Nerf type hei automatic rifle

Totally agree

Then it’s no wonder they lose and if they wanna play BR5 they should learn to work together or just keep playing solo and suck it up.

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i havent played japan nor USA since new update, so i dont have any feelings either way. this is pure stat balance.

it is not a bit. for most part type hei AR is m2 carbine but instead of killing with 2 bullets it is killing with 1 bullet.

i am not going with the feelings. i am going with pure stats. if both weapons have ~same recoil, ~same ROF, but one has double the damage of the other are those weapons balanced?

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Until Japenese get BR5 assault weapon, Type Hei auto should stay as it is.


So if we fix the type hei automatic what about the rest of the problems in the Pacific because we fixed that problem there’s still more problems to fix instead of just that one problem.

Let’s give the U.S. this.


Well, one of them doesn’t make you half blind while shooting :man_shrugging:

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We’re trying to fix the problem not make things worse

give suggestions on how to fix other pacific stuff. personally i think that type hei 10 should have been available as regular progression gun.

to counter exactly what BR5 US assault weapon?

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What are you talking about when it comes to suggestion unless you’re talking about all the other problems in the Pacific ?

Yes, there’s no Japenese equivalent to Thompson 100.


With how flat the maps are that weapon is devastating

thompson 100 is premium. regular tech tree thompson 50 is already inferior to tokyo arsenal.

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Taste like Woody…

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Well Japanese do not have even premium paras…

But I guess the only decent BR5 weapon they currently have is THE PROBLEM.


In order not to be offensive, I’ll tell you, if you don’t use Japanese or Americans, there’s no point in making a topic on the subject if you’re not involved. You may be from a “neutral” point of view but the more I read your comments the more I am convinced that you are speaking from the point of view of a complete ignoramus who only reads data and does not see reality… I underline that I am using the kindest words possible to tell you what I think

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Then where’s Japanese premium magic because they only still have one paratrooper unit

shall i post my stats to see that i am not any main?

neither do 95% of the playerbase.

i play both americans and japanese. i just didnt use them since update cause it is boring/frustrating to play with/against stacked sides.

And this just highlights more of the problems of why Japan never belong in high BR

Completely made up number.