Myrm1dons BR Adjustment Compilation (Suggestion)

Yet Myrm1don’s topic suggests to “fix” this. Moving strong stuff from BR II to III.

Otherwise I completely agree with you. I want every tier to feel somewhat unique and different in terms of power. Moving down stuff from III to II like they have done the last couple of months I strongly dislike.


No, it doesn’t. I said both BR2 and BR3 are already bloated. (Especially in comparison to BR4.) He just moved few weapons from BR2 to BR3.

Btw. My personal guess is that BR3 will be way more popular than BR2 with this new MM. So in BR2/BR3 matches basically nothing will change. The only difference is going to be that seal clubbers playing BR1 will be protected from encountering Pps 42/43.

And I cannot forgive him suggesting to put KV-2 at BR3. That’s literally crime.
I bet he didn’t even tried the tank. KV-2 can easily kill Tiger 2 H on consistent bases.
(I’ve made so many arguments why it should stay BR4 in different topic, I am just lazy to repeat myself again and again)


UNLESS, the tanker is decent and angles… then oof… that 88 gives no second chances…


German BR4 assaulter weapon where?

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Actually a really good idea. 40 round Beretta being the highest BR, 30 round medium BR, and the stupid 20 round magazine could be removed and a weaker Beretta should get that one.

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Well, he can release all his ammunition in a minute and simply destroy everything that moves until he receives a response, he simply won’t let him live on 2-3 Br

You’re a funny man, Jumbo doesn’t get punched head-on by Panther and Tiger 1, and RocketWerfer kills him with overpressure

Are you sure you’re playing the game? In our game, it is the bomber’s bomb load that decides, not its forward-facing armament (the BF-110 G2 doesn’t count, it doesn’t have forward-facing armament, but cannon armament)

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I saw it more like a topic to freely and open discuss eventual BR changes rather than a rigid solution from OP.

I don’t mind it. We’re discussing this everyday anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ye, lmao. It is.

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The problem is that proposals like this tend to be focused only on BR2/BR3 and do not consider higher BRs.

And I’m tired of BR4 getting thinner and thinner because of it.

I’d be happy to suggest that Mkb should be placed at BR4. But then again, people would be crying that it may meet BR3 etc.
But if the weapons are somewhat comparable to BR3 weapons, they immediately want them to be lower. Great.

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He also hasn’t played Flak 88, but he’s already asking for 3 br

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Changes to BRs should be based on what the BR in question has a shortage or surplus of.

The stats of most weapons can be easily adjusted. But the fact that the Germans currently have literally only one tech tree BR4 assaulter weapon, which a large number of people say should have its BR reduced to BR3. Well, that’s quite a bummer.

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MP38/40 are fine at BR2. It allows players to use historical guns at those BRs.

Posh-41 box mag and PPS42/43 need to all be BR2.

I agree Adamn. Unfortunately too many people think that BR and Tier affect skill or situational games. I.E I use the MP40 at BRV and I think the MP40 isn’t the best, but I enjoy it a lot so I can perform well with it. The K98 IMO is the best bolt action rifle in the game and in BRV it still rocks socks off.

The FG42 variants and the M2 carbine are good weapons, but they’re not the best in any way because some players are better with standard weapons. It all comes down to the player and what system of game console they are using.


Hell no.


No need to get over dramatic :stuck_out_tongue:


Thats not even remotely relevant (or accurate) to the quote you are answering…

Thats why p38 gs were getting spammed and not dauntless bombers right? And why you see bf110s at br 3 and not the stuka d-3

There is more to what makes a plane good than just its payload size. Its a combination, only newbies looks look purely at payload.

…i was suggest putting alot “more” into BR 4???

And even opened mentioning i though BR 5 was too compressed (bloat) and stated why i wasnt touching it (more queues)

All I see is Gerat. Maybe ppsh box, but that’s not a German weapon.

Btw. One Me 410 variant is already BR4.

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Not including the tank Destroyer discussion

  • gerat
  • tiger E
  • me 410
  • ppsh 41 box
  • is 1
  • su 85
  • IL 10
  • m4a2 76 USSR
  • m4a2 76 USA
  • firefly

Then there was discussion about if it was okay for weapons like PPD40 (drum), Kirally, mkb etc etc

I wasn’t really talking about vehicles. There are generally more of then than there are individual types of weapons for each BR.

That’s something I have missed.

Its a discussion and I will be adding to it based on that discussion. Alot of it is Centered around spreading out the bloat that you are complaining about (infact the majority)

In regards to your objections about “being sick of BR 4 getting the shaft”, In addition to the BR 4 entries above, this is what is being discussed (objectively…ignoring the triggered):

And thats Just BR 4

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