New class: paratroopers

These trained soldiers were assigned to the most crucial and complex operations. Rear diversions, enemy defense sabotage before major operations, and simply attacks from unexpected directions. They were limited in their use only by the transport plane’s fuel supply. Paratroopers!


Enlisted will get a new class. Universal soldiers, trained to handle any infantry weapons presented and able to appear at any point of battle, landing from a plane.

You choose your own landing point. From the soldier’s respawn window, paratroopers will be able to select any landing point in the combat zone, where, after confirmation, the transport plane will immediately fly to — and you are already inside. Landing will happen automatically when you reach the specified point — or you can do it at your order, unscheduled.

Each soldier in the squad is initially armed with a light assault weapon. But that’s only up to a successful landing!

Along with the squad, there is a supply box dropped from the transport, where your paratroopers can grab much heavier guns, such as machine guns or anti-tank weapons. Or grab an engineering hammer that will allow you to build large-caliber stationary machine guns, for example.

Premium soldiers of the new class are already waiting for their commander in the pre-order bundle of the upcoming update. You’ll also be able to get paratrooper squads in one of the upcoming events. As we told you in our diary series about the new Enlisted, new content in the game will often appear in simple events, and getting it will be noticeably easier than to level up dozens of levels.


Be the first to test the new class! This bundle includes two Premium Paratroopers squads in the Invasion of Normandy campaign.

If you purchase the bundle before the update release date, you will also receive exclusive pre-order bonuses:

Бонус предзаказа: портрет «Десантник»

Pre-order bonus: “Paratrooper” portrait

Бонус предзаказа: декоратор ника «Десант»

Pre-order bonus: “Airborne” nickname decoration

M1928A1 Thompson squad

101st Airborne Division

506th Parachute Infantry Regiment

The squad that inspired the story of the “Dirty Dozen” movie. Led by Sgt. Jake McNeese, members of the squad sported Mohawks and painted their faces with Native American battle paint. They fought in the most dangerous battles of the Western Front: D-Day, the Dutch Operation, and the Battle of Ardennes.

The reckless boys are armed with Thompson M1928A1 submachine guns with a drum magazine for a full hundred rounds!

Krieghoff FG squad

6th Parachute Division

18th Parachute Regiment

Some of the last German soldiers to be trained in parachute jumping. The 18th Parachute Regiment was formed in France in June 1944 and by August was already fighting against the Allies in Belgium and Northwestern France.

The squad is wearing Knochensack M43 uniforms with smoky olive-green camouflage and armed with rare and expensive Krieghoff FG automatic rifles designed specifically for paratroopers.

Both of these squads can use their country’s transport plane to land at your chosen point on the map.



Waiting for that thompson for years, only to be in premium :upside_down_face:


Yes. That’s quite the letdown.



Detailed explanations about the new research and economy FIRST,

Buying new premiums LATER, if ever.


well that sound good to me only 1 question tho can enemy plane shoot the transport? i mean assuming they can they could wipe out the whole squad if lucky right?


I hope so.



Hopefully we will have slots to use them.

And won’t be like riders on tunisia that no one would trade for another squad.

One one hand I want the pre order, on another… I won’t have slots to use so many squads…


Dev already said it will be released on end of April.

If you lucky, probably yes.


Point still stands.

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also look like we getting a new map too hope it a fun one like tractor plant in stalingrad since that map is quite fun for me


What will happen to elready existing “Paratrooper” units like premium 6th Fallschirmjager-Regiment?


Quick and simple question: Is this going to add more bugs? I mean, just to keep in mind if they’re going to be with us for anohter 2 years.


Amazing new class.


For premium pre order… We still lack crucial informations to know if they will be worthwhile or not with next update mechanics.

How many slots will we have per faction? What “br” this squad will be? Will premium squads have their own slots if factions are all compressed?

Please, details.


Dont know whether the carrier plane “cut scene” would have delay and could take physical damage or not.
But 1USD->7CNY exchange rate is greedy as hell.

That’s making me feeling disgustingu.
Will not buy.


I can’t say yet.
But in one of the upcoming events squads of paratroopers with same mechanics will be available as a reward.


hope we get 1 for each faction

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It’s hard to justify a purchase without knowing how many squads or premiums we will be able to use at same time on progression rework

Please give us an answer regarding thst.


Thanks for reply.

Also one more quiestion, will ever Fallschirm uniforms look like they should?

Its 3rd Fallschirmjager premium squad released with Wehrmacht uniform instead of Luftwaffe one? I mean, it was reported many times, they still have bad uniforms.


since i havent search up anything do Russia have paratrooper? just curious