
Yeah same for me mate, hope they can fix whatever is wrong.

A 30 year gap is just a tiny tiny tiny bit bigger than the difference between the start of 1943 and the end of 1943. Or if I should be more fair, middle of 1942 and the start of 1944. But hey, to you a discrepancy of half a year is probably the same as a discrepancy of half a century.

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It wouldn’t bother me either…

Br stuff made everything a bit weird, and with protos everywhere…

Trying to cling to HA is unhealthy, we’re past that.

@Myrm1don and @gastanofrizzi made a nice mode proposal that would rejuvenate it completely.

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link pls



Here especially:


It’s irrelevant whether the difference was 3 years or 13 years?

It either existed and was issued to troops or it didn’t.

AK-47 is just a couple years away from the battle of Berlin too.

King Tiger doesn’t need to be in Stalingrad either, it’s not like it’s being deleted, there are other maps.


I don’t see any reason why an iconic Stalingrad map shouldn’t at least limit the BS to BR 1-3.

Because, according to the developers, the maps of Moscow are too open to be placed on the place of Stalingrad.
And having only one campaign for high BRs would be extremely pitiful.
Especially because the incetive/focus on high BRs should be higher, because there is more financial potential.

Obviously, it can be readressed once we’ll get more campaigns for Soviets.


Well. I’m annoyed that my full Italian or Commonwealth br 2 lineups appear in Stalingrad or Bulge more often than not.

But what can you do, it’s how it is. Ppl wanted br, and the current system.

Cannot change it much now. What you CAN do that would be productive, instead of trying to change how squad mode works, is support ppl bringing in new ideas, new concepts that would work with HA seamlessly. Like Gastanofrizzi and Myrm1don post I linked some posts up.

You see, it’s bizzare. They proposed a mode that would include re enacted historical battles with historical loadouts, the dream of any HA lover.

Yet. You didn’t even support it and instead keep trying to change something that will not change…

You don’t like their idea? It’s weird.

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I dont understand the deal with moscow when there are literally seelow maps that are infested with greyzone tanks


Yeah, plus Ardennes xD

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The Mouse pointer keeps coming up sometimes in battle without having any menu open
It gets in the way during engagement with the enemy interfering with aiming. Please fix it.


Me too.
Let’s join forces and push for a more intricate MM, the so called “soft rule” that was promised but seems to have been ditched.

However that’s much more difficult than simply limiting Stalingrad to BR 1-3, or even swapping in with “Moscow”.

Ardennes and Normandy BR brackets were changed from 1-3 to 1-5.

I don’t see why Stalingrad must stay half-bastardized.

Where did you get that I don’t like it?

WW2 game mode? Cool, let’s do it.

But that doesn’t make Stalingrad on high BR ok at all.

I kind of disagree with this. Disabling parts of vehicles which forced the crew to leave to repair added an interesting element to combat. Having to choose the right time to jump out in a desperate attempt to repair and save the tank, or on the other end the enemy crew being exposed and vulnerable to attack

D day might be the most covered battle ever.

For obvious reasons

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The new tank scopes are giving me sorta motion sickness…


Gold Order suggestion, give Germany the FM 24/29 as well. They were absorbed into the German arsenal after the fall of France

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Hollywood reasons.

It really needs to be BR3-5 only as well.

I look forwards to trying out the changes… once I am able to play the game again. After the update, I went from reasonably-smooth FPS (albeit on minimum graphics) to less than one frame per second. I’d get better performance playing ArmA 3 on a Tamagotchi.

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