Myrm and Gastanos Battle of the Month Event: (Concept)

re encouraging contribution/ team work, add a top 50% leaderboard benefit to the event, or simply have the personal rewards more pronounced. I think the zombie mode got that balance quite well,

Otherwise I really like the teamowork PvE aspect of the mode, as well the ability to have historically accurate equipment, the realism bros would appreciate.


Sure. Really rewards could be adjusted in what ever way. Was just pushing the concept of unity., Could easily reallocate the rewards where-ever :slight_smile:

(That and I was copy pasting screenshots from the internet…lol)


Question, how would this concept interact with the regular event grinds?? Events for new rare squads/vehicles are still bread and butter of enlisted; are we talking about these coinciding or month on/off?

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up for discussion. Xp Research and Battle Pass tasks would be earned doing the “Battle of the Month” Event

but it might be too much earning a brand “new” event stuff at the same time (Unless it was just a Minor Battle of the month, just a weapon).

Perhaps have a month off OR only run a “Minor Battle of the Month” when a “New” event is running? Any thoughts on that @gastanofrizzi ?

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Enlisted single grind events are such a good idea that even War Thunder was forced to copy them. But Im quite sure no one wants to overwhelm the playerbase with say 3 events at once to grind (even if they overlap, they might psychologically feel like too much).

I could see a situ where something is always on: battle of month, new event grind, new campaign pack to keep the perpetual forever hype going

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The good thing is these events (Custom Battles) can be recycled and re-occur. Takes away the pressure of FOMO (to a degree) because you know it will come around again in time, unlike atm.

so always something cooking! and given opportunity to do it again later! win win

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Well honestly both events can be keep, current event format for reinforcement or date to remember, requires people do just score… So they can be played at the same time


Spoken like a true liberty loving, democracy endorsing, sony hating, Citizen!

It’s a nice concept, really. Makes me think of HD2 a bit.

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wonder where Ive been spending most of my gaming time for the last months :thinking:

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Honkai star rail I regrets nothing

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It’s a shame that otherwise fantastic game is plagued by such a greedy and let’s admit, stupid publisher… That and they’re extremely woke, too… they tarnish all they touch (HD2, FFVII rebirth censored, Stella blade censored…)

It doesn’t make me want to buy the associated console, ever…

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welp…at least they had to cave on the psn account. but anyway I digress!

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Oh yeah i knew that it wouldnt be a problem progression wise at same time. I was more meaning it might be a bit much unique “reward” at once. I know we as players wouldnt mind :stuck_out_tongue:

Wouldn’t it be better to win 20,000 games in 2 days like motivated profile pic prize :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’s a community milestone, which means the entire bassin of players would contribute to reach that goal of 20k tanks in 2 weeks.

It’s just an example ofc.

But I like the idea of community milestones. Makes players feel part of “an army” in a very large battle where every soldier counts, instead of the regular personal rewards.

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Judging by the amount of battles that were played in the zombie event (792,535), mulitplied by the average vehicles lost per normal games (about 8-10 at least in my experience)…then factor in there are 5 tank slots per team in this concept game mode in stead of 2…

this Community Milestone is WAAAAAAY too easy lol

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Shush, it doesn’t need to be hard, it just needs to attract players to re enact those legendary battles :smile:

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Personally, I want them to permanently allow premium account players to grind standard rate experience in big action mods (and other selected good mods) and allow players to complete events and premium battle pass missions in big action and these mods.

That way I have the possibility to add more stuff.

Whatever waiting for other players were always infinity grinding to play is really tiring.

Since I spent time playing big action I probably won’t buy premium battle pass this season again. This is really a waste of economic policy for dev :sweat_smile:

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If you could do that, thats all I would play :slight_smile:

But since Im still building, eventing and buying stuff, I dont really have that choice :frowning:

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DF’s policy towards their games seems to make the player more of a slave to the game task than to enjoy the game, yes you lose the choice, fun is not enough for the player to play custom games