New class: Guerrilla

Well… nothing much we can do before we’re presented with them I suppose…

well maybe they might do test server like with apc? i hope so anyway so we can see what they can do

so it can either ease people mind or cause more chaos

What for ?

First you do a pre-order for players, then you test how the new mechanics will work :ok_hand:

i mean when apc got pre order they did that too since it a major update so i guess? idk they might or might not it up to them

im more wondering what they gonna add for that update tbh

Yeah, surely.

Another poor response when the proper arguments run out.

I’m pretty sure it won’t bring anything positive to the game. Either it goes totally unsignificant and never gets played. Or it will be frustrating for everyone who will have players of this class in their game.
And of that I am absolutely certain. I have hundreds or even thousands of hours in this game and I think I can form a pretty good picture.

This class is completely unnecessary and can only have a negative impact. If they wanted to introduce spawn camping, they should have enabled it for all classes. Thus it would be completely fair. And not make it a gameplay feature for one specific class.

And I’m not even going to say how incredibly immersion breaking it is.
Because this type “soldiers” didn’t really fight on the frontline.

This class is deliberate fail in every aspect. And it’s completely fascinating to me. That they’re putting this class into TT instead of paras.

Whatever, it seems they just want to completely kill of the game.

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they are good cause they are broken cause of bad programming. they cant be killed by AP round nor bazookas, leaving only way to kill them with either HE shell, bomb/rocket or det pack which means infantry needs to get really close to actually kill them.
they also have broken radius of deployment that only counts distance from center of cap, instead distance from cap which is broken for maps with large caps.

some did.

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I can think a lot of map where they are going be situational at best, because there is noway for them to reach the enemy spawn undetected, or the playable area is so big or with a small gray zone that you don’t need them for spawn camp

I’m sure complaining on the forum before it comes out will help

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if they extend the side greyzone as well then it will be kinda useful on city map (cause those always get cut off, the perfect flank route)

well every squad is situational… guerillas will sometimes have better, sometimes worse effectiveness. like i said before they will mostly shine in imbalanced games and map choice wont really matter at that time.

You don’t need them in imbalanced game, the classic 3 assaulter still would be more effective, this new class if don’t have anything else to show up, is gonna be handicapped by the map layout outside tunisia and Moscow/Stalingrad factory

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you think berlin wont be good for them? i feel like they will work nicely in berlin

I wonder if you even know what you’re talking about.

“Misleading” you say… yet you keep speculating while saying I lack arguments.
Speculation is by nature misleading, you probably are not aware of the fact it seems.

As for “poor response”, I at least don’t resort to base personal slurs like you do often when you’re unable to win an argument outright. Pity.

Please look at whom you’re talking to when trying to impress. I believe I was there well before you were…


To reiterate:

  • My opinion is merely that I like the concept and people get afraid too fast before knowing all the facts.

Remember. If it’s indeed broken like ppl fear. It will suffer paratroopers treatment.


Berlin is just a corridor from point A to B outside some section of seelow in my opinion

so you dont think that map with lot of building on street will make partisan effective at taking out tank?

Building are almost closed, isn’t Moscow or Normandy where almost all buildings are open, you can’t really flank using building in Berlin, and the flank route are not in the gray zone

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it is tho if the grey zone expand in all direction (i.e. the side as well not only the one in front of the point) i can literally go the long way unseen by enemy to be a menace

I doubt, because outside the box where we play there isn’t much, everything is just scenery, expanding the gray zone means make those area playable

well we’ll see what happen and if they do, i will be there to haunt your rally




(When you spawn, Nok will make you jump scare!)