Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

The ability to trade in duplicate gold order weapons for gold orders would be nice, I’ve got some unwanted duplicates I bought before the merge was even announced.

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We will pass this suggestion to the devs


I would like to be rid of that little green box for perks. It makes sense when you have five slots and just choose from three, but with the new system, I might not use up all my perk points. I also might not want to bother dealing with a soldier’s perks.

Please add a ‘read all’ sort of button. I hate having a notification I can’t get rid of.


Another thing:

Despite the new perks and soldiers level system, the game asks me to pay gold or upgrade orders in order to level up my soldiers who have stars available but not full yet.

You can level them up with XP, same as before


agreed better cause of more humans, but it is also worse at the same time cause you have heavy equipment imbalance.

this is higly questionable. you could get most items 2-20 times faster if you only count specific weapon trees.
e.g. in rifle tree you could get g43 after grinding 50k xp, while in postmerge you need to grind 914k xp. for fg42 you needed 314k or 470k xp after merge you need 1.26 mil.
for mp40 in campaigns you needed anywhere between 72k-206k xp and after you need 774k xp. ffs even if you combine smg grind in all 5 campaigns you still end up with less xp needed in campaigns for mp40 then in postmerge.
only thing cheaper is few early/mid vehicles/weapons on early war campaigns that were overpriced there.

you can check more tables here

you are drunk… ffs d-day is one of the worst maps out there and it being in reverse is even worse. it is completely loopsided towards axis.


This is great but could we at least divide the campaigns into time periods that way everything has at least some historical organization that way we don’t see Berlin tanks in Stalingrad or as44s and fg42’s in Stalingrad either? Just divide it into Early, mid and late war and then over time add new campaigns to each.


guys from enlised squad we wanna play historically this gives us fun i dont wanna play moscow and see king tiger in it please give us back old matchmaking system


and to display max stats for soldiers. ffs i dont want to dismiss those RNG lottery guys after price hike.


hey, before people forget to mention it,

how about functioning bipods?


Also, could we add an option to turn the tinnitus sound effect on/off? It just something my wife has complained about hurting her ears, so now I usually only play after she has gone to bed or is at work

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If it’s intended, then ok. I initially thought leveling up squad levels would immediately upgrade all soldiers too.

Selling squad? Nah, I keep them, thanks

Btw you kinda need to sort out the BR and Matchmaking, cuz nothing stop Tiger II showing up anywhere, and you already know everyone and their grandmother has one…

Is quite a big deal, cuz I won’t give any mercy to any new player with this shitty 4ss economy, and good luck if they stick to the game more than a week



Presets for the perk system/table.

There’s no secret many of us literally spent hours in this section.
Could you consider to make some kind of preset system here?

Filter for soldiers

Like we have for Squads.

Ideally we should also be able to see the soldiers hidden deep down in some god forgotten squad.


So, if i sell the squad but never added any points to the development of that specific smg/lmg/etc. Do i lose the ability to upgrade that weapon?

I think nothing has changed with merge except that we now use weapons to determine the campaigns and i still have a lot of bots in rounds

Merciless bastard :joy::joy::joy::joy: don’t even hesitate when the time comes and you need to shoot that 88mm cannon to the poor soul using a Sherman or a Stuart.


Very likely, yes, you can’t upgrade any weapon that used to be in x squad but now is moved to other squad in the merge

It’s likely they mean selling old pre-merge squads. You’ll still have the real progression squads, who should have all the weapons they upgrade included.

Since the tech tree squads have all weapon upgrades besides the upgrades for the removed stalingrad guns, you wouldn’t lose that ability since you will only be able to sell old legacy squads from before the merge