Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

If they are getting backlash so hard currently you think they can survive from Steam Review at all? Lmao

Anyways, I am here for the drama


see thatā€™s the beauty of steam.

You either make a good game or die.


I am not excusing them, at all. I am also annoyed with the current state of the game.

I am just stating how it is. They want to lower how many ques they have because not enough people are playingā€¦I am not saying I like it :confused: but thats just the facts of itā€¦

They might be hoping for more players when they do an ā€œofficialā€ releaseā€¦but who knows how that will really go. Especially if the game dies soon after this mess.

and yes, I very much want this.

pls make us not have research previous vehicles to get new vehicles, itś so annyoing

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well if they continue like this the game will die before official release xD

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I donā€™t know if this would be the place
But here are my main sticking points with the new enlisted so far

  1. My smg squad from battleof moscow is BR4, what?
  2. I canā€™t easily play the maps I want ā†’ I preferred battle of Moscow over Berlin and Stalingrad, but I can barely play it ( or I have to sacrifice my squads FROM THAT CAMPAIGN in order to play )
  3. Well if you end up in a medium-ish BR, you matchmake with people with a higher one, so I have a LOT of fun with my soviet bolt actions ( FROM MOSCOW ) against STG-44s from berlin, just because I have a PPSH with Drum mag in some of my squads. And my T-50 gets one tapped by Tiger 2s or Panther tanks too

So yeah, I just feel like I donā€™t have real control on my roster and Iā€™m overall having less fun because I end up on maps I donā€™t like against people I canā€™t really compete with

Rant over

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The days of bullying low level Germans In Moscow With PPSH and Fedorov and T34 are over


No, this is not fair and this must be a mistake. There was only official warning about removing certain premium squads, and a warning long ago about removing the few Stalingrad campaign squads.
I bought premium account especially to farm Allies in Tunisia quickly in order to happily walk into the merge with the rocket-carrying A-20, prepared for fighting Tiger IIā€™s. Then my designated vehicle gets deleted ā€œbecause f you.ā€ Now everytime I play I regret buying that premium.
They should return it if not for me than just for balance sake btw, these Tigers II are so hard to eliminate.


it is partially true statement. before on campaign level there were not enough players cause on some campaigns you had enough players to populate 2-3 campaigns, while on others you had barely enough players for half a campaign. and you had big problem with playerbase stacking to one side of campaign etc.

with merge game should now be able to support 3 queues over most of the day (well except pacific). on average there is 17.5 human players per match on crossplay on on the first day of the merge. considering that you cant really fill games with players in night hours and that there is still some difference in playerbase this means that 2 queues are running at full capacity and MM probably has room for 3rd queue that would give full or mostly full games.

this would be like quenching thirst with poison. you would get short term jump in players, but those players would leave negative reviews on steam making gaining long term players much less likely.
game is nowhere near ready for steam in this kind of condition. to make thing worse we are probably months away from steam release based on their planned roadmap and it will be big shitshow when they release it there.

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I really want it fixed so that basically ALL German and Soviet matches arenā€™t in Stalingrad. So far, 80% of my post-merge games have been in Stalingrad. One in Tunisia as US (so could not be Stalingrad). Only one Moscow.

All but 2 of those could have been Moscow, some could have been Berlin or Normandy. Just WAY too much Stalingrad.

My assumption is that match making is grabbing some BR3 players to fill out the queue and so that puts us in Stalingrad.

This is just one more reason to stop having level 3 play up and down so far. If I canā€™t get off of Stalingrad map(s) then I wonā€™t want to keep playing. Itā€™s my least favorite and Iā€™d rather wait 1-2 additional minutes waiting for players so I could see other and better maps.


I must be fortunate. Have only had time to create and test my BR 2 German deck, but I mostly get Moscow (which makes me pretty happy by the way)

Iā€™ve only played a few games NOT on BR2. Most all were BR2 Germany or BR2 Russia. Just 10% of those went to Moscow and 90% to Stalingrad.

Then I go BR5 for Germany 1 match and BR5 Russia for 1 match. BOTH in Stalingrad.

All my lineups need a lot of work but I set BR2 and BR5 for all 4 so I could play a bit. There will be a lot of tuning to come.

I wonder if they have some map preference nonsense still tied to Squads/Weapons/Vehicles. Iā€™m sure I have a Stalingrad squad in my decks. Maybe their ā€œpreferringā€ Stalingrad and just ā€œallowingā€ others (e.g. Moscow)? Not what they described but given it may have been coded like that 1w earlier it wouldnā€™t surprise me.

well obviously the merge is literally killing the game. Today it was almost impossible to get more than 3k points per battle.


Also this is just excuses again. If the game was fine (aka merge doesnā€™t happen) and it gets released on steam it would at worst sit on high mixed :slight_smile: post merge well iā€™d guess very negative.


Maybe but i dont think so. My br 2 lineup is heavily italian squads, but I have barely seen Tunisia

This is also poor the maps can barely handle 5v5 more players on small/shit maps = worse gaming experience hence why every battle i joined post merge to grind soviet paras has a 50%+ desertion rate.

Iā€™ve enjoyed all of my matches so far - even the losses. Iā€™m just exhausted of Stalingrad. I only played two matches today despite planning to grind the event. After two MORE Stalingrad matches, Iā€™m done.

you are contradicting yourself in your own comment.

you can enjoy your matches soo much you arenā€™t even playing the event.

I didnā€™t realize I was being cross-examined in a court of law.

I enjoyed the competitive match. I enjoyed differentiation between levels of violence.

I do not enjoy playing more than about 25% of matches in Stalingrad. Iā€™d prefer 10% but am getting 90%.

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what competitive matches? competing with your teammates for every kill soo you can have 35 kills instead of 30? pre-merge iā€™d avg 100-150 kills per game post merge its hard to get 50 the games just donā€™t last long enoughā€¦ with what 3k score if you are lucky vs avg of 4-7k score pre merge.