which doesn’t fit you, and a Bolt Action rifle with like 5 rounds.
You get sent to a combat zone.
You get out of your truck, and instantly take a sniper round to the head.
Game over, you can no longer play.

Going for “realism” and “accuracy” has to have a line drawn somewhere, I don’t know why some people don’t understand that.


yea even i understand that not every game can be super realistic.