New class: Guerrilla

and i call BS on that statement from devs. unless they redesign all maps, they have no mechanism to prevent spawn camping. even now you have lots of maps where you have clear visibility to enemy spawn point or spawn exit choke point from grey zone and/or enemy playable area. do you really think that if you allow 50 or 100m penetration into grey zone that this situation will not get worse on even more maps?

only way how they can possibly “solve” spawn camping this is to designate invulnerability zone from which you can shoot enemy that is spawn camping, but that would be even bigger BS.

I’m sure at the very least they’ll change their appearance……hopefully

The Lebel Volkssturm squad look like volkssturm everywhere and that’s an issue too


How will they do it? I do not know yet, nobody does. Maybe there will be some sort of corridor or something where the new class cannot go.

My humble guess is it won’t be merely 50m - 100m anywhere for the new class, but a completely redrawn grey zone limit for them.

We will see once ready.

I do believe caps need a “grace” timer before the enemy can start capturing them however. At the very least. I don’t like zerg rush either…

In balanced matches I agree with it. But when matchmaking fails and the attacker squad pushes the defenders into their gray zone, with not a single squad being able to get to the objective, then it’d be such a frustrating thing to wait for the cooldown. Just abort the one-sided match after a while and refund the boosters instead of adding a cooldown and changing the blitzkrieg into prolonged pain. (But that’s just my opinion, the attackers probably enjoy it.)

Personally I don’t think snipers are particularly good, and while they aren’t bad, they just contribute less than other classes/squads unless played super aggressively. But I feel like guerillas will help a lot, since flanking will probably help clear enemy rallies and make it harder for enemies to get to the objective.

Lol, surely. You can do better than just attack opposing side with false accusations.

People have totally said guerillas will not contribute to their team


already saw like 5 guy with the pre order deco hmm definitely way more than para and sniper bundle from today observation (to be fair most people dont use those anyway)

note: i only count the german side not other if i do it like 10

This new decorator is another sad proof of what kind of people will use spawn-campers ?

Because it is a clear indicator which player will use spawn-campers in battle.

(RIP all disguise)

dont know maybe they just like the deco but that seem unlikely

Yes, that’s the fact.

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do canadian have partisan/guerilla? or maybe there should be an event canadian commando squad i want this chad


I already do, I’m not like you afterall: I don’t need to attack the other person’s integrity during a debate.

What I said is still a fact. There’s ppl who dislike all classes that don’t directly go in the cap, with only winning in mind, disregarding fun.

So whatever what new class were to be added, they would dislike it anyway if it’s not something objective focused.

Leo… National hero. However his feats were exaggerated or not, he had balls.

Also, forcing his officers to let him snipe while missing an eye, is rather funny.

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i like that he have an eye patch tbh it make him very cool in my book

He probably would have done without if he could’ve :sweat_smile:

Grenades shrapnel tend to be uncomfortable…


dam i actually didnt know that (it been a long time since i read his story) that make him cooler to me


But that’s completely irrelevant and completely misleading in relation to debate about this specific class.

What matters is when all factors factors combined. This class is made for solo trolls, ruining everyone else’s experience.
This unnecessary class brings just toxicity and trolling. It’s not even proper solution against greyzone.

They could have just remove greyzone for all classes, there was no need to introduce new class tailor made for troll needs.

You don’t know yet. In fact, nobody does.

So what you say isn’t factual but just speculation.

I’ll keep the benefit of doubt 'til we get more information. Since it’s unclear how they will work.

I remember ppl said apcs would suck, before… The game proved otherwise.

What I maintain is something @robihr said: there must be a cap lock timer between captures to prevent “zerging”

if default spawns remain the same and they dont introduce map changes that will physically block visibility to spawns, i dont think that they can do anything that will actually prevent spawn camping. like i said they dont even need to have visibility to spawn to effectively spawn kill. they could e.g. have visibility to exit from spawn that is natural chokepoint where guerillas could camp.

yes, we will see. but i dont have any trust in devs to implement it correctly.