So I just realised that depending on how exactly the gray zone for guirella will look like, they will make it even easier to rush the next objective.
It’s already an issue on some maps that tryhards will start capturing the next objective before the deffenders manage to fall back. (I even had situations where I was running back from the 1st objective and by the time I got to the 2nd one, enemy started capping the 3rd.)
I would say nerfing artillery is far worse then AP mines for me. I hardly get killed by AP mines anymore since I started avoiding places people place them, but it’s hard to avoid non stop artillery that you have no idea where it’s falling.
That’s why we recommended the military application of umbrellas back then…
Surely they got fixed the explosives spam since, or not?
At least there are no small area objectives in the wide open, pointless to defend in a bombardment when the bombs are selectively killing only one side… Just kidding, it’s Enlisted.
This Guerilla warfare thing will be perfect for my girlfriends 15 year old son. I let him jump on and play some games just so I can get the silver. Anyway, he is one of these that really doesn’t pay any attention to the objectives, he just runs amuck looking for people to shoot. He’s not bad, but would be better if I could get him to go after the game objectives. Of course, he seems to think he can kill a tank with his SMG because I constantly see him shooting at them and telling him, that ain’t gonna hurt that tank, but he keeps trying. Anyway, this sounds more like up his alley.
with #2 probably break spawn camping AND also the current way of capturing objectives
add cooldown to defensive objectives, unnaturally slowing down the game like in confrontation mode (which I really don’t like), just to fix one of the two new issues
I still think that temporarily and partially opening up gray zone where tank camps is a less harmful way, but partisans can actually bring in some ideas for new game modes, some kind of ambush and steal/stealth, maybe very different from current Enlisted and maybe PvE but still fun.
It happens rarely in my matches, maybe on BR2/Join any mode the matches are more casual? For me it was such a rare thing in last month that preventing it would cause more harm. I’m curious to see whether the guerrillas will be some new best squad changing the gameplay or we’re just overreacting.
Honestly, right now I doubt they’ll change much. I think it’ll be like APCs where everyone (myself included) though it was gonna be this big gamebreaking change, but really the game is overall pretty much identical.