New Battle Pass: Third Season of 2024


Right now there are more people playing Russian Fishing 4 than Enlisted, that’s a thing you need to put your priorities on.

5 matches on US low BR, not a single pacific map. Game is definetely having some heavy issues.

What server are you playing on?

I ask, because it’s late in Europe right now.

All of them, but today when i booted the game i was playing only US servers, got paired with bots against vets, and only against Germany. Also, people don’t seem to know how to chat in english on US servers playing with US faction, which i find a little bit sus.

Would love to see the game have some comeback, but it looks like it’s not gonna happen. Best times have already past and it’s sad.

To quote Churchill:

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

Give it time, chap.

…That last bit was me… :wink:

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Oh, don’t worry i have like 500 days of premium that i will use playing, sadly my friends have quit the game long time ago or are starting to move on to other games. Maybe some of them will comeback someday, but has i have already told you, the best days have already past by.

Game is gonna keep on going, and that’s for sure, at least until the last whale was drained.

Bleddy lightweights… :smiley:

Personally I’ve never heard about any of this. Do you have some sources I can read (ideally not in cyrylic/russian as auromatic translation is often bad)?

All direct and indirect evidence I ever saw indicates that ±1200rpm was the standard rate of fire for MG42 (also in the LMG role).
And it’s the first time I hear about the barrel damage being an issue during fighting. Overheating yes but not damage.

That’s not emplaced position. That’s a regular use of an infantry machine gun.
So I don’t see how this makes longer belts unsuited for infantry as that’s exactly how those guns were used.

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If you are playing at midnight it normal that the match making take time

Aha, waiting for the next excuse for a “healthy playerbase”… Priorities should be put on the things that matter, not the graphics, but at the end of the day i am supporting has much has i can, i do not live out of the game, if the game dies, i just move to some other one.

Meanwhile the same 20 guys can keep on going on RPM of guns, etc.


I’m not trying to sound like a dick but it literally says it’s a pistol with a fire rate that surpasses the PPsh-41 submachine gun. I also find it hard to understand why you post negative comments about a pistol that you’ve obviously not even acquired.

yea that guy is weird and always aggressive like i mean REALLY aggressive at all time

I think what he may be referring to is damage sustained to the barrels that overheat which cause them to warp

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That would be unbalanced :pensive:

There is a problem with Google translation
Otherwise who the hell would ask?
How many faults do you want to find in a question?
