
Still a problem, they need that overhaul ASAP

I was lucky and got a few grenade multikills. In the meanwhile, RTS and InFun3 were using mortars. This is less than 2 minutes into the game. They both finished with above 150 kills.

Note that mortars can be used from spawn, aka they have spawn protection, and can shoot into the enemy spawn, without repercussions.


Honestly, if there’s at least one mortar squad on each team, the easy solution is to ping the map with their location, visible to maybe everyone, but at least to enemy mortars to provide an incentive to relocate to avoid counterbattery fire.

I didn’t think this game had spawn protection, I’ve seen coordinated enemy armor camp spawns, but I’m not sure if we were being killed in spawn or just outside it.

spawn protection as you can not physically enter enemy spawn and generally, there is a building preventing line of sight into the enemy spawn. Meaning anything that can’t sit at the sidelines, like tanks, or anything that can shoot into spawn without line of sight (planes, mortars), can not spawn camp.

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Spawn protection only applies to infantry. It also is a timer, I dont know the exact number but I think its 20 seconds after spawn

Would be good to see any developer say anything really, just to see what they think should be the direction to go by.


please for the love of god nerf these things. 1 cap just cappedm already 75 kills?

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Waaait a second. Do mortar squads get unlimited ammunitions?

you can request more ammo from your squad if you run out of ammo, so kinda

nope, 10 shells per soldier or 20 with 100% more ammo perk.
max 4 mortar soldiers in mortar squad and 2 more each in booth other inf squads
80-120 shells total and no ammo resupply from squad

atm the (almost) only option is spamming shells on flags if u stop bots will cap it)

bf4 mortar ping would make mortar game play less ez and more fun.

give spotter part of kill score to motivate spotting) [ez]

atm the (almost) only option is spamming shells on flags if u stop bots will cap it)

Well I’ve seen spawn camping with them as well. There are plently of known choke points where you can just aim at with map aim. Mortar squads always get insane ammount of kills every match where there are non-enclosed cap zones.

no time and no real sense to switch target, bots cap fast.

without bot leaded squads it wont be such a big problem coz ppl will anyway camp outside flag avoiding cap zone)

I still think the mortars should at least be somewhat of a challenge to aim.

I want BF1942(2002) type motor…
It is like this :
(direct shooting) 【BF1942 FHSWシリーズ各国共通火器】81mm迫撃砲 - YouTube
(indirect shooting) BF1942-indirect motor test - YouTube
Map aim is not good.
I want to be sneaking on front line, set up observation point, and adjust motor.
Of course, motor will be on the behind the front line in such a situation. But if killed me(on front line), my team will be unable to adjust motor, so continue shot same point. enemy will escape.
In order not to let camping cap zones, it is may be good that reset motor direction at such situation.
(English not my first language.)

Well the mortars got nerfed according to some of the suggestions of this thread. Now the concern is that no one exactly knows what a 50-200m looks exactly like, and since there is no more trajectory marker, you can’t judge rounds landing unless you have a clear line of sight. They should probably add in the minimap some form of range bar estimate or have some form of capability to range find. Otherwise doubt mortars are gonna find much usage

You got a range marker to the capture zone, making the weapon useless to aim at anything else. Although I feel like I was consistently overshooting my target under 75m even when i set the range right to where the game tells me to put it based on the distance to the point. The mortar also feels less accurate than how it was when you could map aim. You can put map markers on the map, i think you should be able to read distance off those markers, as placing them takes a while.

We dont want to buff mortars too much though as they still have little to no counterplay

happy now?=)

Well the mortars got fuckdup according to some of the suggestions of this thread.

whats next tanks or planes?

We dont want to buff mortars too much though as they still have little to no use

bf series is completely different and should be never referenced, just like arma :wink:

Well they were a niche weapon, sure, but they have little to no counterplay options, which makes them extremely hard to balance. I think I prefer them useless over overpowered.

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As of update These changes have been made to mortars:

  • Mortar accuracy has been increased.
  • Mortar max range has been increased.
  • Mortar trajectory is no longer visible.
  • When shooting a mortar you can now aim by adjusting the targeting distance and controlling the direction through conventional minimap. The special mortar map with a targeting marker has been removed.

Read Here for the full list of changes.

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sure? I’m not…

i’m a nub, please tell me how to hit, at least aim on, a target thats not on a flag