Suggestion: Monthly Breakthrough

Suggestion: Monthly Breakthrough

I’ve been wanting Breakthrough to make a comeback for sometime. It is in my opinion, the best event format and Reinforcements Received is no where even close. I also really like the idea of just having a monthly event, with rewards themed based on major events in WW2 that occurred during that month.

Yes, I know the rewards are a pipe dream, but you got to shoot high :smiley:

Example could work:

June Breakthrough:

Reward every 2500 points (No Monthly Limit … Get as many as you can get, as often as you can get them.)

  • (50% Chance) 500 Silver
  • (25% Chance) 1000 Silver
  • (10% Chance) 25% XP 1 Games (72 Hour Expiry)
  • (05% Chance) 1x Order for Soldier Upgrade
  • (05% Chance) 1x Order for Weaponry Upgrade

010,000 BP Milestone: Portrait
025,000 BP Milestone: 50,000 Research Points Ticket
050,000 BP Milestone: Event Weapon Ticket
075,000 BP Milestone: 50,000 Research Points Ticket
100,000 BP Milestone: Event Weapon Ticket
125,000 BP Milestone: 50,000 Research Points Ticket
150,000 BP Milestone: Event Weapon Ticket
175,000 BP Milestone: 50,000 Research Points Ticket
200,000 BP Milestone: Event Weapon Ticket
225,000 BP Milestone: Gold Weapon Order
250,000 BP Milestone: Event Squad Ticket

Event Weapon Ticket Can be Claimed for ANY Event Weapon up to 4x of a single kind (If you already have 4, can’t get it again).

  • 2 New Event Weapons: 1 Per Faction Not Having an Event Squad
  • Event Weapon Factions will be opposite Event Squad Factions

Event Squad Ticket Can be Claimed for ANY Event Squad you do not have; however, Squad must be at least 1 year old, or current month’s event.

  • 2 New Event Squads: 1 Per Faction Not Having an Event Weapon
  • Event Weapon Factions will be opposite Event Squad Factions

Research Points Ticket Can be claimed in the shop of a faction to apply 50,000 unallocated research points to the faction.

  • These will also be very valuable to new players in getting research done.

This event could be done monthly, released on the 1st, and can go alongside the Reinforcements Received (because more content).

  • Reinforcement Received Could give 1-2 Event Squad Orders so that you can get the other and a legacy event squad. (I would personally like to see 1 in each event (RR and BT), with 1 more event ticket purchasable with Enlisted Gold, monthly at say 1000 Gold each ($10)).
  • By moving to Event Squad Orders, this should also help alleviate the hype that draws a lot of the player stacking we see where players stack one side to play the new things.

Event Shop: Adding the Event Rewards tab to the shop would allow to separate from the rest of the shop, and give a central area to redeem reward tickets

This could also be used to help introduce a Research Point Sink … Such as the ability to purchase extra squads of a class type (Example Being able to spend say 250,000 Research Points to get an extra Assaulter II squad … either from the pool of legacy squads, or through different companies within the unit, similar to how the Steam pack did with existing squads) I would cap this at 3 per type per faction for logistical reasons (IE not having to make a gajillion of them).


UI Idea for how to purchase


we were thinking something “similar”.


I was thinking of something close to this too


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gib gib gib

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