New Battle Pass: First Season of 2024

No, a better solution is that tier 5 USSR would be unable to play against Japan, the same way tier 5 USA can’t do it now (and nobody is complaining about it).
And a proper solution is implementing a “matchmaking” from the 1st dev server alongside the current one so that we don’t have anachronistic weapons in battles (Volkssturm weapons in Stalingrad and so on). I made a suggestion on how it should look like.

Honestly very few people really care too much about the cosmetics.
Meanwhile most players still need copious amounts of silver to keep progressing.

How about just changing the cosmetics over to silver and just increasing silver gain from the BP instead?


Meh content, not gonna make me get into play a match, but i can keep on going with the login streak, and that’s it.

They have no idea what a theme is or how to make them, they just do a quick scan of odd weapons ww2 wikipedia, slap some bs infro from said page and there you go.
Same like Events, or for that matter… whole game :upside_down_face:

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A community manager explained it on Reddit:
“The theme is like submachine guns / assaulters … so SMGs as gold order weapons, SMG/Assaulter on the poster and on the portrait …”

Which does feel a little bit …underwhelming.


Thats… rather lame frankly

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Yeah, so that’s the level of complexity I was kind of expecting lol

Btw. It’s funny that most people (myself included) wouldn’t even get that current season is going to be “smg themed”.
4 guns, one portrait and one poster. What a theme!


No silver changes? See ya around next update. Peace.

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2 new unique weapons and 2 reskins with different stats and quite underwhelming ones at that, instead of focusing on how this games economy is looking like early 1920s germany or the massive amount of bugs let’s add 2 reskins and put in at least a little work to make 2 unique guns.

In short: I feel like you hate Japan with all your heart, not only do we have a lot of copies of the worst tank in the game that could be replaced by something more acceptable, but on top of a weapon as good as the SIG, you remove the bayonet How useful is it, honestly, I think you need to take another look when thinking about what to put in Japan and it is not hate, it is discontent due to the mistreatment that the faction has been receiving, in terms of gold orders


i mean i could tell that this bp is smg theme all unique (with some not that unique) gun like i said tho i do want to test it before i reconsider since i do want that smooth pps looking gun just hope it got good sound tho

eh i will probably get the sig for a GO jap assaulter if they have one

also do we know which br these will be? if it br2 then yea im gonna buy some of those i guess since i barely do br2 at all nowadays (i tend to give event or GO weapon to soldier with medal so yea)

I hang out at BR3 across the board and throw in my BR5 paratroopers if I want to force myself into Normandy (if it hasn’t rotated me over in a while)

BR3 is where it’s at.

where you usually get with br3 US? i always get normandy br5 so i stop going br3 for a while now

Glad to see the developers taking note of our problems. Hopefully, things will change for the better in the next BP.


BR 3 you can get anything. In Pacific and Tunisia, BR3 is top level. In Normandy and Ardennes, BR3 is lowest level. I didn’t play tonight after making it up to General for the first time last night. But last night, I had Hurtgen, Swamp of Riviers, Tunisia Gorge, Pacific Gavutu(I think it was Gavutu)

…I was all over the place. If I “absolutely demand” to play Ardennes or Normandy, I’ll swap my 506th paratroopers into the roster. I think I played 3 or 4 rounds with them last night and night before last. I actually got a Steel Mill map while I had my troopers. It’s always awesome to drop on the roof and attack Krauts from above. They tend not to see that coming and it’s super fun to shock the shit out of them lol

Potential BR5 gun for a British stand alone faction? Though, I thought this was a post war gun.

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Only 4 bp skins? I had 2 orders saved but it seems like i will only get the me 110. The editor literally has gazillion unused bp skins. Why didnt you add them? I would have wanted to get the is 2 antonov 131 or m4a1 sloppy joe


yea i want to use the is2 for free without grind but at least i get the chinu for free now tho

Also why does the jumbo have those ugly lime stains?

The Patchett SMG is basically the origina model of the sterling, and was made in 1944. Could be a gold order weapon. Some were used by special forces in Norway and Netherland it seems.

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