My suggestions after 1.6k battle

If you read carefully, you would understand, you wouldn’t write things that contradict yourself…

You’d be wiser to keep quiet… You’ll grow up one day, little boy.

You guys flagged all the comment that make sense and that you can’t respond to with argument, because your argument are biased bs.
Very mature.


it is kind of trade off, if you like the PVE games where you can rather easily rack up +300kills against bots, go for it.
But for obvious reasons you dont get the same exp as people that are playing regular mode against other people which obviously is alot harder.

This is exactly what it was on “good day” in berlin axis and even then it was boring as fk.

Havent had much issues in any BR ( except above mentioned 3 plane cycle suicide dipshits) il grant that the wider moscow / tunisia maps would be welcomed change to BR5 map pool.

I never disagreed there aint tanks campping at greyzone or planes in the air.
How ever dealing with them even as infantry is these days rather easy.
Especiatly in BR2 where you can have 75mm AT gun for god fk nows for what reason.
And as you progress in BR tree, the handheld AT weapons becomes as well by far more efficient.

I think they are fine as they are.
Direct hit → insta kill.
I assume your requesting somekind of explosion with them to get more enemies at one hit ? Which is what I disagree again.
Used to have noobtubes that arguably did exact that and it wasnt exactly fun.

If I recall you said you paid for cosmetics, but for some odd reason taking away the advantage off from that said cosmetic upset you quite alot.

But as above said, its offtopic. Wrong topic to defend your paid wheelchair assists especiatly since your “argument” is flagging.

dont post on forum if you dont want opposing opinions. your whole OP was ignorant and i didnt proceed to insult you on that, but provided some actual facts.

  1. you said that first few weeks after merge were ok, when they clearly werent with axis having >90% WR for average player.
  2. you are for bringing PVE back which we never had. we had one side full of players just abusing other side that isnt filled with players. btw i have data to actually prove that
    Enlisted stats- postmerge edition
    although data collection started last year, situation in game has been like that from beginning.

also people wanted merge to actually have full PVP battles.

  1. planes and tanks arent OP. there are numerous counters for them and many of them are with infantry.

  2. balance points idea was already discussed on forum and it has been proven how easy it was for abuse. btw even 1 stg44 in a match with only BA rifles can significantly uplift 1 players performance.

  3. AT guns perform based on caliber/shell. if you buff AT guns against infantry, you will at the same time buff tanks, so go figure.

  4. sniper squad is most useless part of this game cause it encourages people to camp, thus it would be better to remove it rather than buff it.

discussed numerous times on forum. simply no

btw i expect this topic to be locked soon cause OP clearly cant keep himself from insulting anyone who disagrees with him. and clearly OT posts.

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Did I also want less explosive and tank spam and more AT gun spam?

The concept of fun is not the same for everyone.
Currently, the biggest “fun” (XP, kill) in the game is when you spam tanks and planes. Meanwhile, the game is originally a “first person shooter”… If you give space to disproportionate, “unsportsmanlike” behavior, that’s not good. For example War Thunder spawn kill. Some think it’s fun, some think it’s nonsense.

Why are you still trying to knock sense into the cretin? Obviously a troll at this point. I’m just here for the laughs and the Flagusations.

Yes. Low BR at guns weak.

you missed the part of combined arms FPS.

I’m just telling you to save your energy. It won’t get through. But if you want to go on, be my guest.

i am amazed that this topic still stands. mods are usually much faster :stuck_out_tongue:

Only thing you said that made sense for once!

eh once bigote got online im sure something might happen

Just flag him, bro.

Nah, I’ll get my “shadow army of GUYS” to do it!

Watch out nubs, they will be here SOON!

Plus, I don’t understand what some of you think to gain? From apparently trying to mess with someone who is bringing flaggers or whatever. Doesn’t seem smart to me. But ok?

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No offense, I’m happy to post.
There’s something wrong with your jerky, cocky style. And you don’t understand what I wrote (this could also be my fault, although I don’t think so).

The first few week after the merge it was absolutely fine. I tried every nation, I played a lot. BALANCED!!! most of the time it was full PVP. This period showed that Br2 became good, your own BR is not enjoyable.

You didn’t read the OP carefully, or I worded it wrong. If fight 4-5 vs 4-5 real player in current maps, and they got 4-5-6 bot players / side, this is a “healthy ratio”. For the 10v10 PVP the maps ar to small.

Nope. The merge was necessary because the player base was divided into 12 parts.

Pls tell me… . Airplanes use larger and larger bombs, tanks use larger and larger calibers. What does the infantry get? Some AT gun… How many stronger ATs does the infantry get during development?

A complex question… But.
For example:
You have 100 “weapon” point to arm up your 3 squad.
Kar98k = 3 point
Stg44 = 10 point cost
You have to allocate your resources. You can’t “cheat”. If used 10 stg 44, the enemy gets much more bolt action.

You do not understand. Youtube: HLL bazooka.

I agree. Unnecessary. In this form.
If you got an extra ability, it wouldn’t be used for camping

If the battle is balanced, have the courage to do it all the way through. If you quit, the balance is overturned.
There should be a punishment.

Sure…remove all vehicles and planes because they can “kill” infantry. Only reason this game goes down the drain is because of the pissy players who complain about every fkin thing. Enemy has tank? Oh no…take a plane…use AT gun…Enemy has plane? Take plane too or build an AA gun. People rather cry than use their brains in the game. You have engineer class to deal with tanks and planes if you dont want to/cant use a vehicle yourself. If you nerf tanks any more you can just replace them with WV Beetles. Your basically saying Less of everything…maybe it is the wrong game for you? There is a COUNTER for absolutely everything and it works fine. I have yet to be in a game with too much arty fire or too much anything. Sure some stuff is annoying but it is a WW2 game…I’m sure the men who actually fought there also thought that the enemy tanks are annoying lol :3 This thread has depleted my vitamin stock from my body…must go recharge


the basic premise to improve the game is good, but most points in the post either do not work or dont make sense.

  • the point system doesnt work mathematically (think about it for 5 min).
  • vehicle reduction is boring, we need an expansion to 15vs15 with more vehicles to get a more realistic and epic ww2 feeling, not just 1 random token plane & tank
  • letting people earn vehicles by gathering points would scare away masses of new players (most want to explore the game freely, not having to work while just jumping into a new game)
  • tickets for defenders is nonsense, among other effects it leads to attackers being allowed to NOT attack and just spam explosion effects in the defenders line and reduce their tickets instead of actually capping
  • desertion penalties are nonsense, that point was discussed 1000 times over the last years (no map/mode selection=ppl can only select by leaving bad maps/modes)
  • some other points are good, but people wont take posts like that too serious when there are too many points that straight up are detrimental