New Battle Pass: Third Season of 2024

I’m a literal mod maker… lol.

I wonder if medics will be receiving more use?

such as an engineer to the medic squad, or medics unlockable in more different types of squad

I keep saying it. They really have to straighten out the Americans+Brits and Germans+Italians once and for all. It’s very simple and it would be good to just take care of this small issue

Make all factions have all squad types and class soldiers. Problem solved. American Rifle squad, British Rifle squad. American Tanker, British Tanker


The original stuff we are discussing is the fact that they reuse old stuff for germans and add new stuff for the rest even if they could use old stuff for them aswell. Why do they do that?

That was my question

Yep that the one thank you :+1:

Can you increase rof of Bren Mk2 100? With just 530 it will be waste of gold order to buy it even just for variety especially since it’s recoil will be worse than BAR/Johnson and M1919 at BR5.

Also give us 2x German high capacity MGs already. One more powerful for the event and one in the TT.


I’m not asking for 1040/1190 rof but 600-750 would be more than enough. M1919 also should get a bump in rof.

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Rof is one of the few gun parameters that can be easily translated to the game so please respect this and don’t change historical values for made up ones for balance.
If you want to change something, change already made up numbers (like recoil).


They don’t even use historical values, M1919 should be able to fire with up to 600 rof. MG42 have slow rof (990 instead 1200 or 1500 depending on a bolt), PPSh-41 shoots faster than it should be (it’s funny how Axis MP717(r) has more faithful rof than the Soviet original gun). AS-44 fires faster than irl. Fedorov fires at all without breaking, Conders fires faster than real prototype, FG42 and II have same rof while FG 42 I should fire faster and FG 42 II slower, Breda PG had 600rof in game it’s just 350.

M2 Carbine is accurate with 750 rof. And all semi autos have nerfed maximum rof since long ass time.

Ok you change recoil value of Bren and it will still be worse than M1919 and not even a side grade to that gun.


Already answered you but you choose to ignore it.

I just think it isnt fair that they do the bare minimum with germany. When was the last time germany got anything new? Panzer 4g existed in stalingrad they just changed camo, tiger h1 existed in editor for ages and it is almost identical to tiger e and pavesi has also been there for a while. It also means that modders will get less stuff to play with.

They seem to only put effort into premium squads like the walther a115 and flakbus

Why do they use their time modeling and making bren when they could have used ithaca, trench gun or m1921ac but then germany is where they draw their line?

Also bren will be the 4th 100 round mg for allies while germany still got none. Feeks like a middle finger for german players.

Also where the hell is super pershing? They teased it ages ago but refuse to release it. I dont think adding 1 tank takes that much time


So long in fact that I manage to unlock both tiger 2 h and m26 ever since it announce (and I farm like 12 or more tank to get them before economy change)

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At this point i think they may fired entire dev team and replaced it with just community managers to cut the cost. And any modelling work will be made by contractors from India for pennies or by the brand new ai like they did with ai cats. I hope at least they turned off the lights in the office before that change you know electricity is expensive.

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Mgs are good now
far better than what we had before.

that Murata rifle looks sexy :face_holding_back_tears:

Mounting is better. But MGs didn’t change at all. They are still heavy ARs for run and gun.

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Lol all of this are base on your fake reuse old stuff theory. Did the old stuff appear from thin air so they didn’t spend time to model it? There is no difference between stuff they made long time ago and the stuff that they recently made. You are just complaining for the sake of complaining.

Lol the only thing you got is a bunch of unrelated stuff?

is what they are in video games
you will never get the supression effect they have in real life
there is no FEAR in videogames. :laughing:
less in this game where there are BOTS where you can respanw after death :laughing:

we need the japanse scoped MGS :yum:

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I think you are only arguing for the sake of arguing. But whatever. We may agree to disagree and end this pointless conversation


Not in all games.
In my opinion BFV did MMGs very well. I wish we could have something similar.

Current state of MGs is like in a game from before 2010.


Still can’t explain the difference between old stuff and recently made stuff. Tried multiple times to diverge this to other topic by adding unrelated stuff lol.

Brothers in Arms series did suppression effect very well.