Nerf type hei automatic rifle

cause majority of playerbase owns premium paras and are not f2p?

Last thing before Iā€™m off.

Your ā€œstats balanceā€, is biased. For pure balance, you require the big picture (you admitted you do not). This big picture is not only the playerbase, but the TOTALITY of both factions arms, which you ignore also. Everyone agreed Japanese arms were inferior, if even by a little, to their enemies. If you did include those in the equation youā€™d see better balance than you think.

Instead, you purposely singled out THE ONLY CLEARLY BETTER small arm Japan have and compared it, and only it, to itā€™s counterpart.

You like stats. I like them too, sadly. What you presented is incomplete and does NOT paint an adequate portrait of the situation.

Respectfully, Joe.


Thompson 100 is a limited-premium weapon.

Equivalent to Thompson 50 is Tokyo Arsenal, which is better (more accurate).

I donā€™t know, since I am not aware of public available statistics about that.

At BR5 youā€™re more likely to see more premium stuff and event stuff

Well, it doesnā€™t matter if you waste more ammo by missing or by the fact your weapon has significantly lower dmg.

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i agree that japanese arms are inferior for majority of the grind. not for the end game weapons.

  1. type hei AR>m2 carbine
  2. tokyo arsenal > thompson 50
  3. ho ri > pershing
  4. japanese fighters > US fighters
  5. idk how type 100 MG compares to US MG.
  6. US CAS>japanese CAS
  7. US AT>=japanese AT (although they both equally suck for BR5, so tie?)
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the problem is that Iā€™m seeing it when Iā€™m trying to play tier 3 USA.

Well, only if you are stat nerd. Reality is quite different. I will always prefer m2.

Way more ammo, way better visibility while shooting, not so annoying recoil pattern.

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Thatā€™s not the gunā€™s fault thatā€™s the BRā€™s fault and blame the BR system not the gun

i like m2, but mostly for cqc. if i need to shoot at anything further away than 20-30m i would prefer SA damage and ability to kill with one bullet.

By the way, they already used most of the guns that Japan used in the 1940s in their games. Even the last update was mostly prototypes or weapons for which only plans existed. Most of them are fictional weapons.
It would be impossible for Japan to add more guns to BR5+, at least for small arms. The US still has some WW2 content that could be added to BR5, though.
If there are any more Japanese upgrades, they will have to jump out of WWII. :point_down:

In other words I believe Type hei is the final content for Japan, so,If thatā€™s the case, Iā€™d be fine with a little bit of OP, if thatā€™s the case. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Are you always missing something like given ā€œcuriouslyā€ where is the 100 shot browning? The various models of Shermans and armored vehicles that outnumber the Japanese? The comparison of the number of aircraft models they can field? If you are data write complete and a small update maybe you understand better. A game is won by using combined weapons and used in the right way and it is not a rifle that decides the outcome.

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thats why my classic US rifleman looks like this

Even more great reasons of why Japan going to high BR was a bad idea

You forgot about the automatic pistol to make that load out even more devastating

Dont even let me start on how Japs do not have any equivalent to T20ā€¦ :man_shrugging:

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I do use auto weapon only on engis

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if itā€™s the final bit of content for japan, theyā€™ve made a massive massive massive mistake;

the lack of aircraft alone is noteworthy here.

As of Thompson 100:

Developers know that Japan needs better paratroopers.