New Battle Pass: First Season of 2024

Yeah. From what I gather it was tested in limited numbers during WW2 making it ideal for a gold order weapon.

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Thanks for reviewing CBR, got a shock to see 5 notifications, the invisible LMG, Grant post, Pacific head, stuck spawn on dominant heights are recent posts and I know affect quite a few people on both platforms.

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Any word on a road map and the next wave of tree equipment?


Thats… actually what they did.

So I feel like the part about customization is another overblown claim.

Well, can’t be dissapointed if expectations are low.

Anyway, thanks for the explanation fellas.

we will get to more reports on cbr soon enough, and hopefully yours cross our crosshairs fast so we can deal with them :slight_smile: !


Where is the major update?

The big question is will there be any smgs worth getting or if they’re all gonna be “rare” weapons?

Im polish… Mors is a garbage machine pistol…
And it comes from pole…


I still like it visually nevertheless.


Not just in the gold order department, they have Japan there to be the new Tunisia axis (bot farm) since Japan just can’t compete with the US gear at all, particularly in veichles, and the justification for it is that “oh US have to be strong aga sit germany” when it already is plenty strong with the P-47s and whatnot, and within a short period Japan will have to face the T5 cancer the US brings

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Literally mp18 but made worse…

It was always their plan to give the Soviets or the allies a way out like take the allies for example they lost Tunisia so they need a new bot farm and when we look at the Soviets they have magical paratroopers that can go across all BR levels and harass the new bloods.

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“We’ll also put even more focus on the items you need most in the rewards, like Appearance change orders.” lmao this is a good one…

And the allies don’t care too much when they can carpet bomb the entire sector with bombs or rockets so the Tokyo arsenal doesn’t really mean too much if the entire area has been leveled.

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It’s only good for the Soviets because they have functioning body armor


something new


No it’s actually just a placebo we couldn’t even get a bandaid

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Two hats and looking at current system You have to choose where to wear them.

Top tier improvements. Baby steps, more like baby fell asleep and is rolling backwards

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I just saw the stuff and this is not gonna help out new players because the economy is still a disaster

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In fact, it made things worse lol

70k silver instead of 76k
31/75 levels are still just silver, compared to 34/75 before

Biggest change is 6 hats and 40 more appearance orders

Truly massive changes that needed to be announced.

Like battlepass should not even be main income of silver, but economy is so trash it at least helped new players to get some get. 70k is barely enough for one squad but still.
