New Battle Pass: First Season of 2024

i was about to post the same thing :joy:



" it’s time for it to change too "

like… what?

wouldn’t it be better to actually include all items of customization into presets and let the players decide what to wear?

but then again. fomo reasons. right?


I wasn’t aware we were playing TF2 where cosmetics actually mattered to some extent unless you count for the Soviets in their functioning body armor

The wz.39 Mors has a really weird animation. It’s an open bolt weapon, but the bolt isn’t in the forward position when reloading with an empty mag, meaning you only change the mag without racking the charging handle. I suppose this would make sense if you were firing in semi auto and knew that you were about to run out of ammo, but none of the other open bolt weapons work like that in game, except for the Scotti Mod.X, but that’s a semi auto rifle, meaning it’s easier to tell how many times you’ve already shot.

Wait, do I see a bayonet lug on this flamethrower?

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Damn! And here I thought that the silver gain actually increased looking at those 2000 silver tasks. Also 40 appearance change orders is not enough at all. From the way they were speaking I thought like it was 100-200 appearance change orders. The hats are nice but they seem more like last minute additions rather than something which was well thought out. One of the developers in the Russian speaking section said that they added these hats after players complained about the new BP. Hopefully, they have learned their lessons and we will see some improvement in the next BP.

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Maybe they are focusing more on finding and fixing bugs. Let’s hope so :face_exhaling:

I don’t think so since they have released already bugged premium squad today.


Whoa. What’s happening with it?

Nothing essential.

But it’s still unfinished/bugged.


Oh nooo :laughing: :laughing: why, who is rushing them so much, for Pz VI Tiger’s sake. We just want a game that works like it’s supposed to


Delusion at this point, it will just be different hats next time


dam this bp color is blue and i absolutely love it

Man not much silver in new BP sad


Probably to hold the flamethrower in place. But I don’t see the issue with allowing KP 31s to use bayonets :slight_smile:

that is both amazing and curse at the same time for me i mean i guess it fire both bullet and flame?

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LMB shoots the bullets, and the MMB shoots flames at the price of no melee.

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now that is amazing i wonder tho

if i hold both at the same time would it work? welp we may never know

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Now only the activities in the game motivate me to play, there are not many new things or game modes


Yeah. True. For some reason this seems like an ominous design to milk the new players from Steam.

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Yesterday evening in one match I captured a point and got a battle hero award (best flametrooper), both of which were active tasks of mine in the new season. Yet, neither of the two was counted as completed.

Did you guys tweaked the BP specifically to make sure new bugs arise just in time for the launch in Steam?