New Battle Pass: Third Season of 2024

Infantry Machine guns were given a heavier bolt to reduce fire rate (mainly due to issues with the high fire rate guns breaking barrels) Very early guns had fire rates up to 1500 rpm, but this caused sone serious issues. Infantry squads were issued anything from 1200 to 900 rpm bolts after, with the fire rate decreasing as the war went on.

It fired from the 50 round belts seen in-game. No MG-42 fired from a 250 round belt, however the 50 round belts could be interlinked to support continuous fire. This would typically only happen in a emplaced positions, in a vehicle, or as a crew served weapon.

So guns issues to Machine Gun squads typically had a heavier bolt to reduce the fire rate to anywhere around 900-1200 rpm (I believe the on the low end of 900 rpm was primarily used late war). This was an attempt to mitigate barrel damage, which the MG-42 was notorious for. Barrels are heavy and difficult to lug around on the move.

As for the automatic fire, that was generally frowned upon by Wehrmacht doctrine, one reason being the previously mentioned barrel damage issues and another being ammunition consumption. The intended use of the weapon was to fire it in short bursts.

For ammunition, the gunner would only carry 50 rounds, the squad would move themselves into a firing position. Once in a stationary position the ammo carrier would be able to link one 50 round belt to another as the gun was firing.

Now, in emplaced positions didnā€™t have as big of issues, because the issue of mobility isnā€™t really there.

This is so wrong dude Im not a Comieboo but damn this is so wrong who hurt you man
The AS-44 successfully met the competitionā€™s requirements and in the spring of 1945, an experimental batch of them were manufactured at the Tula Arms Factory. in the spring and summer of 1945, the first tests took place in the GSOFG(Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany) , as well as in the Moscow, Leningrad, Central Asian and Transcaucasian military districts and at the Vystrel Higher Officer Courses . The overall experience was positive, but the army leadership demanded that the weight of the weapon be reduced.
So at the time of trials only 5 prototype existed and they send each place 1 different model to evaluate isnā€™t that kind of laughable also there are 6 places mentioned but only 5 prototype if every prototype were only produced once, also other thing military completions sometimes require more than 1 sample of the gun could be the case here so no there werenā€™t 7 porotype AS-44 but more likely 100 or so were created though the batch was created after the war so there is that, too so technically speaking most likely you are right that only 1 model5&4 existed , most likely since we donā€™t know the requirement for coemptions they might have asked for 2 or 3 of each sample

Donā€™t bother, there is no real ā€œprizeā€ on making it to the Marshal rank, but the profile picture.

This was my first time not even reaching General, and based on how is it going, is not gonna be the last time either.

True, but there are some decent rewards to be had on the way to Marshal.

Iā€™m just surprised I seem to not even get the ā€œBP levelsā€?

That is why they carried spare barrels, swapping the barrel only took a couple of seconds.
MG crews usually swapped barrels every 150-250 rounds fired. That actually significantly prolonged the barrelā€™s life span since the barrel never overheated in battle unlike most MGs of the period.

Barrels are heavy, difficult to lug around and expensive to make. Yes, MG-42 squads were given some barrels to swap out, but they did not have an infinite supply. That was the issue, and why infantry machine gunners had weapons with limited rates of fire. To help mitigate barrel damage.

True, but Germany literally based itā€™s whole squad tactics around machine gun doctrine, they probably knew what they were doing.

A barrel cools down fairly quickly, by the time they cycle back to the first barrel, it would usually be completely cooled. If they have enough ammo to fire that much at all.

I can confirm that early MG42ā€™s fire rate was reduced from 1500, but the only reason I know of is economy, such a fire rate wasted ammo way too much.

But you are forgetting that MG34 and MG42 are the worldā€™s first GPMG, light machine gun and medium machine gun if installed on a tripod.
squad machine guns and platoon medium MGs having radically different fire rate on purpose would defeat the whole GPMG doctrine.

Yeah, Iā€™ll definitely give you this. I honestly think the main issue was that just too many barrels were cracking due to over use, and then as the war dragged on they became more and more difficult to produce. That and also ammo consumption. Thatā€™s why by the end of the war so many guns were relegated to 900 rpm.

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Anyone know if twitch drops hero soldiers qualify for the 20% XP booster?


Also my Bf 109 K-4 didnā€™t get the memo about getting a bomb?


Sadly the update didnā€™t release just yet.
Probably in a day or two, unless they reroll some changes.

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Weirdly enough the MG45 has high rpm despite being last ditch MG design.
Maybe the lighter bolt was cheaper/easier to produce?

Again, after three matches, there are no real people playing, only two or three max.

I find this incredibly difficult to believeā€¦

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Me too, i have been since the beggining and missing the old days, with real people. Only real motivation is to use the premium i bought with the gold compensation, and i think thatā€™s gonna run out even after the release of the game, which i see far awayā€¦

Long story short, dead on arrival.

I played 5 matches today and all of them were fullā€¦ I think you are confusing noobs with bots.
Funny as it may seem, bots outperform many casual players in this game.

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Maybe thatā€™s the problem, i am playing with noobs that canā€™t writeā€¦ Should i try the other server and speak other language maybe?

I donā€™t understand why they keep saying ā€œthere is a lot of peopleā€ when there are clearly not, i used to play this game and be talking and chating with people all the time in the ingame chat, now there is a silence that proves by itself that there are no people around, or at least less than ever.

I respec some of my factions to BRI today.

Had loads of fun against real people.

You have to remember, that different people play different BRs.

The playerbase is really fluid with this game.

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