My suggestions after 1.6k battle

Dear Developers!

I playing the game since 2021, I have 1600 battles, completed almost all the events, I bought a total of 2 years of premium and 2 squads so far. I actively play other games with similar themes.

In the case of Enlisted, one of my eye cries and the other laughs…

Take my suggestions, please consider a few………

  1. Match Making and balance in games:

In the few weeks after the merge, it was perfect. You are able to create a balanced games. Nowadays, the game is often unenjoyable because of it. Thats a main problem.

Suggestions, solutions:

  • Fewer real players, more BOT players, but on both sides approx. just as many real players. If wait 8 German axis player, and only 3 Allies (USA) player, just make three separate games.
  • DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE WAITING TIME. A good battle lasts 20-30 minutes. Players are willing to wait, JUST LET THE BATTLE BE BALANCED! A 3-4 minute wait time (for the battle) is okey.
  1. Bring back the PVE character to the game:

In 2021 this game started out as a PVE / PVP mix but was more of a PVE. And its fine. After the merge, the game became a massive PVP. What do most of the “real” players do? Spam the plane and camp with tanks.

Suggestions, solutions:

Try to have a maximum of 4-5 vs. 4-5 real players in a battle, even less in high BR. All other profiles should be BOT.

For the massive PVP, there is the server-based (custom) game, also get XP with it, but less!

  1. Let’s get back the infantry centric game, nerf the planes, tanks:

One of the biggest problems in my opinion. A significant part of the player base plays almost only with tanks and planes, which is OP. This is not fun for infantry centric players.

Suggestions, solutions:

The game start only with infantry. Tanks and planes can only be unlocked with infantry points in battle. For examle: for the tank, need to be 20 infantry kill. (As in War Thunder ground battle, the planes)


Or, a single player can use them a maximum of a few times.

Or give a ticket system (the team can use a vehicle max. 10 times in 1 battle).

Remove the armor pen indicator, aiming circle. Remove all arcade sh_t. (As in War Thunder realistic battles)

  1. Anti „try hard” squad system, balanced squad line up.

I can go into battle with 4 assaulter squads, its 16x MP40, 4x MP13 and some. And I totally dominate the infantry in Br II. This is not okay.

Suggestions, solutions:

Let’s come up with a balanced squad lineup. Max. 1 assaulter, max. 1 MG, maximum 1 APC squad. Limit the amount of OP squads.

  1. Rethink the merge, let everything be one, weapon based balance.

Yes, let every BR fight everything. BUT!

All weapon get unique „BR balance point”. For example MP40 get 40, de Kar98k get 10, the Conders MG get 100, etc. THIS MUST BE WORKED OUT WITH THE COMMUNITY!

As many weapons (total points) you bring into battle, these get you BR.


Weaker weapons (low BR points) should get inversely proportionally higher XP! A bolt action kill should cost twice as much as an MP40. So it makes sense to fight against a stronger opponent.

  1. A little bit slow down the game.
  • Less tank (only 1 at same time)

  • Less plane (only 1 at same time)

  • Less sub- and machine guns

  • Less granade, AP mines or TNT. (Only 1 from these with one soilder)

  • Less grenade launcher rifle

  • Less arty strike!!!

  • Slower heel.

  1. BUFF the Engineer.
  • If I built rally point, in any case, I can use it first. I don’t have to wait in que, there shouldn’t be someone in front of me who has zero rally points.

  • Faster Rally build.

  • Add OP (Out Post, from Hell Let Loose). This can be done in a few seconds, but only my own squad and/or platoon mates can use it. Not the whole team.

  • The enginner build weapons (AA,AT) mark in minimap for everyone!!! Now it’s hard to find them, only the engineer can see them in minimap.

Buff the infantry AT guns against the infantry:

  1. BUFF Infantry’s AT guns:

As in Hell Let Loose. The soldiers should be torn apart by the AT gun, if I shoot into a room there should be great destruction. Copy the HLL AT gun mechanics against the infantry.

  1. BUFF the Sniper squad:
  • Add flare gun, or/ and reacon plane ability.
  • You can “spawn on it” near the soilder, like in Battlefield V.
  1. Add historical accurate skins.

For weapons. Each type, due to production and processing, they looked different. These can be unlocked (as PPSH, PPSH parkerized). Different colored metal, different colored wood ink.

If I use a weapon a lot, it will look more worn and used. Example, my favourite Kar98k after 500 battles, look worn, scratched. The new weapon should have a new look.

Add face skin for the soilders.

My most used soilder, after 500 battles, his face should be scarred, look like a veteran.

The newbie should look like a kid, young.

  1. Others:
  • Add „cool down” time to capture in Invasion mode. In full unbalanced battles, many „tryhard” guy capture the point, and after 20 sec. capture the next, because the paratrooper class really sped up the game. Add 1-2 minutes cool down to captures.
  • Add ticket size for the defenders. The attackers come with 1000. Why do defenders have infinity? So the defenders push bravely.
  • Massive punishment for deserters.
  • Where is the legendary Flak88 ??? ?
  • Add some fix AA and AT guns to maps. These may be destructible, but let them be.
  • Night maps, game mode.
  • Nerf the melee attack. Now its a yoke and unreal.
  • Give perk to defend against AP mines.
  • Flying helmets (headshots)
  • Add BR filter to squad list menu.
  • Add „armour defender” XP point to infantry. If I kill infantry as infantry near the tanks, get more XP, for defend the armour. 20-30 meter radius near tanks.
  • The German Tunisia Para squad put down to BR II.
  • Add some long time grinded, unlockeable premium squad.
  • Add recruiting program (as in World of Tanks).
  • Add some Tarkov mechanism. I don’t know what. But something that can sometimes be gleaned from battles is unique and comes together little by little.

I’m sure the game will change.



How did the game start as PvE?

balanced games? my 95% WR axis from that time would disagree.

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Do you want slower game? Go play Cuisine Royale.

Definitely do not touch my vehicles for which I have paid for!!!
This game supposed to be full of action and fast. Not for some sleepy Joes.


quite sure populated games was exactly what people asked for.
What they have failed miserably is the balancing between solo players and stacks.
Also lack of anykind of matchmake that takes personal skill in account.

theres the zombie mode, enjoy.

pretty much was the case in not popular campaigns before merge.
So much fun to kill bots in berlin, not.

It already is.
Only problem currently is the yet again broken mechanic that allows people to rotate 3 planes and do suicide spam without any restrictions, especiatly defenders.

ironicly the BR1-2 is the only place where I find automatics somewhat balanced.
The god fk horrible dispersion makes sure that people dont snipe with Mp40’s.
Unlike in BR5 the BA user wont stand a chance in any range against fg42.

Sure, as long as it doesnt down tier people with KT2 to BR1 just because rest of hes squads are equipped with spade.

Id say the current 75mm in br1-2 is already rather powerful and spammed accordingly.
I find it slightly amusing that you are concerned about tank spam but want to replace it with AT gun spam ?


nah you had 1 side full of players and one side half with players and half with bots.

how about if you want PVE you go to customs? i am happy with PVP.

it is mathematically impossible to have significant playerbase that only plays tanks and planes. there is some toxic extreme minority that cycles planes, but overwhelming majority of players play infantry also.

nope. you could abuse this with different loadouts to farm low BR players.

i wouldnt even be that much against this, but simply not realistic.

brought numerous times on forum, just read old discussions.

AT guns perform depending on their caliber. smaller guns suck vs infantry while bigger guns can be very deadly.

buff it by removing it.

The 4 member platoons a separate case. It’s not easy with them. This also needs to be regulated.

Okey, but pls. Its a WW2 shooter game… Lol :smiley: (Zombie is fun. Ok… )

Before merge the players base broken into 12 parts (6 campaign, 2 side). After the merge only 8 parts. If the merge is “merge” (all in one), that won’t be a problem.

Nope. To many tank and plane spammer in low and high BR. Thats the “easy” way the game. And its kill the infantry game play. 1 tank, 1 plane…

Yes, as I wrote, the amount of powerful, automatic weapons must be regulated. Regardless, Tryhard is annoying even in low BR.

A minimum must also be set. Yes.

I think you didn’t understand what I wanted. Check out how the AT gun does against infantry in HLL.


Thank you for failing to raise the intellectual level. It would have been wiser to remain silent.

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He doesn’t learn quick that one. Thats why he got flagged a lot last time lol. Then proceeded to cry about it.

Dumb idea.
That would mean less potential players in CPs because 2-4 are using vehicles and if the sole remaining inf dude is playing as sniper or mortars, you only have bots left.
Also there was no PvE in this game.

Dumb. Would make winning teams even more devasting.

Sounds like a usefull tanker or pilot.
And we cant have that.

Also dumb. Would again glorify winning teams more.

Only if we get better armor and plane models, better AA guns and better servers.
And this anti-Arcade bs is weird since Enlisted is arcade.

1x is too low.

Maybe only with points for guns.

This is all weird and over the top… and one grenade per squad? Yeah sure, sounds like fun.

Egoistical douche.

That doesnt make sense when you also want to limit tanks and explosive.

Arcade as hell and that was not how the flare gun worked in BFV iirc.

Are already ingame for the basic part

Mumbo jumbo and honestly like this whole topic.

Better not mess with thing people pay for, is my suggestion though. 1.6k battles…

Customs then :person_shrugging:

before the merge problem was divided playerbase, berlin for example was botfarm for axis due to fact that soviets disliked the berlin due to having worse tanks and what ever reason.
aka botgames.

Which is why people wanted merge, to not have boring botgames.
You are artificially trying to bring them back.

Regardless of BR ive never had issues with 2 tanks or 2 planes.
Only issue ive encountered is the exact 3 plane rotating dipshits that do nothing but hvar suicide attacks.

Well okay KV1 in BR2 is bit lame and shouldnt happen il grant that.

BR5 is fine as it is.

BR1-2 or even BR3 is where the bolt actions are good.


As offtopic side note, id like to remind you that you failed to bring any actual argument to subject of bodyarmor.
This other guy brought stats, proving how it turns a 2 hk gun into 3hk gun against bodyarmor.

And as soon as u figured that out there wasnt much you could do with ur circlejerk buddies than flag the comments.
Good arguin from your side :+1:

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Overall, some limit is nice, but this level of micromanagement is borderline communism but with lack of fun instead of lack of food.

I remember it differently, but ok. Whatever makes you sleep at night, I guess.

Ok dokie “intellectual”. Don’t you have to whine somewhere else now?

what a shocker, but enough of that. No point to argue it any further since the flagging was about only thing you brought to discussion.
That level of high intellegence.

imagine crybaby flagging every post that he cant counter with actual arguments. #skillisue

Yet here you are bitching about flags you twit lol. There are no “arguments” here either. #skillissue

I also wasn’t involved with most of that flagging, so keep being a schizo then. @robihr Only flagged 1 and it wasn’t you.

Learn how to spell too.

Time to sit and enjoy anyone wants popcorn

Nah we done here, before the flags and mods start flying. Would be wiser if the kid just stopped now.

Hell, they probably are already flying. Just a matter of time.

From the customs, i cant get any XP… Every custom is fun… But cant make XP … :frowning:

Limit the number of real players to 4-5 vs 4-5 in one battle, others bots.
All map to little for 10v10 PVP especially for the high br’s infantry. Insta die simulator.

We don’t agree, that’s okay.
I think there are a lot of tank campers, a lot of planes, and few infantry tools against them.
Either you hunt them or you reserve them. Both together are rarely possible.

I worded it wrong… Bazooka, PzFaust and other rocket launchers.