Myrm1dons BR Adjustment Compilation (Suggestion)

Sure, but the panther Doesnt “have to angle” :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly I dont mind if they are both in IV…it feels very ww 2 to me. I was more trying to be equal in my opinions for everyone. and that was that panther is harder to Deal with than Tiger

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I was reacting to your suggestion/topic, not to discussion underneath it.

The discussion underneath it is the intent. focus on that.


BR 4 & BR 1 are the only BRs that need attention. Everything else is fine (bar a couple of vehicles) and definitely doesn’t need to move up. Only changes that need to happen is things need to move down.

MKB - BR 4
StG 45 - BR 4
Horn - BR 4
PPD40 - BR 4
VMP 1926 - BR 3
Gerat - BR 4
MP18 - BR 1
IAR - BR 2
StuG G/F - BR 2
StuG A - BR 1
PPD 1929 - BR 3
ERMA EMP 44 - BR 3
Various bolt actions that should move to BR 1.

The BAR definitely does not belong in BR 2.

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They certainly have problem with SMG quantity, but not quality. But IMO thats no reason to bypass BR standards. By all means, Alter their stats to comply.

With the PPSH 41 box, is there an explanation why the same gun, would have less dispersion (0.21) than its Drum mag comrade (0.70)? And less than a 3rd of pretty much every Tech tree smg in the game.

Seems like a rather odd and out of place buff

OR we can just forget about them, let Soviets have their SMGS, including ppd-40 drum (BR 4) but the catch is Germany gets their Early assault rifles (BR 4) without complaint.

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Which is a proof that other howitzer vehicles can easily be added to the game.

ISU 152 can work well in BR5, it even could mount a 50 cal top mounted MG.

For the sake of argument…where do you think the 15cm sIG would sit in the BR tree

since, for all intensive purposes…its the same level of destruction (even more so)


not so sure about some small arms, but tanks destroyers in general really needs better BR at least the ones with average/bad armor.

M10 seriously needs to be BR III.


Yes I have added, I agree. Just missed it when I looked at the list…alot to look at

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It’s just going to be a worse KV-2

It could, but it most likely won’t.

But in fact, I really don’t care if they’re going to add ISU or not.

This is such a bad, impractical and boring vehicle. That no one would play it anyway even if it was on BR2.
On BR2 you have vehicles like m8 scott or m3 lee, on BR3 you have shermans.

It’s kinda sad, because visually it’s really beautiful. At least Achilles is somewhat usable.

That might be true, But it would have a Niche at BR 3 at least. The only Tech Tree US BR 3 tank that can “easily” tackle Tigers from the front in an Uptier (Reliably)

Will make some players consider holding it in their decks (I would anyway)

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It will, since it is in War Thunder.