My suggestions after 1.6k battle


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Okay, so you will have the guy who spawns with T-60 and who fights Pz 4 J and can’t do crap

Recon had rally points, flare gun was to mark ennemy positions in a certain radius on the map, wouldn’t work w enlisted overall because maps are too small or it would have a radius like arty or slightly bigger one

It can’t fight in BR3-5, because of it’s main gun, BR4-5 tanks are so strong that you need BR4-5 tanks to counter them with better rounds that can penetrate more armor

I don’t understand the connection… But I don’t think you do either… I’m an Infantry centric player. Tanks and planes should be for support…
Tank, plane - War Thunder…

I wrote primarily to indicate that I supported the game before, because I believe that there will be something more of it.

Surprisingly tr__h community…
Here is my skill issue game play…

you obviously dont. if you can only get weapon equal max weapon of your enemy, then there is no point to grind. if you played with newbies you would be always limited to BR1

if it were 3 human soldiers then yes. but 1 human and 2 bots vs 1 fedorov, fedorov has massive advantage.

So, less peoples play Main game, means longer queue times. Also only some customs games can get exp, but it’s with some conditions

It’s realistic game, and i don’t want Call of Duty gameplay, because Enlisted isn’t COD, also the TTK in Enlisted is super low

Planes are hardly a problem if someone builds an AA gun, you can down ennemy planes with AT rifles when they come close to drop bombs, To counter tank, the plane must do Close Air Support or CAS to kill it w bomb, dive 45° angle, pull around 200-300 m before the ennemy, wait 1 second then drop bomb. Soviets tanks are hardly a problem in Low BR because Germany has Puma and Pz 3 J1 and M which can pen up to 105 mm of armor at 0° angle at 10m and 81mm at 30°, it lowers to 101mm at 100m and 78mm for both angles (0°, 30°) and low BR soviets tanks don’t have lots of angled armor.

Just like Enlisted, AT guns are good

Eh, don’t mind me or take what I say too seriously. I just like to joke around.


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