New Battle Pass season: even more rewards!

Will be removed items from shop come back one day?
Also… Do you know what items planned to be removed?
From this post: Enlisted Battle Pass ?

We have already discussed this. The store needs to be updated. The opportunity to buy last season’s products is good. But last year was bad. :slight_smile:

Yet this is a market where rarity is also valued. You bought yourself a machine gun and understand that in a few months no one will be able to buy the same one for themselves.

Forward movement.

We will definitely give a list of such items a few days before they are removed. Perhaps earlier.

Their return may happen, but after a long time, so that they become really rare and interesting.


Do not remove the old BP weapons, no one wants that and besides they’ll make you some good money in the long run


AB 41 skin))))))))))) now they can die from HE rounds with pride.

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No, it just hasn’t to be done AT ALL.

It’s not about wanting to get this or that before the end.

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Please, just don’t do it guys. Look at how many people agree with this:

Do your math, devs

I guess OK changes. Not much impact, I mean it’s just a new battlepass. But what stood out to me, the new vehicles are just the starter tanks/planes? Why? I think they had nothing to add. This is not a good sign. I fear the worst.

Some premium sale like in May would be nice tho.

this i like. it adds a sense of value and rarity to otherwise rare and exclusive guns

There are no problems with the store. The problems are with the prices and what you get for that price. You guys ask for 60€ for a tank that is in only one campaign.

I can buy a fully developed triple A game for 60€, a game that has seen 2-4 years of development. You ask for the same price for 2 assets. Embarrassing honestly. When in reality it should not cost more than 5€. If you’d put actual normal prices maybe people would actually use the shop. Things are not selling? Yeah you don’t say. I wonder why.

The guy in charge of pricing missed the “micro” word in the Micro-transactions.

Time and time again the guy in charge in monetizing the game, proved and impressive level of incompetence. There is no hope for this guy. He thinks the shop is the problem and needs remake, that is why things are not selling. It’s just hilarious at this point. Queue up Benny Hill song theme.


really something like that still exists? Or are we talking about hypes here and unfinished Games.

:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

:question: :grey_question: :question:

Hello, my friends, I would like to ask the announcement that ‘after the end of the new season, the pass rewards of the oldest past seasons in the store will be removed’. Does this mean that after the end of the new season, new players will not be able to use T50 and pziij tanks in advance by exchanging skins in the game?

Oh wow, they will be collector weapons :open_mouth: They are not useful… and later they are not useful too, but RARE! XD But people who want to have the weapons for collector choices do already own it. And future player, after not can get it, will eventually not playing anymore, if it get buyable again.

devs, if the rewards for marshall are as underwhelming or worse than this battlepass season, you are going to set a precedent that will tarnish the value of the ranking system, and with that being said, I (and many other of your main money makers) will have no motivation in utter pub stomping noobs and fr00bs on games. In other words, I am quitting till the next update, and if that does not meet my standards, I will quit possibly forever. You best listen here devs because you are in Russia and every cent counts.

I have provided this company a lot of money from the battlepass, the memberships, and the premiums. But that is going to permanently be severed because of your incompetence. I honestly think you guys have been performing below average the past seasons, and now I think you are performing like DOG SHIT.


not a fan of gold order stuff just disappearing from logistics, not at all. there are unique items that are already rare enough due to needing gold orders, something free to play players only get by a slim chance every 10 or 20 days in the daily rewards…

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And you are really weird. You are playing a F2P game with MMO elements. You apparently have not played other games with such elements, especially MMO RPG games such as lineage 2, WoW, Archeage, etc. Where it costs 500++ dollars a month to play comfortably. And to be among the top players, it costs tens of thousands of dollars.

In addition, the game is unlisted does not have any pay2win. Premium squad only speeds up the pumping, and you can play completely without it. This is one of the best games in terms of donation. So I don’t see the point in worrying about it.
If you want each set to cost 5 euros, what’s the point of it? What is the point of developing these units, 3d models, game design? What is the point of this if most of the players will just play with full premium units, get at least 50-100 thousand experience for each battle?
It turns out that the top content (the last levels of the campaign) will be reached in a week - the player will get bored with the lack of new content and will leave.
You apparently don’t understand at all in game design, marketing, and, in principle, the implementation of any project / business.

It’s arguable if the pay content behind Stalingrad full pack is or isn’t pay to win.
And it’s arguable if 5 mgs/ar on a premium squad with an engineer is pay to win or not. When the free to play player can’t have the same option.

It’s also arguable if it’s pay to win or not, to have 10 squad options in-game against 4.


I have but a single concern with all of this: the extension to 15 weeks. Before we had 1 gold order of each type per 60 days (if not extended), now we will have 4 gold orders… per 105 days (IF NOT EXTENDED TOO!!!)

I don’t see that as such a good thing, as the only other way of obtaining those is from daily boxes which can have abysmal drop rates (I got one, ONCE). Rng seems better for those not paying premium subscription for some weird reason. Like “that guys already pay premium, he’s a spender so let’s not give him a lot of orders, there’s more chances he will spend for them than the f2pguy”

It’s just an hypothesis, but after months I’m believing it more and more.

Yeah, 15 weeks? Not a good thing if you guys extend it AS WELL…


Out of the outrageous stupid amount I have spended in this game, I have obtained 1 gold order for each type.

Hypothesis might be right. Who knows.

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See? It’s what I mean, it makes no other sense. Like our very own @gastanofrizzi . He is f2p… he got 17. 17 !!!. I could believe at first it was only random, but I seriously have doubts now…