Move assault rifles and battle rifles to the assaulter class

Secondly i plan to play Berlin for the AVS, if they did made changes please bear in mind it will upset paying customers. not to mention the Russian Players might not be happy seeing their AVS getting removed, if it was removed, all the other nations would also need to be removed too which I would strongly against it. Trooper class is very weak without these weapons, you got to think of the bigger picture

“Oh look at me, im going to pay for full cheese for a game that is in Beta where things CAN change all the time, if you change or improve the game i want my money back”

sweet jesus, moving guns to a different class wont “remove” your investment, however your gibberish wont allow for any game development.
Thats like saying: "Hey I just spent 500$ just to skip the entire US Normandy campaign so I can play the Jumbo Sherman, and if they change that in any form like adding a german counter tank or replacing the Jumbo instead, then I DEMAND my money back.


And what did you do to support the game financially wise?

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I agree with him, and I’ve dumped some $200 into the game between my purchases. This is a beta, things can and should change to improve the overall balance for the ultimate release of the game. If you spend money at this phase of the game, you do so with the understanding that that is the state of things, because it makes things rather clear that we are still in a beta development phase.

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And I spent 5x of that amount. While I understand things are in Beta and can be changed, for example I bought the 1 year premium for 9990 gold before they went into this for the Discount, same with Premium Squads on Normandy.

But for putting FG42/ M2 Carbine onto assault sounds very retarded. They were rifles, note for FG42 they should just add a Paratrooper class like in Heroes and Generals

If FG42 were removed M2 Carbine and the Russian Equivalent would also need to be removed then, else it wouldn’t make sense. I’ve already have full squads (5+) for US and Ger with M2 Carbine and FG42.

Gunner class and Assault is much better than FG42/ M2 Carbine in CQC/ M2 Carbine is okay but the Sight is too much and needs a nerf or buff

Removing these will also make the trooper class very much useless, especially for the AI, the default one shot rifles the AI don’t do well with it, only the Player

Meanwhile a lot of people have reported the opposite with one-shot rifles. Regardless. While I personally don’t want the FG42 to be removed, I do think it needs to be rebalanced. It would better fit as a gunner weapon. While I do think troopers should get an automatic weapon, I think that should be the MP43/1 and M2 carbine for each faction respectively. The FG42 is too powerful a weapon to be a general purpose weapon, and is in line with the likes of the BAR, which is class restricted.

If this is not done, then it should have a closer contemporary on the allied side, like the Johnson 1941 LMG. But that isn’t the ideal outcome, in my opinion.

Best option would be a Paratrooper class imo. Like they did with Heroes and Generals, where you airborne straight into objectives. it would counter planes so hard

Gunner class wouldnt make sense, as MG34/42 is still superior and it would render the FG42 useless. And they werent really Machinegun but it was Automatic Rifle, Germany Technology

Assault wouldnt make sense either, SMGs would be the assault class

The devs put these on Troopers until they added Paratroopers i guess

Why don’t gunners make sense, just because FG42 wouldn’t be the best-in-class weapon for Gunners, doesn’t mean it doesn’t fit that class. It’s like saying that americans shouldn’t have the BAR for gunners and it should be given to troopers instead because the M1919 would render it useless. (whenever we manage to get that.)

Just let the Devs decide on this imo. best fix is still the Paratrooper class which is what the game needs

I disagree that a paratrooper class is needed or would be beneficial to the game as it stands, as maps would need to be designed with such in mind, and it would largely defeat the linear gameplay of game modes like Invasion. (at least, assuming, paratroopers were able to paratroop onto the map, as you suggested)

As a standalone class, without such novel mechanics, there’s little benefit to it over just incorporating their elements into the gunner and assaulter classes.

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And in regards to balance, The M2 Carbine is in need of a serious buff to counterbalance the FG42. The sight on M2 Carbine is abysmal. Same with the Recoil, its too high for some reason as opposed to Heroes and Generals

It would certainly force the Defenders to stay more on Point, as no one bothers to defend on point most of the time

You’ll never know unless it was put into the game. Well the Bar were put into squads as a Light Machinegun in mind. Heroes and Generals has maps similar to this game anyway, and it also had conquest and such

Taken from Wiki
The FG 42 (German: Fallschirmjägergewehr 42, “paratrooper rifle 42”) is a selective-fire 7.92×57mm Mauser automatic rifle

The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR or B.A.R.) is a family of American automatic rifles and machine guns used by the United States and numerous other countries during the 20th century.

Although the weapon did see some action in World War I, the BAR did not become standard issue in the US Army until 1938, when it was issued to squads as a portable light machine gun.

Anyway lets stop here, and leave it to the Devs to decide on Paratrooper class and such.

The thing is, if we talk about a paratrooper class, then its seems like the entire class would just exist because of the FG42, and since paratroopers dont get dropped into hotzones, they would just spawn like regular units.

how about instead of calling it a “paratrooper” class its just going to be something like a “commando” or “elite” class.

Germans get their FG’s, Us gets johnsons ( cuz they actually got used by special units in Europe)
and the brits get their supressed Stens or some vickers or who knows what…

However do we really need more classes? i mean this stuff could just as much fit into the assaulter class…


Heroes and Generals Paratroopers is cool as hell, i’ve had 1k hours in it. You dropped into zones, you would need perks for instant fall otherwise the parachute automatically opens. with a perk you can do it near the ground so a stealth run. So it works very well in Enlisted with the Perk system. I suggest 4-5 star solders have the Free Fall Perk

Heroes and Generals and Enlisted both are quite similar, u would know if u played it. Paratroopers definitely fits in Enlisted

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So you are suggesting completely unrealistic and absurd thing because:
a) noone would ever drop their soldier over an active combat zone, because that would be A slaughter - paratroopers have no option to defend themself when falling, so enemies would shoot them like a ducks
b) opening parachute few meters above ground is another layer of COD like bs nad should not be A thing
There is no place for paratroopers in Enlisted. Just because other games do absure things it doesn’t meant that Enlisted should too


I guess you didn’t even bothered to watch the video? Both games are extremely similar to nature, paratroopers can drop themselves onto Buildings to take out enemies/ key targets. Or onto tanks that are camping to destroy them.

Please if you dont know what you’re saying just stop.

And on Heroes and Generals once dropped i can take out 5-7 guys defending a zone btw. You made it sound like its impossible. Obviously, paratroopers required good skills as the player, which i Have.

I not talking about H&G - I’m talking about real war and how paratroopers were used. They were dropped behind enemy lines to capture important points, cause diversion etc. Not dropped over active battlefield with tanks, artillery and many soldiers ready to massacre defenseless paratroopers falling from the sky.
I just watched that video and see that it is exactly as absurd as I expected - jumping on the buldings and opening a parachute few meters above them. Thats a recipe for breaking your legs at best, not succesfull paratrooper drop. There is a reason why you need to open your parachute over 1000 meters from the ground (minimum).

And again - even if other games do introduce na like this there is no reason to do that in here, at least not in the current state. Maybe if someday we get the whole maps available, so there will be space to introduce proper parachute jumps. But definetely not now.


Dude, yes sure, both games have tanks aircraft and infantry, so does battlefield, even cod 1 uo had tank battles. So what? Heroes and generals has a ridiculous dmg modell, and the number one thing for me even playing this game is the unforgiving and rather realistic aspect of this game.

Yeaaa you got too many auto guns and that kinda breaks the immersion, but at least you dont see ppl going full batman halo drop from roofs, while shooting rocket launchers at you like battlefield does.

Paradrops into a combat zone is just straight Hollywood bullcrap and besides the “wow how cool” factor it adds nothing to the gameplay, in fact it even destroys the entire “pushing the frontline concept” of the game. Spawnpoints are already too important and useful at avoiding this “pushing the frontline concept” and remove the punishment from loosing your squad, falling right into the objective would just straight up destroy the gameplay. What next? Spawning right at your teammates like Battlefield does? That would be the end of this game.

Your Idea is horrible from a gameplay standpoint as well as from a realism standpoint.


What a bloody drivel. Paratroopers in H&G is a cancer used mostly by noobs to farm credits cheaply. There is no skill in landing on a random inaccessible roofs or tree tops (most of them are patched now) and then taking shots at people who are not even in the combat. What they do 99 out of 100 times is just land on a point that was captured 20 seconds ago by enemy, cap it, then die because enemy came back to clean it up. It only prolongs matches without any real effect. But it gives plenty of XP to paranoobers as they cap points.
Not only this thing ahistorical, it’s a pure, refined cancer gameplay for trolls.


No one gives a shit if you whale a large amount like a fool
That doesn’t make your opinion worth any more than anyone elses
There are things that need to change to make the game better
Like limiting full auto weapons to certain classes
Removing the Jumbo
Nerfing German CAS
Regardless of what people who paid shitloads say