Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

Actually they just announced Ardennes lol


They really need to make BR6 for all of these fantasy weapons


i am for merge like many other players, but even i am leaving negative feedback cause of the way they implemented it.

so you rarely have issues and you play in stack? maybe we should tailor this game for you and your friendsā€¦ maybe more newbies and bots on enemy team so you can easily bot farm for enjoyable experience.

you had whole year to propose your options. and we had loads of those that were mostly much worse then BR.

this is a pure lie.
normandy was most balanced campaign lately, but year ago it was heavy axis stack.
also seriously berlin and moscow balanced? this is such obviously false statement that i cant even fathom how you can say this with a straight face. i played both moscow allies and berlin allies in last half year. moscow allies was a breeze where i could easily have over 80% WR and berlin allies were frustrating games where i am lucky if i manage to win 30% of the games. so yeah totally balanced and enjoyable (when i am on winning side).

Soviet paratroopers falling from the sky with Fedorov when they could have given them the folding PPSH instead.



Just keep quiet, thank you.

Yes. Many matches looked like this. This is an example of normandy, in moscow I had a win rate of 60% as axis, in berlin it first went sky high over 89% and now slowly declined because many many many soviet mains came back. The stacks ALWAYS will move - even with this new ā€œGREATā€ update.

Yeah thatā€™s insane

Unlimited paratroopers in general, falling from the sky in Stalingrad or on top of Reichstag, is insane.

And Fedorov, a WW1 semi-working weapon, is insane x2.


Great idea re: option to disarm soldiers:

Set the the ā€œsquad presetsā€ to import not just the squad lineup you saved, but also their soldier and equipment loadout, including by stripping soldiers/equipment from other squads.

I saved a BR1 squad layout for Axis, then a BR5 squad layout for Axis, then tried to switch back to BR1ā€¦ only to find that it only saved the squads, not their soldiers or equipment, so anything I had used in the BR5 layout had to be stripped and manually re-added to the BR1 layout. This is a huge waste of time: When I select a squad preset that I saved, I want it to load those squads with the layouts I saved for them, so I can rapidly switch between layouts and enter new games. For this to happen now, you need to save multiple layouts for each faction, all with completely separate equipment and soldiers - a huge resource drain - or else restock the squads from scratch every time.


since the update I call this game ā€œdress up soldierā€. Itā€™s just like dress up barbie, but for boys.

Thing is, I didnā€™t want to play ā€œdress up soldierā€ but enlistedā€¦

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I donā€™t know I already have it, but I can say for sure its in the beaufighter squad

i say normandy was balanced, you show me one example of where you lost in normandyā€¦ oh greatā€¦

so we should balance game for stacks? ffs i am talking about solo playing experience, not about stack experience. if you played solo moscow axis you would have 30% WR maybe 40-50% if you are really good.

Well, the improvements weā€™re looking for arenā€™t difficult.
There are so many good things about it.
惻Weapon model
惻AI squad

bad place
惻Battle rate system
惻The ability to select the battlefield has disappeared.
惻Insanely complicated shitty research tree

The bad parts are clear no matter who you ask. Management, please fix these as soon as possible.

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You called me a liar. I could show you dozens examples. Moscow was balanced (more in favor for allies), normandy was equal - sometimes in axis favour, sometimes and specially after the OP paras in allied favour. My screenshot just was an example of good filled and strong teams (as I said in 3/4 matches). Berlin was a PAIN for axis in the early stage, but went to an aprox 90% win house later and now slowly became an equal battlefield because many allied/soviet mains came back!

The developers do exact the same thing NOW! When few ppl play BR3 - GUESS WHAT BR THEY ARE FACING! The main part - the so called stack - will play BR5. You will always have the ā€œstackā€ problem.

BR4 = useless. Totally useless and a WASTE of weapons which were fun before the update.
BR1-2 = obsolete when the players get acces to the first BR3+ weapons.
Only veterans and fans will stay at BR1-2. Or newbies because they get pissed when they face BR5 all the time with their BR3 gear.

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You complained about your ā€œstacksā€.

more anecdotal evidence. that is why data shows clear situation without bias. if you want anecdotal evidence i can give you examples also:
for this game i could be considered skilled player cause i can carry and usually end up in top of the leaderboard. year ago grinded normandy axis with WR >75%, after that had grind in normandy allies with WR ~50% and that is with me deserting pure roflstomps, so it should have been somewhere at ~45%.
this year i played moscow and had over 80% WR, soviet allies i started with 80% WR somewhere around level 10 and it went down to 50% at level 15 with me deserting worst roflstomps (so that is around 30% WR for skilled player). all solo queue and i can hardly see balance.

and why do you think there is negative feedback? also you cant balance game for stack. they are there or not.

yes it is nice to see one stack demolishing anotherā€¦ and in 90% of the games as solo you dont see stacks.

btw how do you disprove data that shows that in last half year berlin had on average 20% more players than allies? and that is mostly of fully grinded axis veterans which isnt shown in the data.
or that tunisia allies had almost 2 players for every 1 axis player?

Hereā€™s my opinion on the update

  • iā€™ll play the daily 20k score for the OP soviet paras soo i can club BR 1 with it.

Otherwise one of THE WORST UPDATES any games has revived.

75% of battles make me want to insta desert (often do soo now rarely did it before)

Its very hard to get high point games anymore and queue times have gotten 5-10x longer than campaigns system somehow.

Immersion while being on the high end in campaigns is now COMPLETELY gone.

80% of weapons/unlucks/vics are useless now.


P.S still waiting for compensation for any useless tier 3 premium squad either move them down to 2 or offer a refund.


Please fix the game I am having frame drops badly can barely run the game Enlisted I love this game fix it or you will lose players.

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i have the feeling your stacks are not his stacks. he is talking about ā€œplayers stacking on one sideā€, while you seem to be using the standard stack definition here: 4 player premade groups.

you can easily balance stacks, by making them queue against other stacks only. but that would lead to loooonger queues while matchmaking in a stack, making stackers (the most hardcore and usually p2w stuff buyers) flee the game.

i said before, and i will say it again. PREMADE STACKS VS SOLO PLAYERS ARE THE ABSOLUTE MOST UNBALANCING ELEMENT, far worse than gear imbalance, vehicle imbalance, BR, map, campaign, theatre of war or p2w items/squads.

4 players stacked and communicating can overwhelm a full 10 solo enemy army, while equipped with only bolties, all the while laughing and fooling around.

well he was showing stack with his friends, so i assumed we are on same page.

yeah that is exactly what would happen if you put them in either bot lobbies. you cant really balance themā€¦

always all seems to trickle down to the same absolute basic problem: lack of player population.
low pop for stack vs stack, low pop to keep campaigns rolling, low pop to stretch the BR to a reasonable state, low pop for everything.

it would stand to reason that the first issue and problem they should tackle is INCREASING population. yet they always seem to move in the opposite direction, as player unfriendly as humanly possible without directly kicking people out.

you know what is the saddest thing, for me at least? they have an excellent foundation for an internet breaking game with tooons of players, if they gave it proper thought and proper resources. the damn game is SOO MUCH FUN, yet sometimes it seems like they are trying to remove the fun in very tiny increments, like the frog and the hot water and all that. i love the game, i dont love feeling like the frog.