New Battle Pass: Third Season of 2024

Impretty sure the MG42 in game has a nerfed fire rate


yeah sadly but we can use more LMGs for US specially British LMGs in the tech tree since its not just US faction

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Yeah a British High capacity LMG would be cool.

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well now you understand why i want more lmgs to us faction specially British cuz now i need to use the stinger thank god for the new battle pass when i can finally replace it.

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Gib 1200rpm darkflow


:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

This guy is laughing at axis mains when they have well needed suggestions, calls them wheraboos and cry babies - and now he acts like a cry baby too?

I love your double standards, Life_burns!


Asymetric balance is never achieveable.
But then, if you want only germans to have a good LMG/MG - let USSR have Automatic Grenade Launcher AG-2:

It was mag-fed and belt-fed :Š 
Maybe it can be a unique building for mortar squad XD


Good idea! In my opinion mortar teams are not as popular as other classes, maybe they can get a bit of well deserved love.

Every nation should have a unipue building for their mortar teams.


For Americans i suggest this nearly a grenade-launcher:

For Russians iā€™ve already sent one.

For Germans this anti-air-grenade-launcher of ww1:

iā€™ll make a suggestion on russian forum. If you want - you can make one for english forum (iā€™m a little lazy to translate it, lol).
Here are the namings:
AG-2 (ŠŠ“-2) for russian.
37mm mle.1916 for american
3,7 cm krupp sockelflak l/14.5 for german

For japan: Type 11 37 mm infantry support gun


Iā€™ll do some research too, maybe there are other ā€œfancyā€ weapons like this one:


Leichtes InfanteriegeschĆ¼tz 18. There is a version without shield too, called Gebirgs-InfanteriegeschĆ¼tz 18 (mountain infantry gun). Could fit better compared to the soviet one.

I will take a closer look on captured guns (maybe french ones captured in 1940 for axis?) too.
Maybe there are othe good options for US/GB, USSR and Japan.


1919 is not analogous to the RD44 nor would it be analogous to a 100 round MG42. Using this argument, the MG-08/15 is a better addition.

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Why not? The M1919A6 is more accurate and more controllable than the MG42 or the MG15.
So Germans can have faster firing MGs and the Allies more accurate and controllable MGs and Soviets get (mostly) middle ground.


Fair enough.

Again, This could be more easily solved by adding the MG08/15. Russia has the Maxim-Tokarev. America Has the Browning 1919. The 08/15 would be a perfect. counterpart.

The Germans also have the MG-15, which if you know what youā€™re doing is a decent counter to the RD44, though not identical. America has nothing, next most advanced tech tree MG they have is the Johnson.

If I had it my way a 100 round MG42 would be okay as a battlepass weapon or event reward, and the MG-08/15 would be added to the TT. America in general needs better MGs (maybe a BP T24 MMG?)

This reminded me Italian had a mag fed grenade luncher,too it also could be buildable



Give it to Mortarmen to make then actually useful


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Keep it civil.

Itā€™s iconic, itā€™s the machine gun of ww2.
If you want to make it event/premium only, then make PPSh with 71 magazine an event reward.