Nerf type hei automatic rifle

If you encounter a stacked team it’s obviously not gonna end well and if anyone can be bothered to get a death stack team organized from discord to go to Japan you’ll see the answer for yourself.

I get that; im literally simply asking for a winning pic of a match of BR5 Jap vs USA of gold teams where USA wins. Obv post patch

Does anyone have that?? Multiples helps

i am for removing all belt fed MG for run and gun style. 100+ ammo should only be available for entrenched positions.

like i said before japan should have never went past BR3. japan is too lacking with its paper weapons to counter US actual weapons.

so in 4 categories japan leads, 1 is more or less a tie (both are shit against BR5 tanks), 1 is clear loser and 1 idk how to compare cause of double barrel MG.

again gold order weapon and you cant equip 7-8 squads with it.

You’re not gonna win in Japan if you have an unorganized team so overall you just gotta wait for the veterans to get what they want and move to another campaign.

But if it’s any consolation I got my teeth kicked in yesterday

And I technically do not belong at BR5 because I’m technically a BR3 player in the Pacific

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Here a BR5 US proof

See only 4 player are need to win unlike jap (Euthy is pretty good btw)

oh and i know i said i will op out but im only here to show this that all


It’s not hard to lock down the map if you know what you’re doing with the allies

Nonsense. Just pick the weapon from the ground.

Having option > not having option.
For example, where is Jap equivalent to Johnson LMG or semi with GL.

US is clearly superior in equipment to Japan. And there’s no need to nerf Type Hei Auto atm.

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… Come on man, that’s still biased. You single out single things in some categories but use groups in others.

I’ll redo it. Then please, leave me out of that discussion after:


i single out cause of BR5 equipment. if we go by categories US would clearly win cause in most categories prior to BR5 japan just sucks. instead of putting it on BR5 they should have fleshed out previous tiers with either more paper weapons with better performance or with german counterparts.

This, I can but only agree with… I wouldn’t have minded a lower br nation…

japan isnt equipped for br5, the Hei being busted is the only way they can thrive lol

USA paratrooper spam? USA hvar spam on extremely open maps?

the USA would still probably win if each team were equally skilled, the only reason why they lose 24/7 is because their team is 50% AI bots and 50% clueless BR3 players being uptiered

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It was a rather fun match, despite the amount of type hei autos i didn’t feel like i was outgunned, m2 is more than fine against it


yea it kinda is surprisingly altho i got a couple of hung during it so i could have done better but that ok

Vault cat is on console.

Look at this, console using gentlemen. When ppl (my pc brethren) try to undermine your roles as console players, calling you names, etc. throw that snapshot in their face to shut em off. It’s proof enough :smile:


cats should have been part of the master race

This is really the first time i play properly in a match with Euthy tbh there was another one at the early day when new weapon arrive but i crash so i dont know how good (she? i guess. still hesitant) is.

The exception is not the general example.

Good luck convincing everyone. Arguments over balance boil down to

  • “It’s broken, but it’s justified because of some other broken aspect the other faction has.”
  • “It’s not broken because the faction is not winning much without the vets.”

The popularity of the faction will die down and return to its old garbage state once all the veterans get tired of the novelty, until some other cursed event or update gives people a reason to grind for it.

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They kinda are already, aren’t they?



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only master race is PC MASTER RACE

Aww don’t be of bad faith, man :laughing:
I’m trying to unite the playerbase here.