My suggestions after 1.6k battle

Just flag him, bro.

Nah, I’ll get my “shadow army of GUYS” to do it!

Watch out nubs, they will be here SOON!

Plus, I don’t understand what some of you think to gain? From apparently trying to mess with someone who is bringing flaggers or whatever. Doesn’t seem smart to me. But ok?

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No offense, I’m happy to post.
There’s something wrong with your jerky, cocky style. And you don’t understand what I wrote (this could also be my fault, although I don’t think so).

The first few week after the merge it was absolutely fine. I tried every nation, I played a lot. BALANCED!!! most of the time it was full PVP. This period showed that Br2 became good, your own BR is not enjoyable.

You didn’t read the OP carefully, or I worded it wrong. If fight 4-5 vs 4-5 real player in current maps, and they got 4-5-6 bot players / side, this is a “healthy ratio”. For the 10v10 PVP the maps ar to small.

Nope. The merge was necessary because the player base was divided into 12 parts.

Pls tell me… . Airplanes use larger and larger bombs, tanks use larger and larger calibers. What does the infantry get? Some AT gun… How many stronger ATs does the infantry get during development?

A complex question… But.
For example:
You have 100 “weapon” point to arm up your 3 squad.
Kar98k = 3 point
Stg44 = 10 point cost
You have to allocate your resources. You can’t “cheat”. If used 10 stg 44, the enemy gets much more bolt action.

You do not understand. Youtube: HLL bazooka.

I agree. Unnecessary. In this form.
If you got an extra ability, it wouldn’t be used for camping

If the battle is balanced, have the courage to do it all the way through. If you quit, the balance is overturned.
There should be a punishment.

Sure…remove all vehicles and planes because they can “kill” infantry. Only reason this game goes down the drain is because of the pissy players who complain about every fkin thing. Enemy has tank? Oh no…take a plane…use AT gun…Enemy has plane? Take plane too or build an AA gun. People rather cry than use their brains in the game. You have engineer class to deal with tanks and planes if you dont want to/cant use a vehicle yourself. If you nerf tanks any more you can just replace them with WV Beetles. Your basically saying Less of everything…maybe it is the wrong game for you? There is a COUNTER for absolutely everything and it works fine. I have yet to be in a game with too much arty fire or too much anything. Sure some stuff is annoying but it is a WW2 game…I’m sure the men who actually fought there also thought that the enemy tanks are annoying lol :3 This thread has depleted my vitamin stock from my body…must go recharge


the basic premise to improve the game is good, but most points in the post either do not work or dont make sense.

  • the point system doesnt work mathematically (think about it for 5 min).
  • vehicle reduction is boring, we need an expansion to 15vs15 with more vehicles to get a more realistic and epic ww2 feeling, not just 1 random token plane & tank
  • letting people earn vehicles by gathering points would scare away masses of new players (most want to explore the game freely, not having to work while just jumping into a new game)
  • tickets for defenders is nonsense, among other effects it leads to attackers being allowed to NOT attack and just spam explosion effects in the defenders line and reduce their tickets instead of actually capping
  • desertion penalties are nonsense, that point was discussed 1000 times over the last years (no map/mode selection=ppl can only select by leaving bad maps/modes)
  • some other points are good, but people wont take posts like that too serious when there are too many points that straight up are detrimental

maybe counter the arguments and not the style?

really? balanced? BR5 was totally balanced towards axis for first month. there were numerous screenshots of over 90% WR for solo players upon 50 or 100 matches.

i am playing BR2 right now and it is relatively balanced. veterans have much bigger impact on lower BR than on high BR cause of much higher rate of newbies.

do you know why people despise bot players? cause they are simply useless. if maps are too small then suggest 5v5. not 5 human+5 bots vs 5 human+5 bots. you already have enough bots to kill from human player team.

bombs and HE shells are already nerfed. also you didnt ask for stronger AT against tanks, you asked for stronger AT against infantry which simply doesnt make sense.
for stronger AT against tanks check this

also there are several suggestions to give americans m20 or panzerfaust.

newbie brings 9 soldiers with kar98k = 27 points
veteran brings 3 soldiers with stg44= 30 points
who do you think is more effective? more bot soldiers is just more targets for human players.

type rocket launcher, not AT gun.
also i am not sure how effective bazookas are vs anti infantry cause they are shaped charge, so most of the force is focused on point of impact and there is no fragmentation. iirc it is great for destroying cover, but relatively bad for actually killing loads of people inside the room.

i hate when people say courage or ruining fun for others. i play game for my fun and if battles is not enjoyable i will not play it.

  1. battles are often not balanced. specially when 4 tryhards make a team and then proceed to roflstomp enemy
  2. some maps/modes are shit and people auto desert them.
  3. maybe there is some other argument but it is not on top of my head. if you want know more read old discussions.

Hey Para! Nice to meet you!

For example:
You have 100 points to arm up you 3 infantry squad. 1 single soilder cost 3, kar98k cost 3, mp40 cost 10, stg44 cost 15. How you weight it is personal preference. Each player is fixed and receives the same number of points. Extra. If the enemy does not have a high-level weapon (like you), then you must also go with the corresponding one. What you have already developed.

On the current maps? Okey…

It’s still very difficult for new players. The game is not very beginner friendly. It wouldn’t depend on that.

They don’t attack often now either, because they have no chance. But the defenders go to the edge of the gray zone and shoot from there.

If (If!!!) the battle is balanced, it is not fair to leave, you upset the balance. Another way to choose a free map must be found.

Since the merge, the game has become a game for tank campers and flying spammers. And you lose the player base.
It might be better to change it.

Hello, your videos are good.

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Only use for such point system I can think of would be finding equally armed enemies.

Im not going to math side so basicly BR 1-2 max points would be say ~100.
Basicly the 100 points would be all squads with top BR2 guns say mp40 for example.
50 would be more BA’s and less SMG’s

And to make sure the higher BR weapons never appear in low games the STG44 would for example be 101 points.

Point being, I agree with every solution that attempts to find more balanced games be it skill based or equipment points.

And what I do not agree is the high tier weapons appearing in lower tier games due to smaller amount.

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I intended bazooka anti-infantry primarily for fun, I think it is well solved in HLL. (Many things were taken from HLL…)
I won’t answer the rest one by one, because we basically agree…

The balancing system. This was just an example, I wrote that finding a balance requires serious work.

All players can equip themselves with the same amount of power in the main menu (it doesn’t matter if it’s 100 or 1000 “tickets”). You choose the stg44s. If the enemy has Fedorov, you get the Stg. If he only have the PPSH43, you only get the MP40. Creating a balance between bolt action , semi-automatic and automatic weapons is a matter of negotiation. The point is that you can’t go against the enemy with much greater force, and he can’t go against you either. If you get a beginner against you, you must also get the small rifle. If you need full top BR, top dog game, go custom, where the team balance work.

That’s right my friend!
And so you don’t have to rush through the development, but you have to “keep” a lot of each weapon in order to be able to respond as much as possible.
You can and should use all weapons.
It won’t be a rush for top BR.
For example: You have 1000 ticket to arm up your all squad:

  • Kar98k - 3 ticket point
  • STG44 - 15 ticket
  • Tiger II, 200 ticket or more.
  • 1 granade 3
    Etc etc…
    Every player got 1000 point.

If you got full newbie enemy, you got only bolt actions to counter him.

you know why it will never work? cause after a year of a grind you finally get a BR5 weapon that you will never use cause your enemy is only equipped with BA rifles.

Point was rather general and if he doesnt follow rules by being like that and you dont like it you can do that to stop that.

There have been plenty of top dogs for a long time.
Also, I said, a dedicated server is needed for this - custom match. Where the entry is only a BR5 weapon…

And only with the Br5 game play can you grind a special reward premium squad…
Motivation to Br5.

hello likewise!

regarding the point system:
if you use a fixed number, it wont work for people with additional squad slots (11 are possible), so
a point system needs to expanded. easiest would be an average system (maximum average value of points per squad, but that avg also needs to be averaged relative to the amount of soldier & items per soldier).

but: even that doesnt work, since someone with many squads can just make some naked squads with no equipment and give 3 of his squads max tier stuff and simply cycle through only these 3 squads during a game (this principle doesnt even need to be abused that extremely, it just shows the weakness of an averaged point system).
so even an averaged point system does not work with enlisted. trying to come up with another type of point system is not only extremely complicated (in theory and practice) but would also make the game ridiculously complicated for people just to build an army.

thats why there is no point system in enlisted yet (and likely never will), the game the way is designed makes it mathematically impossible to have a good point system.

very simple and linear games like CS have point systems (price of weapons every round); because there everything is straight forward and every player is exactly equal regarding resources.


you dont understand that why it is unrealistic. you want gaijin/DF to go against their monetization model. whole points is to make game grindy so you pay money to get faster access to better weapons that you will utilize against opponents.

at best what you can expect from gajiin/DF is that you get another MM queue for better equipment balancing and even that seems unlikely with current number of players.

I agree with the matchmaking, but I think we actually need more vehicles not less

If there is a fixed ticket quota per squad?
Just an example (!)
1 squad has 100 tickets to configure:
1 soldier 10 ticket points, 1 kar98k 3 points, 1 mp40 10, 1 grenade costs 2 points, etc…
THIS MUST BE PLANNED BECAUSE IT IS JUST AN EXAMPLE (as the new BR system was also built)
But in my opinion, 3 Kar98k soldiers can counterbalance 1 Fedorov.
After that, it doesn’t matter how many squads the player spins.
And you can always get a weapon equal to your enemy’s maximum weapon.
You enter a battle with an AS-44 setup, but the enemy only has an MP-40, you only spawn with a PPS-43.

I know dear Friend, I know.

Do you want to know something, you can cycle tanks faster by having an APC and tanker squad in same group, spawn as tank, die, spawn as APC, die, then Tanker is gonna be ready after a cooldown. It gave me lots of points in BR1-3 (cycled between T-28E and GAZ-AAA). Only works if both tanks aren’t used and if less than 3 APCS where spawned

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