Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

Of a whole 2-3 days each ffs - that’s not serious testing!!

They fixed some - but there’s a whole shedload that they ignored, and you have to be more than a little bit myopic to think that 8 days testing was ever going to be enough for such a big change!!

I’ve only had 1 game - it was Tunisia… not sure I want to bother any more…

What is the BR for Moscow?? I had 85% of my games on Tunisia and Stalingrad with German Axis BR2.

Well for me and many many many more people they have no in avg my games post merge have been super stomps or waiting for the enemy to show up only for them to be insta killed by multiple people.

matches have been unfun and booring. Tanks virtually unusable.

Heck i just finished a BR 1 (pacific squads only with br 1 weapons) and by finished i mean i deserted after my M8 Grayhound got destroyed by a Pz 4J (BR 3).

Seems to be BR 1 Germany has the best chances at getting Moscow or Tunisia at a 50/50 split

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BR 1-3 can see moscow.

no secret that I know of, just random. Nope…Im wrong

So far

Moscow 3
Stalingrad 4
Tunisia 3

BR3 gets you to Tunisia Stalingrad Normandy and Berlin sometimes. Not Moscow in my case.

I’m gonna try BR1, but it feels like extra work to do all the equipment dance…

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I havent Played BR 3 yet because it took me hours just to re-arrange my squads, perks and gear for just my BR 2 deck.

But I see BR 3s in every game

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I had a BR2 but i realized that my chances of getting more maps where on changing to BR3 despite the problems of being sometimes extremely underleveled for matches against BR 4 or 5, but to be honest lately every Axis Germany match has been a stomp or close to that.

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Yeah, it looks like your matches are averaging about half as long as the shortest one I’ve had since the merge. That’s not fun. I wonder why? Luck of the draw like Myrm1don getting map variety while I’m in Stalingrad purgatory?

Br 3 has really nice and interesting equipment. But Im not much interested in Playing it until a 3rd MM queue is intoduced.

I will most likely save it till then.

that and the new un equip all buttons for my other nations.


We need quality of life changes to the squad management, that thing when you change your preset lineup and it’s has the same equipment you put on them few seconds ago, that’s preposterous.

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Yeah I can see it being really annoying for wanting to recycle squads across BRS

I havent had much issue with it yet, because I have entire different squads for different BRS, no overlap.

Having to buy the same cosmetics on the same solider for each map type annoys me probably the most. (another thing Im going to have to hold off on in hopes of being changed)


I am happy people finally showed gaijin that making player unfriendly decisions have consequences.


Selling the squad is a terrible solution

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When the Masters of Pain meet the Master of Paint (Darkflow vs. McKracker) :slight_smile:


first you sell 60 $ premium squads


that is what happens when you have full game of players with comparable equipment to yours. you dont have easy newbies to farm with your end game equipment, you also dont have many bots to farm like before.

we will see the numbers after.

i enjoy t5 battles more than before cause they are more challenging and you actually need to work harder for victory. there are much less roflstomps than before. but there still needs to be extra queue cause i see really weird stuff on t5 battles that really arent for that queue.

i played WoWS when it got released on steam. do you know how much playerbase increased? ~10%. and it got loads of negative results at start cause they couldnt link wargaming account with steam account. steam wouldnt save the game considering it is already on playstation and xbox store.

every battle?
your data (for first day) says otherwise (too much time to rebuild database for all data)

and lets further analyze your battles by campaign/mode

highest desertion % was ~36% on 3 maps and that was either when games werent full, or when you had chunk of it cause of prematch deserters (btw there is possibility of 10vs10+ match cause of MM bug. i had 10vs15 match )

so nowhere near 50%+ desertion rate.

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can’t upgrade Beretta M38 (tier 1) because the squad is nowhere to be found (673rd Grenadier Regiment) :sweat_smile:

Not my experience at least, games are generally faster whether you win or lose.

The team quality and focus matters way more than before. So if you end up in a bad team, it’s even worse than before.