New class: Guerrilla


It makes sense for tankers but I’m sad apc drivers can’t

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I think there’s a good chance that paras will return in an event


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anyway so guerilla can use AR? that good i guess? idk im gonna give my german one mp717 (as in all of them get mp717 not 1 guy get it but that could be what i do too i guess since i only have 11 of them)

Honestly I think both APC driver and Rider classes should just be replaced by a “Mechanized” class. Let ‘em have SMGs, Bolties and Battle Rifles.

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japanese would probably banzai dudes in the trees. like in cod waw

Making the default soldier type for APCs a mechanized class rather than rifleman that can use more guns would be nice, but I could see it being a bit broken lol

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Not even close to true. Volkstrum and volksgrendier fought heavily in 44-45

Volksgrenadier and Sturm are not the same.

Thank you sir, if It wasn’t in the names I wouldn’t have guessed.

Ok I’ve been thinking and chewing on Guerillas. At first the thing that immediately put me off was the fact that we’d have civilian partisans running around the map where they don’t make sense. Volkssturm partisans stalking the beaches of Normandy, Japanese partisans stalking the beaches of Iwo Jima.

But then I was thinking that in a way these “guerillas” also represent raiders and commandos, invading enemy lines and spearheading the assault.

I am still uneasy about this new class, but like I said I’ve been chewing on it, and I’m willing to see how it goes


So this is when you turn a game issue into a financial venue. Well done.
From now on, every bug is a venue opportunity. Just create a squad that can bypass that bug and make it available for a price. Genius!
You farm those boy’s sugar money, darkflow, they are too fat anyway…

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Hi no because it will have free units in search tree


Its funny how mines are pretty weak now - but still wipe an entire squad when placed on a rally.

The priorities are amazing.

What in the world has a spawn killing squad have to do with new players?

cursed AI strikes again…

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guerillas squad should have 10 men in one squad. Less powerful but numerous.

Interesting how the web is filled with nonsense, even without creating new AI stuff.
While searching for the evidence of ninjas in WW2 (was finding comments on their nonexistence instead), I found this one:



So I just realised that depending on how exactly the gray zone for guirella will look like, they will make it even easier to rush the next objective.
It’s already an issue on some maps that tryhards will start capturing the next objective before the deffenders manage to fall back. (I even had situations where I was running back from the 1st objective and by the time I got to the 2nd one, enemy started capping the 3rd.)

This sounds really concerning.


So our Tunisian guerrillas would be like…

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