A Brief Preamble (Opinion)
Before we get on to the main idea, We would like to preface this suggestion with that a more “Permanent” way of earning old event rewards and Research XP/Event tasks by playing “Customs Games” is Preferable.
As this has not shown signs of becoming a reality, this idea is like a Stop gap or a compromise that could easily fit into the game as it is now, as proven By April Fool events, Buying time to improve the core game that appears to be stagnating
IMO A Breath of Fresh Air is is needed over the current setup of “Squads”
“While we still want permanency for custom games, they are a Secondary feature of this suggestion, Its mainly based around a mechanism to earn old event squads and Battlepass Items no longer obtainable via mechanics and features already presented ingame”
TL:DR - Earn Event and Battlepass Squads/weapons and vehicle that are no Longer obtainable. Earn XP and Event/Battlepass Progress while doing event. Re-ocurring event schedule
Following the Appreciation for the April Fools Zombie event, I believe it is a good indicator to introduce a more permanent addition to the game in the form of “Battle of the Month”.
The Idea is to offer an “Official” Monthly “Scenario/Battle” which will run between 1-2 weeks, complete with leaderboards and recycled rewards such as past events/Profile Portraits/Posters, Twitch Drops and Battlepass items.
When I say “Official” That means that “All XP, Silver, Tech Tree Research, Event and Battlepass tasks” will be received as normal while participating in the “Battle of the Month”
Note: “New” Item/Squads events will remain unchanged, but this will replace the “minature” events that recycles past items.
As a Custom game mode, it will not be bound by the rules set in the “Squads” game mode and instead will have its own unique rule sets that will differ from month to month.
“This is a nice way to bring back just a little bit of everything that players miss dearly or long for, and appeal to the Community as a whole.”
This could include mechanics, features and modes that already exist, such as:
- Re-enact Battles aligned with significant dates, with Historic weapon and vehicle Matchup (that Is unachievable in Squads mode) The much elusive “Historical Accuaracy”
- Hardcore, No HUD
- Using new mechanics such as squad Spawn cost from Titan Rise event for more powerful equipment.
- PVE Events (in the same spirit as the zombie event), Perhaps a Wave defence against a Bonzai Charge?
- Custom Missions that fit the theme, made by the Modding community.
- Test mechanics like Greyzones, Airfields, More players Per game, More Vehicle slots etc etc
These scenarios can be re-used over time, and even better! Voted For by the community.
Concept Battle of the Month:
The Battle of Kursk (obviously there is no map for Kurst, just example)
- 15 players a side
- 5 tank slots, 2 plane slots per team
- Squad Spawn cost mechanic for more Powerful Squads/Vehicles
- Specific Equipment and Vehicles.
*This is just an example with placehold rewards and values etc
Each Month, the Battle will be dedicated to a different Front , and different “Pair of Nations”. They will also be on a 3 month rotation between “ONE Major Battle ” and “TWO Minor Battles ”.
Major Battles will Occur “ONCE” every 3 months for the best rewards.
“All” Battles will have a duration of 1-2 weeks
This will be a platform to earn past unique items
Major Battle = Rare Event Squads/Vehilces OR Past Battlepass Weapons Such as;
Minor Battles = Event Weapons/skins, Alternating with Old Battlepass Vehicle Skins Such as;
To account for players that may have already recieved the Major event rewards (That cant recieve Duplicates), they will instead receive some Golden Eagles/Cards instead.
There will be rewards for reaching a certain “Mile Stone” on an “individual” and on a “Community” level.
Individual Contribution rewards will "mostly be superficial", in the form of Profile Portraits and name tags. There will be some Appearcance card and Silver up for grabs aswell
Community Contribution reward will be the main prize in the form of a returning squad/item/old Battlepass item for everyone that has contributed.
The Community reward will be tailored to what is within reach of the Community, but still a challenge (Possible to Fail). It will be Tallied up at the end the Event.
Concept Battle of the Month Summaries:
There will also be a leader Board, showing Individual Contributions and Overall Community Contribution.
Whats more, we have talented Modders and Mission Creators in the Community, So why not use that to the games advantage? I propose the oppurtunity to have their work featured as one of these “Battle of the Month” events.
Perhaps also a Community Voting to map out the year for What Battles will be each month. This will give eager mission creators a chance to make a scenario. It may just promote more content creators and breathe fresh air into Enlisted!!
There would be a General guideline (to be determined) on the paramaters required to make a scenario eligable for “Battle of the Month”.
An Example could be following a Historical Narrative:
- Must be based on a Chosen Battle
- Must have the Nations/equipment Present in that Battle
From there, creative freedom is encouraged.
Questions, Suggestions and comments are Welcome!
If you got this far, thanks for reading.
Props to @gastanofrizzi for the idea/collaberation.