Nerf type hei automatic rifle

no i want my stupid looking drum AVT >:(


They might be capable but they are still prone to getting teamed up on if the enemy has a fighter and fighter bomber at the same time.
And just because the japanese fighter is stronger than their US counterparts does not garantee that they will always win the engagement giving the cas a window to attack regardless.
Especialy if they have to fill in for the role of the attacker to bomb enemy tanks as their attacker just suck to use.

My opinion:

Is that Hei powerful?

Does it deserve a nerf?

Considering it’s one of the very few very good small arms Japan have, along a few smgs. They have ok rifles too, but those are so overtiered it’s meh.

Because if we enter that “nerf this, add recoil here” road to make more sense, then stuff like the avt40 and avs should also receive the axe: they’re unrealistically buffed recoil wise.

Yet nobody complain (much) about them.

I say, wait.
Right now ppl believe it’s op, because there’s more veterans in Japan side than USA side. Thus giving the impression the weapons Japan use are op.

They are not. Just wait for those veterans to return to USA, then watch the recoil of weapons like the Johnson lmg (a laser), the m2 carbine (buffed last patch) the BARa2, etc. Once vets go back to usa… ppl will notice Japan is not as fearsome as it seems.

That’s my opinion anyway.


The point they were making is that all the other JP weapons are kinda garbage so it’s ok if this one is a little stronger.

Nobody care that USA SMG is bad, because their MG’s are 100x better so people play that class instead, the new type 100 is dispersion level 100 trash.

Do you really know what you’re talking about?

The horizontal recoil of avt is higher than that of fg42 at all times. Yes, the vertical recoil of fg42 is greater than that of avt, but how can you suppress the stepped rightward recoil?

This is only the recoil part. As for the bullet capacity of 15:20 and the rate of fire of 660RPM:830RPM, it is an even more “ridiculous” balance.

The Tokyo Arsenal is great. But I personally prefer the Type 100 SMG (late) over it in all honesty. 20 less rounds but negligible recoil, very fast reload and a manageable RoF.

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Japanese weapons should not be nerfed while only the US continues to kill large numbers of Japanese soldiers with rockets and destroy tanks. Only after giving Japan planes with rockets should we consider nerfing Japanese weapons.

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The solution to this is to give them a decent SA rifle like a Type Hei 10 round fed with stripper clips at tier III, (you can see stripper clip guides on the model for christsakes)

not to give them an assault rifle.

it’s also to allow for something like a Type 92 (with a 47 or 97 round drum of 7.7x56mmR), and not the silly double-barreled thing in game presently…

Japan should get a A6M3 and quite a few other aircraft to complement their tech trees.

Nerf the BAR 1918, and the AVT, and make the FG-42 a MG only weapon like it should’ve been from the start (it wasn’t a ‘battle rifle’ it was a replacement for the ZB-26 for paratroopers)…

also fix bipods and fix machinegun squads not having “loaders”/“Assistant gunners” helping to man said light machineguns top-feeding magazines.

totally agree this gun need to be nerfed to the ground.

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or just use the japanese airspawn fighter that can run down any plane in the game with easy while having 2 250 kilos for CAS

Id say the way they add things is also problem.
Stg44 vs as44 for example was a good, both factions got somewhat equal tools in same category.
minimizing the shift of playerbase and generally cant really argue about balance since they pretty much are just red vs blue.
Obviously the matter becomes more complicated since I suppose theyr intention is to keep each faction unique in someway rather than going full red vs blue.

As well as the fact that japs indeed do deserve & need better equipment while murrica isnt exactly suffering with theyr equipment.
As much as I oppose these ppsh41 vs beretta 20mag updates, cant really figure in this particular case what else they could have done.

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As the ancient US main proverb goes: “Just get good bruh”

But in all honesty, is the new current complaint gonna be “US suffers”? I find it amusing because it seems like they don’t like fighting with actual players instead of bots in the Pacific. It used to be a cakewalk for them, and now that they encounter a minor nuisance it becomes a nerf this and nerf that situation.

I agree with Conscript_Joe. Right now Japan has a strong playerbase (at least at certain hours). And this gives the impression of getting stomped no matter what and the first blame will be their weapons (the usual grass appears to be greener on the other side of the fence situation). But as a long time player of this game, let me tell you. Playerbase trends shift overtime and whatever factions are powerful right now won’t be the same in a few months from now on. Let Japan have their moment, they deserve it. You’ll get yours.


I agree with you, it’s very ironic that they literally cry because now the Japanese have a very good automatic rifle. To refresh the memory of those who ask for the nerf, the hei type has 30 shots and 90 reserves, fire ratio 720, vertical recoil 60, horizontal recoil 22 and projectile exit speed 660 m/sec. the M2 carbine, its counterpart, has 30 rounds and 210 reserves, fire rate 750, vertical recoil 54, horizontal recoil 17 and bullet exit velocity 560 m/sec. Reading this data which is well accessible to all, one can only notice 1 thing in which the Japanese weapon is superior to the Americans and that is only the muzzle velocity of the bullet. Just for that one fact the fanatics of the American faction ask for NERF?? I don’t know about you but it’s shocking to say the least. The Japanese weapon is balanced in data as it was done, it would be nicer to add more air assets for the Japanese faction since the Americans clearly have many more units that they can use.

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maybe look at real stats in OP. the ones in game are fake. also you are not putting bulled damage in there. type hei can kill soldier with vitality with 1 bullet, while m2 carbine needs 2 bullets to kill soldier without vitality.

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1 miracle bullet because at least it never happens to me xD. if it’s any consolation to you, hey, I don’t use it at medium distances in automatic but in semi, the same way I use it with the FG42 2

here are graphs to illustrate the issue
on basic soldier
on soldier with vitality perk

and all of this while having recoil and magazine capacity of m2 carbine. at least fg42 and avt40 have other downsides.

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Take a OneHit Bolt Action Rifle and stop crying…
America suffers, we all know^^

i am not even US main. so please use actual argument.

I would Say Is okay… Japanese dosent have very strong automatic gun compared to the US


so you would say that fg42 II with third of its recoil and 10 more bullets is balanced if we give it to germans?

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