New class: paratroopers

It’s only a war crime if you’re not a global superpower :wink:

Also, devs, can you please clarify:

  • will German paratroopers be able to land on the D-Day beach while the Americans are on the first objective?
  • will German paratroopers be able to land in Berlin after unification of map pools?
  • are we to expect more ludicrous instances in the future like Soviet paratroopers dropping into Stalingrad?

Yes, baby! Thank you, devs. I knew this was coming. This game is getting better and better. I’ve already preordered mine.

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Use planes

@MajorMcDonalds I agree with you about everything. Just one question I’ve been thinking of.

I’ve seen this suggestion and I’ve personally expressed something similar.
But I see a lot of problems with giving paratroopers a grace period in the grey zone the more I think about it.

In the current state of the game such a mechanic would be devastating in modes like invasion, destruction or confrontation.

The potential to steamroll on attack would be huge.

Just drop you paratroopers in grey zone when you are about to cap the current point.
Or just drop them in the next cap zone (if you play a lot you’d now where it might be).
The grey zone you dropped them in would in seconds or minutes be the playble combat zone.

I can’t believe people are seriously discussing allowing paratroopers into the grey zone.

You’ll be the first one suffering from double penetration when you spawn as defenders and you have attackers both in front and behind you instantly.

Yeah can’t wait to get my tank blown up on spawn because some smartass “paratrooper” put mines/hedgehogs/tnt there and see a HMG enplacement behind you in your grey zone where you as defender can’t even go.


Not really a squad from the 3rd Mortar Battalion is unsuprisingly gonna use Mortars.

That´s exactly why they should get the ability to Para jump. They didn´t need to name them after Airborne Divisions but they did and it would be unfair to have such a potentially game changing mechanic be limited to fucking Premium squads.

I see no reason not to give them the same ability beyond your “They where never meant to actually jump”. Well the game has a disclaimer that everything is up to change to that reasoning goes out the window.

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Nonpremium para’s will come. It was already stated.

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Lol and you are talking about different stuff. You are using they belongs to a paratrooper unit as a point(division level). But then you are talking about it is a mortar unit (battalion level). They are clearly different level, one is division level and other is battalion level. The division level have nothing to do with the gameplay, it is just decoration.

It is because many of those division did participate the battles in the form of regular infantry.

Stop being ignorant, who tell you it is premium squad only?

This is where I think they need to do some things for defenders as well, in order to balance it out. Mine pouches would be an excellent option in my opinion. Since mines are rarely used for offense, and Paratroopers will rarely be used for defense, and mines are a solid counter to Paratroopers, I think it would help the game significantly.

I see your point, but equally I don’t think steamrolling on attack is too much of a problem. If I am wrong and it does get bad, then perhaps when the point “moves”/someone captures it, there could be no paratroopers allowed until either the grey zone has shifted too or something like this? Would prevent the quickest forms of steamrolling if I am understanding what you’re talking about correctly.

As for the drop them in the greyzone when capturing a point… You’re probably right that might make a little bit of a problem. At that point you could then limit how many paratroopers are on the field to make this slower, or some other mechanism? You’re definitely right, but I am sure there are ways to counteract a large portion of these things.

Unless of course grey zones are just made bigger everywhere on every map anyway, which would solve some problems and reduce the need for a discussion on whether they should be allowed in grey zones


@1942786 we need more information and concrete data on how this is going to work. Investing in anything right now seems terribly foolish.

Also. Italy better be it’s own faction. This is the only way to set yourself up for the future of adding nations to the game.

Same goes for Britain.


Like a free event or added after the progression rework? Also stated where?

With what kind of logic are you argueing here? The Divisonal names are just decoration so who cares? Thank god you´re not a developer.

But they went out of their way to name them like that, wich is my point. They could´ve used a Divison they already used for a new type of squad wich they did multiple times already.

Instead of acting like a dickhead just tell me where they said the opposite.

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Why make them paratrooper? They are just normal squad with paratrooper division name. You know that paratrooper is a new class right?
They are not paratrooper class so they can’t paradrop, this is an exclusive mechanic for paratrooper.

Those paratrooper division did fight on land as regular infantry, what is the point of avoiding to use them as division name for normal squad?

This is a new class. So there will be new paratrooper squad added into the campaign just like other squad in game. Did you see any class that is premium only? They also mentioned there will be a event which you can get a event paratrooper squad. So it is not premium only.

ofc I do, but as soon as I use a plane my team loses the point :neutral_face:

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Well, that wouldnt be better with a para squad since you still a) need to use a stupid plane an b) dont stick close to the point.
Honestly, a team which dies without you deserves to die. At some point, you shouldnt be the one who is responsible for everyones fun.


Where we dropping boys? The battle bus is a staple of modern gaming.


You´re being stupid if you seriously think they can´t make other classes jump from a plane. Riders are also a unique class but other classes can also ride bikes.

By that logic every Para squad including the premium ones wouldn´t be jumping from planes. Just because you´re from an Airborne Division doesn´t mean all of your missions include jumping from planes afterall. Also the german ones don´t even wear paratrooper uniforms so they really didn´t need to make them Paratrooper units at all.

Vehicles armed with rockets are premium only and it´s a Gaijin game. Have you seen the prices for most premium squads? You telling me you wouldn´t believe they would´nt do it.


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your not wrong :sweat_smile:. still is nice to have more than 1 way to eliminate greyzone campers…

especially because sometimes a noob teammate is hogging the attack plane and dropping the bombs miles off target