Move assault rifles and battle rifles to the assaulter class

Here, just as the title says.

There is no need to turn this game into a spray and pray mess.
I would love to see more incentive to use semi autos and bolt actions.

Regular infantry squads with FG42 or AVS 36 are just a no brainer, because:
-they are bigger squads with more soldiers
-they have comparable firepower of light MGs
-they run faster than MG gunners
-They are OHKO not like SMGs
-Every soldier in the inf squad can have one of those very powerful rifles

  • and very important:
    hey get the bonus 35 HP perk in the end while MG gunners don’t and “assaulters I” also dont.

So a very logical conclusion would be to move OHKO assault guns to the assault class.
while giving SMGs to support units like pioneers.


Also guess would be needed then is to remove the 35 bonus HP from “assaulters II”


Agreed. Just head to /enlg/ on the chan and everyone is just gloating about having squads full of FG42s and MG34s.

The FG42 should not be a standard-issue common rifle.


It’s odd we have to make posts about this because it should be common sense from a developer’s point of view. Giving everyone automatics ruins alot of aspects of classes. Why even have classes when they can all run an automatic? This goes for FG42s, AVS, M2s etc


This is not okay


It isnt ok. You have several people without FG42s! What’s wrong with you


In my defense this is a screenshot I grabbed off chan, I would never be so base as to run such a cheese squad.


I’d run the shit out of that squad. All I use is machine guns, and sometime bolts. Gotta go for those high kills

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For me it looks normal and i don’t see reason to hassle with trooper classes anymore. Btw, also in WW2 regular Wehrmacht infantry squad consisted of +/-10 people: it had 1 squad leader with MP40 (assaulter), two machine gunners with MGs and other guys had rifles. In fact MGs were the main asset in squat tactics to give proper supressive fire towards enemies, riflemen had supporting role. If MG’s are removed squat don’t have firepower anymore.

Okay, in game you can have 3 Machine gunners, it’s not a big deal. Let’s say that’s reinforced squad. In that picture above only thing that doesn’t fit in are FG-42 but that’s also arguable because historically they were used on D-day.

In picture is my infantry squad.

Correction: ordinary infrantry squad had 1 MG but panzergrenadier infantry squad had 2 MGs to at least two MGs are perfectly fine.


Also the wide amount of G43s and G41s is massively exaggerated in game. Maybe one per squad. They were far more common on the eastern front than Normandy anyway. The only country with entrie squads of semi autos was America


just remembered, i think battlefield 1942 had an assault class which had no special perk besides having a more powerful weapon. like the Bar or STG.

This is true, I realize it’s a video game but I’d much prefer it if the squads had the right amount of soldiers and if each squad had the proper rifle and mg composition.

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How can you even put these guns in the same league? Compared to the FG42 the AVS has: 70% less total ammunition, 65% more vertical recoil, 30% more horizontal recoil, 25% smaller mags with a slightly longer reload, and a ROF of about 10% less than the FG42.

The DP-27 has half the vertical recoil of the AVS with more ammo in one pan than an AVS w/ large ammo pouch has in totality. I would not consider that a no-brainer.


You do realize I dont put them in the same class right? The GAME does or is reading comprehension hard to understand? Why are you bringing a LMG into this argument, it cant be used by everyone. The entire point of this thread are the weapons that can be equipped by every soldier not LMGs or SMGs


Did I reply to you or to OP? Which of us lacks reading comprehension?

So are you trying to say that because they arent as good as a DP 27 that nah it’s fine! Let everyone have one!

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why so salty? sure thing these weapons have different rates of fire and recoil, but they are full auto and kill with one shot.

So comparing them to each other makes more sense than comparing MGs to SMGs for example.

I mostly compare here in this post by “Hits to kill” because thats just what matters to me the most, thats also why i put emphasis on the 35HP bonus perk.

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I really like the idea as im tired off some pay to win discord admin destroying me just because he paid for the best stuff and has a squad full of 9 guys all with fg42s and grenades. Unfortunately, something about this just doesnt sit right but im not sure why, perhaps maybe they instead add a “heavy assaulter” squad for automatic rifles as there isnt much of a point in submachineguns if i can carry something that is both full auto and a one hit down

FG42 do not kill in one shot, only in the upper body, in mid they get downed instead of dying i know cuz i owned it.

If they did nerf the FG42/ M2 Carbine they would need to refund all of my purchases on these guns. I’m sure im not the only player who bought gold for them for my squads.

FG42 on assault please makes 0 sense though, Germans need the STG44 for the assault class to make it viable. We’ll just need the paratrooper class like from Heroes and Generals that is airborne into objectives fir balance purposes

These are rifles btw, not machinegun.