New Battle Pass: Third Season of 2024

how so ?
how did BFV did mgs well ?
tell us more , i never played it :face_with_monocle:

Ofcourse i can. Old stuff was made in the past and would have been used in premiums squads but they were cancelled mostly due to merge. For an example kv 1 zis 5 and tiger h1 were supposed to appear in stalingrad. Second reason is that they were imported from crsed/warthunder. New stuff in the other hand are stuff that we dont have in the game yet and will be added to the game editor when the update drops

Now when you got your explanation i wish you good evening and hope to end the conversation here

We are allowed to have different opinions without having to always try to change someones mind

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some mechanic that stops you from walking in front of the MG cone of fire ?

No, it only affected bots in your squad. But it’s still much better than what we have in enlisted rn (which is nothing lmao)


Without mounting you can hipfire (but it’s super inacurate and uncontrolable) or you can “brace” (it’s still hipfire but soldier controls the gun much better, it also slows you down a lot).
To aim you need to mount then gun. And then it’s a beast. I recomend you to find some gameplay videos on youtube to better understand this.
Basically MMGs feel like heavy guns.

Meanwhile in enlisted you can jump around and spray ppl with 20kg gun and 1m long ammo belt hanging from it. Almost like in the wolfenstein 3D.

Some may say it’s unnecesarry but imo it’s simply a progress in the game design.

Like, proper tank driving models are also unnecesarry since we can just coppy go-karts. But we still want proper tank driving model instead of go-karts.

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Wrong, they were both intended for the campaign level since there is no premium on its name.

Pavesi is not.

How is in game editor related to in game?

Lol all you give is wrong answer and lame excuse, try harder next time.

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This seriously requires an upgrade. Otherwise it would be a bit redundant at BR V. Hope they change it like what they did with the Type Hei Automatic Rifle based on our feedback.

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They increased and decreased and increased back the RoF of Type Hei Automatic Rifle “based on our feedback”!

I believe the actual recoil of Bren 100 will be different from statcard (like AVT-40) to made it have some competitiveness, for changing its RoF must also bring the TT version.

After all the BP weapons will always be trapped in the dilemma of P2W and “waste of gold order”.


it sad tbh thing like sword pistol are consider “waste” but i buy it because i want it for uniqueness (and maybe fun)

that why i dont like meta people tbh meta never fun to me

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this ?
i dont like the hipfire thing.
how he runs seems unrealistic
but yeah mounting mecanic i suppose is better than enlisted

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Yeah. It was very badly implemented in the test server. The Type Hei Automatic Rifle had to be OP. No questions asked.

Just a reminder from the previous posts.

I’m just “glad” they see the Murata Type 22 rifle as an experimental weapon, maybe also need to include the Bren.

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Yep. I run the meta squads at BR V but I also enjoy these nice little trinkets. Also bought one sword pistol for Japan when they first introduced it. Great pistol with no dispersion at all.

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that would be a nice improvment
i see bots in my cone of fire standing still aiming at me like nothing happened
it breaks immersion
but that should affect only to MGs with suppresion capabilities.
a Bren Gun doesnt have that ,
those Mgs with low ammo count are like rifles.

Does Muratas saw use in Japan vs Soviet scenario ?
or Japan vs China ? :face_with_monocle:

Personally I don’t hold the view point of “waste of gold order”.

However it is also important TBH about that, especially new players, will never spend their GOs on the Sword Pistole when they know there used to be a 7.92x33mm G43 or Cönders MP for exchange.

For simliar reasons, the “Type Hei Late” just made the “Type Hei with extended magazine” in earlier seasons became a clown, vice versa.

(Same for tanks and soldiers actually, for some old GO tanks have extra armor compared with TT ones)

The BR3 one is pretty decent pick.

well it is their choice to use their GO on whatever they want as long as they dont regret it then good for them

It was used against China… in 1894. The rifle is actually a great-grand father being even eariler than those WW1 antiques in previous BP seasons, as the “Type 22” is based on Japanese calendar (Meiji 22) and it actually stands for AD 1889.


The animations may not be the best but the mechanic is very solid.

For better looking animation you may want to see hell let loose or squad 44. I think both of them have similar systems but more realistic animations.