New class: paratroopers

Wait, first of all you are a veteran player, not the average player that I am talking about.


new stuff i guess

When it comes to selling things in foreign markets, doing the proper exchange rate creates decimals, and if things have a loose amount of cents people tend to like to not buy things. So unless you are dealing with something like Japanese Yen (and even still, the Japanese donā€™t really like to buy things with a cost in the ones and tens digits), you round up to make the cost look nicer, which makes it so that more people buy it. Itā€™s not greed, itā€™s marketing. I donā€™t know why people prefer the rounded numbers, but Iā€™ve had to deal with this exact phenomenon enough times to know that it has to be working to some degree.

so what will happen with existing para squads like the 82nd in normandy?


paratroopers are useless for battlefield of this size. The map should atleast be WT size


It will most likely be the same. The squad unit that it belongs to is just for decoration purpose.

Germany virtually stopped using paratroopers as an airborne unit by 1944, especially on the Western Front partially because of Allied air superiority, and also because they have had bad experiences since Crete. Yes, they had the last one in Operation StoĢˆsser, in the Ardennes in 1944 but it was also a miserable failure. The Normandy paratrooper units were used as infantry, so there is no point trying to force the already existing ones to become air-deployable.

As for in-gameā€¦the paratrooper squad looks like a gimmick. Currently easily countered with AA guns or even HMGs, probably easily sniped while dropping. And then pray that they donā€™t fall into the grey zone and get killed or teleported. Lets hope I am wrong.


While this is really cool, i would have prefered dedicated missions for airborne invasions or in a more massive map.

Also please add an Officer role to each one of you squads. That would really interesting.


With how big our maps are it will be really useful to land on the rooftop of the objective and cap from there :wink:

Best and most logical addition ever :smiley:


Canā€™t wait to buy some Fallschirmjager and after the Big Update paradrop on top of Reichstag /s
10/10 Berlin vibe :clown_face:

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Learn to read first:

Mixed salad sounds great. Better than assault rifles in moscow. Much more fun. Argument over.

Not at all, Iā€™m just a filthy casual, not even that good.

I just find planes crashing down into fireballs to be beautiful :stuck_out_tongue:



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Guys, please remember to follow the rules. Personal flame and/or insults are Not allowed.

If you are not able maybe a Hammer have to help a bit

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Ban keofox now.


Someone tell me more about the box this squad comes with? How does it work?

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Fox is watching you


You shanā€™t silence me, duck! Iā€™ll keep personally flaming myself as I see fit! :laughing:


I donā€™t feel like investing in anything in this game until the new progression and MM system drops. I need to know what bracket everything goes in. How the MM works in real time. What premium squads are used in what wayā€¦
etc. etc.


I love hunting down OOB campers with my plane