New class: paratroopers

i miss the CBT days :pensive:


So giretsu paratroopers also become proper paratroopers right?

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Ridiculous :frowning:

Good, this should have been added ages ago, very nicely welcomed changes,

Bring back many Heroes and Generals Memories.

Now also increase max players from 10 to 14. 2 ppl in tanks and 2 in planes already makes it 6 infantry. its too low for immersion battles

ppl who complain never play heroes and generals, please ignore all of them. this is historically accurate.


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The unit name in this game have nothing to do with the gameplay. It is just for decoration purpose.
Those "paratrooper units " in the game is just ordinary assaulter squad, mg squadā€¦ it is just a skin.
I see no point of giving them jump mechanic since they are just normal squad but dev randomly assigned some paratrooper unit name that fought in the campaign for them.

And iirc the Soviets fought the Americans in Sweden.

This is overexaggerated. People tend to memorize the bad situation, so you will have illusion of 9 out of 10 but it is not that high in reality.
I have many match that we are stomped by enemy planes but no one is willing to build aa gun to shoot it down.
Also, it is not the situation that I want to say, if for revenge they already know you are there. But did much people stay on aa gun to wait for enemy airplanes that havenā€™t arrived? This is crucial because it is too late for you to build a aa gun if you see the transport plane approaching.

Though i agree with others on being clear on Rework/ Update on Premium Squads, its too Vague. we know nothing, how many soldiers, how many squads, or squads will be removed/ compensations. battle ratings too many things

which makes buying extremely risky since you wont know the outcome of this. im already maxed on Campaign on Normandy so i just wait on updates as there is no incentive to play, but paratroopers is promising.

Also why new class paratroopers is hidden and unlisted on youtube. should it be a public video to raise awareness that this game is getting paratroopers to get new players?

You are right, I realize I didnā€™t proportion my comment properly.

What I should have said is 9 times out of 10 When I decide to play a plane for a game (which isnā€™t often anymore), ā€œat least 1 player on the teamā€ will have had enough and start focusing on getting rid of my planeā€¦ Usually by trying their luck in a plane firstā€¦when they get shot downā€¦the AA comes outā€¦ But it is no exaggeration to say I see an AA nearly every game I play a plane, and rightly so. If your tanks and rally areas are getting bombed every time they spawn, its just prudent.

And you are right about remembering the bad situation, But to me AA isnā€™t a bad situationā€¦its a challenge. Just like when AA was supremely powerful in bf 5. Was a challenge to take them out knowing they had eyes on you.

It would be great to have Paratrooper customizations for Ground Squads as well because they often acted as ground infantry. Not to mention the handful of Squads in game that are based on Paratroopers.

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I totally agree. In particular with the point about being able to land in the greyzone. Greyzone camping tanks have been a problem for a long time and this would a quite effective solution in my opinion.


Iā€™ve personally never found ā€œgray zoneā€ camping to be a problem in that I view it just as another element to the sandbox, not that Iā€™m against dealing with them.

It could be cool to have Paratroopers be able to drop in gray zones just like how they basically did in real life. They can attack tanks, hold down points, heck even get an early start on attacking the next objective the moment the previous falls


The playground is too small. paratrooper will only work when the ground is WT size or its just +560 xp for aa guys.

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The best you could have hoped for was a gold order, I donā€™t understand how people actually thought it would come to progression.

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I understand that a 100rds Tommy is probably too much to be a common weapon, yet it would have been perfectly fine as a golden weapon, or even as event rewardā€¦ But NOPE, they chose to use it as bait in the hope of driving more people to blindly buy an overpriced squad of Vaas Montenegro cosplayersā€¦

My question then, is will we be able to shoot said plane down then? Like does it take time and distance to come in like the RO squad bombers?

How will this actually work?

  • Do they have to choose one they will be dropped with?
  • Does it give access to all of them at once? (Hope not.)
  • Is it dropped in via parachute too? If so, can it be destroyed mid-flight with AA or MG fire?
  • What is to stop this from instantly becoming the new meta?
  • Do they have to purchase the weapons that will be in the crates? Similar to how equipping soldiers currently works? This way higher quality gear can be dropped rather than generic.

Bonus question:

  • Since they will be able to be deployed ANYWHERE the player chooses, will there be an introduction of mine pouches for a backpack slot for standard soldiers? There will be a higher need than ever for mines to cover your flanks and rear from these guys, especially if they can be as heavily armed as you are suggesting.
    Can we as defenders at least get something to equal out the playing field a little bit as paratroopers seem like a primarily offensive squad rather than defensive.
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Iā€™m pretty sure they are 6 man squads.

Yeah you are right, I got mislead by this on top.

I was supporting this game for 2 years and somehow Iā€™m failing to see the reason to continue doing it. Lots of mysteries behind this ā€˜ā€˜big updateā€™ā€™, failing to answer some simple questions like the one @Shiivex is askingā€¦ nope not gonna buy this, wallet is closed till I see what youā€™re going to do with this game in next 3 weeks.